Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1321 asks you that you are not angry

In less than an hour, Li Feng's Weibo rushed to the first.

"Lying in the trough, what I saw, the dragon's bronze statue followed the legendary" Lanting Collection "? Lee, don't tell me that these are true."

"Dragonhead bronze statues may be true," Lanting Collection "Even if you lose for hundreds of years, how can it be true?"

There is a question, and there is also directly criticized.

"Li, this joke is big, this is the heavy treasure of our Huaxia, you have a joke, it is hurting all the feelings of all Chinese people!"

Soon, this microblog has become the first hot review, and some of them have broken 100,000, leave a message to 10,000.

Obviously, people who have the same ideas with him are not a few.

Just on the occasion of public opinion, Li Feng personally replied: "I have no jokes, these two are genuine."

This reply is issued and the vibration is caused.

"What, what you said" Lanting Collection "is true? Is there anything that knows how to speak, if the" Lanting Collection "is true, worth?"

"Hey, this is also asked? It must be invaluable!"

"The only true trail of the book of Sheng Wangxi is still the" Lanting Collection "known as the first book of the world, and the price of 10 billion Chinese currency is robbed?"

"Oh, if I am Li Feng, I will never sell it, but donate to the museum, which is permanently treasured by the country."

"Just, Li Feng is so rich, it cares about there is one or two billion?" Lanting Collection "is a treasure of all mankind, and it should be all mankind. How can I sell money?"

"If Li Feng takes it sells money, I am estimated that the book is alive."

Do you have a comment to see such a comment, how can you donate free? Can these people still have to look?

More terrible is that the holding of this idea is not in a small number, what happened to these people?

There is a big V blogger launched a vote for this - how do you think Li Feng should dispose of "Lanting Collection"?

A: "Lanting Collection" is a cultural property of all mankind, and it should be donated.

B: "Lanting Collection" is Li Feng's own things, how to dispose of Li Feng's calculation.

C: Other comments Request your comment message

So far, the choice A has more than 50% ...

In addition to helping Li Feng, "Lanting Collection" should be disposed of, and there are also Jianbao experts standing out.

"As we all know," Lanting Collection "is the book of Sheng Wang, and it is necessary to create a pen in silkworm cocoons in 353 AD."

"Because the papermaking process is constrained with anti-corrosion technology, it is very difficult to keep such a work well for nearly two thousand years."

"But from this photo, this" Lanting Collection "is very complete, this is one of the doubts."

"Second, the" Lanting Collection "was accused by Tang Taizong, this statement is seen in many ancient literary works, the credibility is still very high."

"In summary, I think this pair of" Lanting Collection "is fake. Of course, this is just my words, throwing bricks, Yale, welcome everyone to make different opinions."

The name of this Sun surname is very position in the ancient play. It is often in the first big court, and the Jianbao's review is still very authoritative.

"I am still more accused of Teacher Sun, Mr. Li's" Lanting Collection "should be just a pair of books."

"However, this kind of work is in all" Lanting Collection ", which has a high artistic value. If you meas measures with money, you will be about 10 million Huaxia coins."

"If Mr. Li has the plan to sell this kind of work, you can contact me."

Another expert in Chen surname also comments.

At first of these two experts, some netizens immediately immediately.

"I didn't see it, I said it is fake, it is true or fake, will not be a dragon's bronze statue is also fake? The Li Feng can be big."

"Oh, really take the national treasure when it takes the traffic, and I will not buy Osville's products in the future!"

"Reject to Osweile +1!"

"Refuse to buy Osville +10086!"

There are also netizens who have the eyes of the eyes.

"I said, should you not buy a group?"

"Oh, I have heard that some experts deliberately say the real thing in Jianbao show, then private low prices from the seller to collect ancient play, transfer to high prices."

"I have heard that this kind of person is not too black!"

Just on the Internet about the true and false problem of "Lanting Collection", Li Feng once again issued a Weibo.

"Thank you, everyone's concern, I have been looking for experts to identify," Lanting Collection "is indeed true, this will find relevant expert identification after I returned to China."

"In addition, I launched a vote here, see how I hope me to deal with" Lanting Collection "."

A: Donate to the National Museum

B: Take it to the auction and get the price.

C: I have a collection.

Voting time: 3 days.

After the microblog, he went off the line.

This Weibo issued a lot of netizens immediately vote.

When the number of voters exceed 10,000, the proportion of A option has exceeded 50%.

Not only that, many netizens who invest A option have issued a message in all major social platforms, calling on everyone to choose A, and the United States has a name for all mankind.

I have to say that this statement is very influential. More and more netizens who have never lived to Li Feng specialize in the microblogging of Li Feng.

Wait until the past, Shen Jiayi is clear, and it is a new round of cultivation.

Three days later, Shen Jiayi successfully stepped into the S-class threshold, and Li Feng's vote was over.

The choice of 56%, the choice B accounting for 5%, and the choice C accounts for 39%.

If the result of the voting exceeds, there are countless netizens to give Li Feng.

"Li, I saw everyone's voice? I know what I should do?"

"Upstairs, you are doing things in taking Li Li? Oh, Li is more sensible than you, see how to do it after seeing everyone!"

"Li, the" Lanting Collection "is donated to the National Museum. It is a common expectation. You must don't let everyone disappoint."

"Wow, I really hope that Li Mong will donate the" Lanting Collection ". We can enjoy this god in the museum, so happy ~"

"It's over, Li is kidnapped by morality ..."

"I rely, this is too shameless? Is it not your own thing to donate?"

"Hey, I didn't know what it was called moral kidnapping. These netizens gave me a living lesson!"

Just in people think that Li Feng was forced to press against public opinion, when the "Lanting Collection" donated, Li Feng sent a new Weibo.

"Actually, I have been intended to donate to the Beijing Museum. After all, this pair is precious, but it is not too significant for my individual."

"But, I saw that I hope that I will donate it without paying it. My rebellion is successful. I don't donate this word. I will collect it, I will ask you!"

Everyone: "???"

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