Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1323 recognizes reality

"Let's go in, rushing into a pot of coffee and then talk slowly, how?"

Garfield Webster laughed.

"Of course." Li Feng shrugged.

After entering the living room, Li Feng is sitting with Joey.

With Li Feng's side, Joyou suddenly didn't panic, Li Feng has what strength in their hearts, thereby visible.

The next time, Garfield Webster took a pot of coffee.

Everyone took a cup of hot coffee, and the atmosphere of the conversation immediately came out.

"Mr. Webster is good, coffee is very delicious."

Li Feng tasted a coffee and admired.

Joey saw Li Feng's drink, and no longer worried that the coffee was poisoned and the same started.

"It's really good, put all the tastes of Blue Mountain coffee." Joe is also admired.

Garfield Webster shook his head and then took a turn: "So ... Let's talk about the matter?"

"Of course." Li Feng said with the Erlang leg.

Garfield Webster pupils, followed by two fingers: "It is very simple, 200 million US dollars, this matter will be cleared."

Joy is slightly changed, is it worthy of money for $ 200 million? Although this price is high, if you exchange their safety and peace, it is not acceptable.

Li Fengbei picks: "" 200 million US dollars? Not less, are you giving? "

Qiaoyi thought that Li Feng asked him, when you want to bite your teeth, you can give it, but when he finds that Li Feng looks at Garfield Webster, it is a shot on the spot.

Lying in the trough, Li is listening to giving Garfield Webster to $ 200 million? This is also too powerful!

Garfield Webster's eyes are circle: "Mr. Li, what did you misunderstand? This 200 billion dollar is not me for you, but you give me."

Lying in the trough, Li Feng killed the members of many shadow groups, and wanted him to pay and explain, dream!

"This money, I am!" Joy didn't want to drag again. During this time, he did not sleep a few times, and he fought in the sky.

Either end is either destroyed, really tired.

Li Feng reached out to break it and smiled: "Can you tell me your logic? Why do we give us money?"

"The shadow group will no longer chase you since then, and even some people want your family's life, we will also refuse."

"This is my logic, Mr. Li is a smart person, you should know that this transaction is very great."

Garfield Webster laughed.

"Then why do you come to tell me? Directly send people to kill us, you can take a commission." Li Feng asked with smile.

Garfield Webster is hysterested, and it is acknowledging: "Do you think we can't kill you?"

"Yes." Li Feng nodded very honestly: "Otherwise, you don't have a reconciliation, but complete the task."

"..." Ganfield Webster stared at Li Feng to see the meeting, and smiled and said: "Mr. Li, I know that you are very strong, but the shadow group is not weak, I just don't want the two sides to increase the casualties."

Others don't say, the SSS level clown is also lost, and there is no news so far, which means that the clown is likely to be killed by Li Feng.

SSS-level strong, in the shadow group, it is a lot of power, so it is so unforgettable to make Garfield Webster feel sad.

At the same time, Garfield Webster knows that if you want to kill Li Feng, you must send one or even multiple SSS +-level power, and it is not necessarily avoided.

In order to stop the loss in time, Gaeld Webster thought of Li Feng's understanding, but the premise of reconciliation is Li Feng to enroll compensation, and the priest group of the shadow cannot be lost!

"Why isn't it unilateral casualties?" Li Feng couldn't help but laugh.

What is the A cat Aka, what is the A cat Aka dare to threaten him?

Garfield Webster Face Micro-Change: "Mr. Li, you may not know how to understand."

"Then let me know." Li Feng put down the coffee cup and said.

Garfield Webster is a few times, and finally the laugh: "Well, since Li Mr. Li is so sincere, then we let you know the reality."

The voice is falling, and a breath that belongs to the peak SSS level broke out.

At the same time, two black people who guarded at the door also broke out their own breath, all SSS + level!

A SSS level peak, two SSS + levels, such a combination of most places in the world, have strong deterrent.

But in front of Li Feng ... such a war is not enough!

"So you are threatening me?" Li Feng came with his eyebrows, and smiled and asked.

"I can't talk about the threat, I want to let Li Mr. Li recognize the reality." Garfield Webster smiled.

"I really let me know the reality, so I think there is now 200 million US dollars can't let you reach it." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Oh?" Ganfield Webster's eyebrows, slightly, said: "It seems that Mr. Li has indeed recognized reality."

"Yes." Li Feng nodded and smiled: "I think this kind of reality will increase the amount to ten times to make the two sides really reconcile."

"2 billion ?!" Garfield Webster is slightly changed, and this amount is afraid that it is very attractive to him.

The two black people at the door also laughed. This brotherhood can be, very sensible, don't come here to come here.

"This amount can be, it is very." Garfield Webster spit out a touch of turbidity and laughing.

"Since you feel like you can, then give money, give it to the money, I will leave you, I will eat it."

Li Feng reached out.

Garfield Webster: "???"

Two black people: "???"

Even the Qiao Yi did not expect Li Feng to be this meaning, and I was at the scene.

"Li Feng, do you dare to play us ?!"

Garfield Websterus.

Two black people guarding at the door After coming to Garfield Webster, I made a look at it.

"Who is playing you, I said it really, $ 2 billion, a child can't be less, you don't want to live out here."

The voice is falling, and a breath that belongs to the half-level power broke out from Li Feng.

The moment of breath, Garfield Webster three people are white, soft, and almost kneel down!

Lying in the trough, Li Feng is actually a half-level strong? ! This is a special kick to the iron plate!

It's no wonder that Li Feng has a unspeakable look, and I will let them pay for money. It turns out that this!

In the morning, Li Feng has just been 200 million US dollars, it will promise him, now it is good, it has risen 10 times!

For a time, Garfield Webster regretted.

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