"Don't talk, you will give you a saying, do you give you still?"

Li Feng smiled at the three asked.

"Li ... Mr. Li, I think this matter must be misunderstood."

Garfield Webster wiped his head and sweating, and said.

"What misunderstood, listen." Li Feng changed a posture and asked.

"Oh ... we don't know if you are a half-level power, if you know, this task we said nothing."

Garfield Webster has laughed.

Half-level powerful, there is no such strong in the shadow group, let them assassinate a half-level power, this is not a long life on the old birthday star!

"But what is this relationship with me?" Li Feng couldn't help but laugh: "It is not to investigate my situation, and you will send people to assassinate me, I will fight with Joe, I still blame I don't explain the realm?"

"Don't dare, you don't dare to give us ten courage."

Garfield Webster cried.

This world is like this, strong people are eaten, don't worry.

Next to the side, the two black people have deeply buried their heads, just like two dangerous ostrich.

The Joy family in this scene is stunned.

The trough, before they are very arrogant, now why now, because Li Feng is a half-level strong?

So ... what meanably meanings?

"Then you don't give money?"

Li Feng picked up the coffee cup and drunk a breath and laughed.

"This one……"

Garfield Webster is a larger number of times, and finally biting his teeth: "Mr. Li, not we don't want to give it, it is not that we don't have so much money."

Two two black people nodded.

Li Fengbei picks: "There is no more than 2 billion US dollars."

In the speech, he uses a read heart to Garfield Webster.

"This is really not!" Garfield Webster cried very well: "We can only leave a lot of parts, most of them have to pay."

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and he can determine Garfield Webster without lying.

Now the problem is coming, the shadow group wants to give most of the money?

"This ... I can't say it." Garfield Webster is bitic.

Li Feng is a person who can't afford him. The organization behind him is also in the existence of him, and he is in the middle. It is really wrong.

"Isn't it the gods paradise, what can't be said." Li Feng couldn't help but laugh.

When he is handed over with the light of the Bright Parliament, it is known that North America has a god heaven that can compete with the bright parliament.

Just Li Feng came for so long, and did not encounter a member of the gods paradise, which made him a little regret.

I have never thought that the shadow group is the outer organization of the gods paradise. Is this not enough?

Garfield Webster: "???"

No ... Why is Li Feng, know this? This is unscientific!

Qiao Yi is even more foggy water, what is the heaven, what is the relationship between the shadow group with the gods?

"So the shadow group is the commission of the task, most of which give the gods paradise?"

Li Feng touched the chin sink.

"Hey ..." Ganfield Webster didn't know how to pick it up.

He is still thinking, why Li Feng knows the shadow group to give money to the heaven?

"How many cash on the account of the shadow group?" Li Feng asked again.

"This ..." Garfield Webster still doesn't know how to answer.

"1.5 billion US dollars?" Li Fengbei picks, some are dissatisfied: "It is a bit less."

"How do you know ?!" Garfield Webster jumped.

Li Feng is too terrible, just like omnipresent, it has never been a feeling of Garfield Webster.

"1.5 billion is 1.5 billion, the remaining 500 million owes, waiting for you to give it."

"This is my account, you turn money over."

Room Li Feng took out his bank card and threw it to Garfield Webster.

Garfield Webster took the bank card, and he said in a bitter: "Mr. Li, these money is to give above, we gave you ... The above will blame it."

In fact, the shadow group is an outer organization established by the gods paradise, and most of the money earned to the gods will be given to the gods paradise, for the gods paradise.

Just like other companies, each Monthly Shadow Group also has a performance assessment. Once the performance is not up to standard, Garfield Webster is punished.

Originally, because of Li Feng, the completion rate of the mission of the shadow group was seriously declined. In order not to be punished, Garfield Webster wanted to come from Li Feng to come to 200 million dollars, used to cancel punishment.

Now, if you give Li Feng, he doesn't have to go back, and you will be more painful.

"If you don't give it, you don't have to blame it."

Li Feng is like laughing.

Garfield Webster: "..."

Also, if he is anger, Li Feng, now you can destroy him now, and after it is waiting to go back.

"I can't humiliate it, I will find it to go to the door to keep up with me, I can kill you, now I want to pay with you, you will be content."

"So what are you waiting for? Hurry and buy money!"

Li Feng reached out and hook his finger.

Gaffield Webster is changing several times, and finally biting his teeth: "Mr. Li, since you know the paradise of the gods, then you will definitely know that the gods paradise have eleven half-level strong."

"Do you think you have the possibility of winning the eleven half-level strong?"

Li Fengbei picks up, it is like laughing and laughing: "Joe, you will avoid it first."

Joy probably guessed that Li Feng took down what to do, and quickly took his wife and children on the second floor bedroom.

When I went to the door, Li Feng raised his hand and was pushed on Garfield Webster's face, and he took him out directly.

After landing, Gaeld Webster looked at Li Feng on the sofa, and his face was shocked.

He has long known that the power of the half-level strong, but it is the first time to be hit by half a sense.

At this moment, he feels like a toddler toy, can only be settled in Li Feng.

"My most annoying thing is to be threatened, this is already your second time I threaten me."

"My patience is limited, ask you the last time, this 1.5 billion, you are giving ... still don't give it?"

Li Feng went to Garfield Webster and said hello.

"Give! We give!" Garfield Webster knows that once you say "no", wait for him to die.

In this way, it is better to give Li Feng first, then go back to the gods of the gods, maybe they will look at him in order to organize the resentment of the law, can you put him?

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