Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1336 Requisites

"Look, Sun Wei is coming out!"

"Sun Wei was worn on hand!"

"The box is the" Lanting Collection "?"

"Ah, Li Mong opened the box, really" Lanting Collection "!"

"No one should say that" Lanting Collection "is fake?"

"There must be no, the result of the carbon 14 measuring year is around 1600 years, with the time of the" Lanting Collection "in the history of the" Lanting Collection ", and the wall is really!"

"National treasure returns, finally did not flow abroad!"

With the live broadcast, the netizens of the live broadcast have thrown Feng Du Zhi to his big public welfare, all of the attention is concentrated in Sun Wei with "Lanting Collection".

After seeing the "Lanting Collection" is taking back, the live broadcast has set off a high chart in a brush gift.

Huaxia experienced a history of humiliation, during the period, countless national treasures fell out, unknown, is a scar that all the people of China is difficult to heal.

If there is a heavy treasure that is already strong in Huaxia, it is brought out of Huaxia, or it is taken out under the eyelids of tens of thousands of netizens. This kind of hurt is too big.

Fortunately, Li Fengn is forced, put people, things have come back to Huaxia, did not let this scene, how can netizens are not excited?

When Sun Wei was taken a police car, Li Feng smiled: "Well, today's live broadcast is over, then I said yesterday, I have to announce a major decision when I live broadcast today, everyone guess what is related?"

"Li, do you want to donate the" Lanting Collection "?"

There are a lot of people holding this idea, so that you look at it, full screen is a similar answer.

"You guessed half."

Li Feng smiled slightly, then said: "I decided to donate the Dragon Shou Bronze Simacy to the Beijing Museum, and at least" Lanting Collection "will borrow the" Lanting Collection "to the Beijing Museum for a month."

If it is changed to something, Li Feng certainly has no bottom to say this.

The Beijing Museum is the largest museum in China, and there is countless treasure inside, and the general things will not be on the eyes.

But "Lanting Collection" is different, even if it is in Beijing Museum, there are countless, artistic value can be comparable to "Lanting Collection".

Li Feng believes that after hearing this news, he will soon send people to contact him.

After the words were finished, Li Feng bid farewell to netizens and exited live.

As Li Feng guess, he just left the Beijing International Airport, and the staff of the Beijing Museum gave him a call.

Two days later, Li Feng came to the Beijing Museum and signed a "Lanting Collection" lease agreement with the Tour Beijing Museum under the testimony of many media, and donated the dragon's bronze.

After two days, a message was circulated on the Internet, and Feng Dafu was investigated by fraud.

This news came out and immediately caused countless netizens discussions.

"Lying in the trough, it is really late."

"We know these things, don't talk to Li, otherwise it will be very serious."

"Yes, nothing, don't provoke Li, otherwise the consequence will be very serious!"

Datang City, a star hotel suite.

A 20-year-old young man looked at these comments on Weibo, and the complexion was slightly dignified.

Opposite, a man who looks for more than 30 years is drinking red, looking at a local newspaper.

After half of it, the man who brushed Weibo put down the mobile phone, and the face did not lighter: "Master, Li Feng looks very unpopular, or let it change?"

The opposite man puts down the newspaper and smiled and said: "Thong, you still want to have a head?"

"No ... Master, I am not afraid, I want to figure out insurance." Chen Gang called.

"Insurance fart, rich in rich insurance, I don't understand?" Looking at the newspaper man snorted, it was proud to say: "I said that Zhang Zhaobei's vertical five lakes for so many years, it has never been lost, relying on a courage ! "

"Of course, only courage is not, there must be a brain, your brain don't understand?"

Chen Gang nodded: "I understand, I understand, but Master ..."

Zhang Zhaobei, played, directly interrupted: "Nothing is good, Osweil is the most suitable goal, I have gathered it, there is no reason for halfway."

"More ... I have already stared at Osweil's old summons for a long time, do not take her, I am not willing!"

When I said Su Wei, Chen Gang's breathing has also been very urgent: "That ... you have to make me also ..."

"That must, we are the two people, hey." Zhang Zhaobei is laughing.

Seeing, Chen Gang also followed.

Zhang Zhaobei stopped laughing: "Ok, then familiar with the words, remember, must naturally bring a little arrogance, wait for it, then check it again, let's go to Su Wei!"

"Yes, Master!"


In the afternoon, Zhang Zhaobei, Chen Gang out the hotel, a black Audi A8, which opened a foreign license to Osville.

Come to the door of the factory, the security guard stops the vehicle: "Hello, who is you?"

"I am looking for you." Chen Gang, driving.

"Do you have an appointment with Su?" Asked the security guard.

"My dad wants to see who I need to make an appointment? You quickly gave me the door, if you delay your right thing, do you take it?" Chen Gang took the door and shouted.

"Hey, Xiao Gang, you said what you are eager, just have some money, don't know what your surname is?"

Sitting in the back row of Zhang Zhaobei dissatisfaction and evil.

"Dad, it is this security guard ..."

"The security guard, the security guard is also a person, but also for supporting the family, do you just earn $ 1.5 billion? You can look down on the security guard ?!"

"Yes, Dad, I am wrong." Chen Gang wrote the low head.

The security listening is a face.

Do you have more than 15 billion or dollar?

Tell, earning $ 1.5 billion, people just open A8? Are you so low?

Wait ... This is not very big for my father and son age gap. When this person is about 10 years old? !

"This little brother is going to take a root of China."

Zhang Zhaobei walked off the bus, took out a box of soft Chinese to the security guard.

"No, the company regulates can't smoke during the work."

The security guard is quickly refused.

"Don't pick it, you will accept it, wait for the class and then pump."

Zhang Zhaobei is hard to make this pack of smoke to the security hands.

"No, the company stipulates that we can't accept the property privately."

Security tough rejection.

"This is Huazi, as far as you pay, usually to buy Huazi?"

Chen Gun sat.

"I have a month's salary is 10,000 2."

The security guard said.

Chen Gang: "???"

Zhang Zhaobei: "???"

No ... security monthly salary of 10,000, what is joking!

"Oh, a young man, I see you is also very honest, how do you say that it is not blushing?"

Zhang Zhaobei took the soft Chinese, and the laughter did not laugh.

"I didn't joke, in our company, everyone's monthly salary is more than 10,000, and there is a gift on holidays."

"We have said, a company is not good, first of all, to see the work of employees, Osweil is the best company I have ever seen!"

Speaking of the final, the pride on the security face is speaking!

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