Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1320 is brewing emotions

"Although there is a sentence called wine, I spit the real words, but I am afraid that you wake up and don't pay."

When Shen Jiayi, Li Feng smiled.

"Ah?" Shen Jiayi continued to force, her nowhere is indeed unleafer, but she is indeed a truth after drinking.

Specifically, she is a strong and bold, she doesn't drink this, she will never say this.

"This way, I will help you wake up, if you still say this, I will stay with you."

Li Feng smiled slightly, reached out in Shen Jiayi.

In the body, the alcohol in Shen Jiao is excluded from the alcohol in the body, and it has filled a wine.

Shen Jiayi originally red face recovered the original color, and his eyes became clear.

"Hey ... Where is this?"

Shen Jiayi looked with some swelling heads, turned to look at the surrounding environment, and the eyes were somewhat awkward.

After a wake up, there will be a mess of thoughts for a while, and you need to carefully.

Therefore, Li Feng did not answer Shen Jiayi, but after waiting for a minute, asked: "Is it just what happened just now?"

Shen Jiayi's low-spirited lower head: "It seems ... I think of a little bit."

"Oh? Tell me what you think of." Li Feng smiled.

"Oh ... still don't say it, so much." Shen Jiayi did not drink the steps of the disc slice, and I said what I said after drunkenness or remember it.

So she really is really wine, now the wine is awake, and I started.

"Well, then you will take a rest, I will go to the living room waiting for you."

Li Feng smiled, then left here.


Shen Jiayi once again called him again, two hands grabbed the corner, he said: "You give me some time to brew the emotions."

She knows that this is the best time to break through the relationship between ordinary friends, but she lacks the courage from this step.

The smile on Li Feng is more concentrated: "Do you make sure you want to brew your mood?"

"Ah?" Shen Jiayi looked up.

"I am a man who has a wife, not only this, I still have a lot of women." Li Feng said with a smile.

"... a lot of women?" Shen Jiayi made a question mark.

This sentence is very understanding, but Shen Jiayi has not turned around for a while.

Li Feng nodded: "Yes, if you can't accept it, you don't have to brew emotions."

Shen Jiayi's heart is sinking: "Then you are right to me ..."

Li Feng point: "Like."

"Ah?" Shen Jiayi did not expect Li Shuanghui to say this, and the whole people were at the scene.

"You are very gentle, very beautiful, it is difficult to let men like, isn't it?"

In fact, when I first saw Shen Jiayi, Li Feng likes to get on this body tall, the face is beautiful and knows the book of the book.

Just like this, I don't mean love, is a man who is purely appreciated by a woman.

This is a world that looks face, a man is hard to like a beautiful woman, a woman is hard to like a handsome man.

However, if you want to generate love, you need to get along with you. After deepening, you may have a spark of love, you may find some or a few shortcomings that you can't accept, and then disillers.

Until, Li Feng was short-lived with Shen Jiayi, he found Shen Jiayi more advantages. These advantages have made Li Feng to the development of Shen Jiayi's favorite to love.

Shen Jiayi's face is red, and the heart is not angry and the fast beating: "Can you talk about the story of those women?"

"They ... this can be said to be long."

Li Feng will briefly introduce the relevant situation.

Li Feng is really a lot, but he never deceives women, and will not tell others that he is single without a number of women.

He will give Shen Jiayi's right to choose the right, if Shen Jiayi mentions, he will cut off the situation between the two.

"In fact, you are not bad."

After listening to Li Feng's story, Shen Jiayi's eyes once again raised the color of it.

Although Li Feng woman is really a lot, he is sincere for every woman, and he has to take them home.

Perhaps this is the trick of Li Feng, but Shen Jiayi is rather than I believe this is true.

"Do you have a praise?" Li Feng couldn't help but.

"Calculate it." Shen Jia should nod: "If we are together, will you marry me?"

"I think this should be for me." Li Feng took the smile and said, "I want to marry you, are you willing to be with me?"

Shen Jiayi only felt that the heart was trembled, the whole body floated in the air.

"I am willing!"

Shen Jiayi finished, closed his eyes.

Li Feng's mouth hook, know what to do next.


"Hey, congratulate the host, save the goddess Shen Jiayi (2) The task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 2 million experience value, 5 million system points reward."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get all the love of Goddess Shen Jiayi, reward 200 conquest points."

"Hey, congratulations, who is proclaimed by Goddess Shen Jiayi progress, the current progress is 100%."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience value: 9102 million 10 million

System score: 213 million

Conquer points: 3229

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: "Titanic" birth, Booler Joy's request

"I seem to have a hot gas in my body."

After a long time, Shen Jiayi took out from the strange feeling, and then found that he was not too much before.

"This is the benefit of" cultivating "with me." Li Feng smiled.

Shen Jiayi's eyebrows pick: "cultivate?"

When Li Feng, Li Feng said the "mutual benefit" is over again.

Shen Jiayi listened to the eyes of the eyes, the brighter, heard it later, I couldn't help but excited: "Is it so amazing? No, I have to be a Supreme strength!"

After reading the magic of Li Feng, Shen Jiayi is very forward to the martial arts, but she knows that this kind of thing is needed, and the other is an opportunity.

She has not been exposed to the martial art so much yet, and there is no hope in this life.

I have never practiced that Li Feng can become a military strong, that is hesitant, must be trained every day!

After a few times, Shen Jiayi finally slept, and it was already late.

Li Feng is not sleepy, take out the Dragonhead bronze statue to play for a while, then take two photos to the mobile phone, and send it to Weibo: "Casually get two treasures, for everyone take a look."

At this time, Huaxia is during the day. As a super blogger of Weibo powder, Li Feng's microblog will be sensational after the entire network!

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