Lying in the trough, is there such a good? This Nima is dead without paying!

Those netizens who spend A really almost were mad by Li Feng, and I didn't think about the meaning of netizens at all.

Then do you have more this? !

But the netizens who feel that Li Feng wants to be kidnapped by the morally kidnapped a piece of Ice watermelon, and it is very comfortable.

Hey, dealing with these wavars, ask others to fight against people who do their best in their own meaning.

With anyone else to be interfere with netizens, people have no violation of moral constraints, how to do it, use you three four four?

Cool, too cool!

"I launched the vote and did not follow the voting results, play us?"

"Oh, what is going to donate, and later I have already aroused the reverse and anti-psychology and I didn't want to donate. I saw that Li Feng didn't want to donate at all!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"From this Osweil's life!"

"Not only Osville is black, and I will not pay for any movie in Sheng Tang Entertainment."

The wild netizens have left a message under this Weibo, or criticized or cursed, and there is still to resist the industries of Li Feng.

Part of the netizens who support Li Feng have opened a ridicule skill: "Haha, Li Zheng Weiwu, put this group of morally kidnapped dogs."

"I will ask you not angry ... lying trough, Li Zheng this trick is really surprised me, the cattle is forcing, admire!"

"I was all the way, now I am the fans of Li!"

"Li is not only good business, but the basketball is good, the gas is also a master, the burning!"

The official microblog of going to Beijing Museum also came to make a lively: "I just missed hundreds of millions of billions?"

"Hey, the official spit is the most deadly!"

"It's not a few hundred million, it is" Lanting Collection "!"

Such an occasion is definitely unscrupulous: "Use money to measure" Lanting Collection "? Oh, this is the quality of the official micro-compilation of the Beijing Museum?"

"Hey, use money to measure art? Xiaobian, you can really have you."


The hustle and bustle of the network did not have any effects, and now his psychological quality is very powerful, and a few .

He is paying attention to this matter, Shen Jiayi is teamed to smile: "Li Feng, you are bad, I like ~"

Li Feng's mouth smoked, dry cough said: "Base is not 6 are sitting."

"Don't sit, I have to practice." Shen Jiayi said with a beautiful face.

"Hey ..." Li Feng touched the tip of the nose, smiled: "It has been practiced for more than three days, this is another villa ..."

Yes, these three days of time, the two did not leave Luke Daniel's villa.

"Let's go to the hotel?"

Shen Jiayi squatted with Li Feng's arm and spoiled.

"Well, anyway, I have no tight thing for the time being."

Li Fenggang said that the ringtone of the phone was ringing.

Shen Jiayi's face suddenly changed: "Is your mouth open?"

"Cough, maybe it is a normal phone?" Li Feng smiled and took out the mobile phone. It was found that it was a strange number, and the brow micro-wrinkle will connect to: "Hey, I am Li Feng."

A voices came from the mobile phone: "Mr. Li, he is good, I am the head of Garfield Webster, Shadow Group."

Li Feng noodles slightly changed: "What do you have to call me?"

"Mr. Joy is in my hand, I hope let us meet." Ganfield Webster said with a smile.

Li Feng face change again: "You threaten me ?!"

Every time Joe is in danger, the system will give a reminder, why is this time?

"No, I didn't threaten Mr. Li, I just want to reconcile with Mr. Li." Garfield Webstroi said.

"Reconciliation?" Li Feng happened.

"Mr. Li, your strong is my expectation, for your mission with Mr. Joy, has been revoked." Garfield Webster explained.

Li Feng's face suddenly became weird: "Is the shadow group so?"

Garfield Webster: "... Mr. Li, I am very sincere, I hope you can take the corresponding sincerity."

"Okay, since you have said this, I naturally want to take the corresponding sincerity, tell me the address, I am in the past."

As soon as I heard this, Shen Jiayi will look at it, and it looks some disappointment.

Li Feng quickly stretched his head to make comfort.

Shen Jiayi's mood is better.

After getting the address, Li Feng hangs up the phone, first take the taxi to send Shen Jiayi to return to the hotel, then rush to Joe's residence.

Joy family.

"Mr. Joy, you are very good with Mr. Li, he will go back to the phone."

A middle-aged white man in a black robes sitting on the living room sofa, looking at Joy on the sofa.

This person is Garfield Websti, just told Li Feng.

Joey stared at his wife and children, and the face did not lighter: "Yes, I am a good brother with Li."

Just now, he is accompanying two children to play games, then Gilde Webster is coming in, and I have not given him any chance of resistance, and their family is trapped in the living room.

Fortunately, Garfield Webster came here, did not do what they did to do, just let them sit on the sofa.

At the door of the living room, two middle-aged white people wearing a black robes were still standing, they did not hold any weapons in their hands, but they stood there to give people a very powerful oppression.

"Yes, good brothers, so you are very envious with Mr. Li."

Garfield Webster nodded and looked very well.

At this time, a light whistle sound outside is outside.

"It's Li! He is back!" Joe is excited from the sofa to stand up and look outside.

Garfield Webster's eyebrows, laughing: "Since Mr. Li is back, let's go outside to welcome it."

The voice is falling, he will take a step forward, and the two black people standing at the door will stand behind him.

Joey family face, and finally the teeth came to stand outside the living room.

"Hey, everyone is coming out, so enthusiastic."

After seeing Gaffield Webster and others, Li Feng is now a cool smile.

"Mr. Li, long long!" Garfield Webster laughed.

"With the same elevation." Li Feng gave birth to his hand.

Garfield Webster: "???"

No ... I don't know the same, I don't know!

"Joe, you are all very good?"

Li Feng's eyes crossed Garfield Webster, and looked at Joey.

Joe is nodded: "It's okay."

"That's good." Li Feng smiled slightly, and slowdown to Garfield Webster, smiled: "Talk, how do you want to reconcile."

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