"Okay, happy!"

Li Feng smiled, then sat back on the couch, and touched the Erlang legs: "Then don't delay the time, hurry to make money."

"Yes, Mr. Li."

Garfield Webster did not dare to hesitate, pick up Li Feng to start entering the card number transfer.

A few minutes later, Li Feng received a bank's account text message, and the nodded: "Not bad, it is worth $ 1.5 billion."

"Yes, this is the whole home of the shadow group." Garfield Webster said with a cry.

This money gave Li Feng. He went back to really, I would like to explain how to explain with the big gods of the gods, and it is really possible to lose your life.

"There is a saying, staying in Qingshan is not a firewood, you are still alive, you don't have money." Li Feng said with laughing.

"Huaxia culture is really profound." Garfield Webster was praised.

"The great oriental country has always been the place I yearning."

"Yeah, only mysterious oriental people can appear like Mr. Li like this young and powerful existence."

The two blacks are also attached to and get up.

"Okay, don't shoot the horse ass, hurry to cancel the task of me with Joe."

Li Feng put his hand and said something impatient.

If these three goods are looking for home, how can he drop Shen Jiayi?

"Ah, I will cancel this, this will be canceled."

Garfield Webster did not dare to delay, and quickly took out the phone to cancel the task of the two.

After finishing these, Garfield Webster asked: "Mr. Li, I have done according to your requirements, now we can go?"

Li Fengbei picks, tastes: "You just said the great oriental country?"

"For the right, great and mysterious oriental country." Garfield Webster said with a laugh.

Li Feng smiled, and then went on a cold: "Since I am from the genius boy from the great Oriental ancient country, how can I make a low-level mistake in Mountain?"

At this time, Garfield Webster's three-year-old face, then they have to fade.

Since Li Feng has decided to leave them, how can I give them an opportunity to escape?

I saw that Li Feng's golden light was flashing, and Shenwu Jian was taken in his hand, then continuous three!

"" "" ""

The three glasses have passed, and the three people who have already rushed to the door, there is a layer of blood mist, and then the body is fell out of the door.

The strong man in the late god kills three SSS level, it is really like killing chicken and dresses, there is no difficulty.

"Three times of senders to kill me, I also find the door to threaten me, I want to leave? How this is a good thing!"

Li Feng snorted, waving, cleaned the scene, even a little bloody flavor did not leave.

After finishing these, Li Feng picked up the coffee cup secretly thinking.

The things of Gaffield Webster's death are certainly can't get n't getting too long, and the gods will know after all kinds of spider marts.

So, he will not have a bad battle between him with the gods paradise.

"It seems that when he summoned the Lao Luo."

Li Feng is dark, then the body is on the building, and the Joe is called.

"What about them?"

In the bedroom, Joey asked in a hurry.

"Give it." Li Feng did not say three people's end, Qiao's wife child is still here, don't scare them.

"It's good, just go."

Joy is nod, then ask: "What is the thing?"

He is now worried that the other party will come back to retaliate again, then it is endless.

"Solved, the shadow group will not come to find you again."

Li Feng said that only half said, the shadow group certainly won't come to Qiaoyi, but the gods paradise is still possible ...

If Qiao Yi got a shadow group, he came to the gods of the gods than the shadow group, and I didn't know why.

"Really? That's great! You don't know, I really didn't sleep once these days, thanks you, you saved me."

Qiaoyu is simply grateful to Li Feng, and Li Feng is a savior.

Li Feng put his hand, slightly said: "Small things a pile, a little thing, don't put it on your heart."

If this is the gods paradise, I will find the door, and the Joy will hate him?

"Hey, congratulate the host, 'Joe's request' mission completed, task reward release ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 2 million system points reward."

After listening to the tips completed, Li Feng has loose tone.

At least the system is determined that the task is completed, and the Joe is really not dangerous.

As for the gods paradise, even if you know this matter, you will first take him as a goal, just see how long it takes to find Garfield Webster and others die ...

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience value: 9.2 million 100 million

System score: 215 million

Conquer points: 3229

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

To complete the task: the birth of the "Titanic"

After reading the personal properties, Li Feng quits the system.

One suite in Hilton Hotel XLT City.

After Shen Jiayi came back, he was surrounded by flight attendants, "strictly punched".

"Say, where have you been in these days, is it going to go with Li?"

"Jiayi, you can, actually really giving Li Zong."

"Hey, Jiayi, after we want to call your wife?"

Shen Jiayi was rescued by Li Feng, he called them in the first time, so they know that Shen Jiayi is with Li Feng.

So, Shen Jiayi, who has never been returned these days, is very interesting.

"Oh, what are you talking about ..."

Shen Jiayi's lower face is low, no denial, and has not been explained.

Isn't this the default? !

"I am going, Jiayi, you really have Li always together ?!"

"It's finished, I am so embarrassed, who is going to do artificial breathing?"

"Want to do artificial breathing? Oh, I went to call the captain, he learned first aid."

"Screw you……"

A villain is playing, but it is resolved that Shen Jiayi is a lot of embarrassment. After all, everyone knows that Li Feng is a fiancee. She is really not good to explain with Li Feng ...

Just as everyone laughed, the ringtone on Shen Jiayi suddenly sounded.

"Hey, Li Pei is coming."

Shen Jiayi took out the mobile phone and saw it quickly.

See you, everyone is todped on the expression I understand.

"Hey, Li Zhong ... ah, go back today ... Ok, I know."

Shen Jiayi put down the phone and said to a colleague of a curious heart: "Li Yong said that we will prepare, fly back to Huaxia tonight."

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