Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1337, I am a mysterious seller

Chen Gang sinked two seconds: "That ... don't you recruit people?"

Zhang Zhaobei went up and rewarded him a chestnut: "What kind of person is to recruit, what is your billionaires ask this ?!"

"Don't I want to find a job in the village?"

Chen Gang also knows that he said his mistake, and quickly recovered.

In fact, he really wants to work in Osville. The security of the security is 10,000. He enters the workman as a worker, the monthly salary is 20,000 yuan?

This is always better than he is happy every day!

"This is the case, I have a big sale to cooperate with your company, this can only talk to Su."

"But, we don't have the contact information of Su, so can you help me contact Summer?"

Zhang Zhaobei did a cough, turned to the security guard.

"What big sale?"

The security is suspicious.

"This kind of thing is you still not asked if you still have to ask, in case you can't afford it."

Zhang Zhaobei said with a snort.

"You don't say what to buy, I can't help you, and I don't have the right to call Su."

Security is more and more, Zhang Zhaobei is not like a good person, and his face is getting more and more vigilant.

"You said that you don't know how to do this."

Zhang Zhaobei must be empty. He used five lakes and four seas, or the first time I met why people didn't speak.

At this moment, Chen Gang opened the door and took out a hundred dollar bills to the security guard: "Buddy, this is our a little bit of mind, waiting for things, there is a bigger reward waiting for you."

The security guards looked at it, and then shook his head and pushed him: "I don't accept bribes, you hurry, or I will be alarm."

"Lying ..." Zhang Zhaobei just had to swear, an Audi A6 suddenly saved from the distance, and opened to the company.

"Xiao Guo, what situation?"

The window glass is lowered, Su Wei shows the head.

"Soviet, these two people say you want to see you, but they don't make an appointment ..."

Security Xiao Guohu is running over.

Zhang Zhaobei's faces changed, then the surprise rushed to say: "Oh, are you in Su Wei Su? I am Zhang Zhaobei, I am very glad to meet you."

Security Xiao Guojun hopped, and quickly opened Zhang Zhaobei.

"Nothing, you are busy." Su Wei smiled and then got off the bus.

She is now a strong sense of peak, don't say a handless Zhang Zhaobei, even if I hold RPG, Zhang Zhaobei, I can't make any threat to her.

Although Xiao Guo worried, he nodded: "Yes, Su."

"Supreme, your security guard is too perfect, it is a big company, the quality of employees is high." Zhang Zhaobei stretched out the thumbs and sent a horse ass.

Su Wei directly ignored this sentence, straight into the top: "I don't know what I have to find me?"

Zhang Zhaobei looked around, and determined that there were no other people in the nearby, he said: "I don't know that Su Tong didn't hear it, I have returned to Tong Dan?"

Su Wei pupil is shrinkage: "I heard that Mr. Zhang means ...?"

Zhang Zhaobei smiled slightly, mysteriously said: "In fact, I am the mysterious Chinese seller."

"What ?!" Su Wei's face changed, and then tremble: "Mr. Zhang did not lie to me?"

"Of course, are I lie to you in this kind of thing?" Zhang Zhaobei made a look of a high-end people, laughing.

"Their Mr. is going to come here ...?"

"Of course, I will talk about cooperation." Zhang Zhaobei pressed the sound, and said to Su Yun Ear: "I studied the formula of returning to the old Tong Dan, I want to find a powerful manufacturer."

When you come out, Su Wei has changed again!

It took a few auctions in the Miki to shoot $ 1.5 billion of $ 1 million in a auction, which has long been transmitted over the world.

Numerous rich people are using their own relationship to find mysterious sellers, including Su Wei.

Because Su Wei also knows what is the business opportunity.

It's just that the other party is too mysterious. These days are still nothing. I have never thought that the other party took the initiative to find the door, and I have to cooperate with her!

After half of the half, Su Wei spit out a touch of turbidity, and the strong heart is excited: "Well, please ask Mr. Zhang to go to the office, let's sit down and talk slowly."

"Okay, take a road in front of." Zhang Zhaobei smiled slightly, sat on the Audi A8, Chen Gang drives to the A6 after A6 into Osweile.

After 10 minutes, the president's office, Su Wei personally fell to the tea water: "Mr. Zhang, not I doubt, I just want to determine it, do you really return to the old seller?"

"Of course." Zhang Zhaobei smiled slightly, Jun Chen just said: "Son, take the material to the Su Chuan."

"Yes, Dad!" Chen Gang opened the briefcase and took out a stack of documents.

At this time, Su Wei stunned: "Is he your son?"

"Yes, it is very surprised?" Zhang Zhaobei smiled slightly: "Don't look at my appearance in 30 years old, I actually I have already 65 this year."

Zhang Zhaobei took out his ID card.

Su Wei took the ID card, the photo is an old man, it seems to have a seven or eight different images with Zhang Zhaobei.

Look at the name, age, is indeed Zhang Zhaobei, 65 years old.

"Son, you will take your ID card to see you." Zhang Zhaobei said.

"Okay." Chen Gang put down the information and took out the ID card.

Su Wei took a look at Zhang Gang, 28 years old.

Seeing this, Su Wei believed three points on Zhang Zhaobei's statement.

Next, Chen Gang handed the prepared information to Su Wei, Su Wei looked for a while, he was exciting: "This is ... The entrusted auction agreement signed with the saxon auction house ?!"

"Yes." Zhang Zhaobei nodded and laughed: "There is also a bank flow in the following, you can prove that the auction has already hit my account."

Su Wei's consciousness turned back, and suddenly saw a bank flow, the transfer amount was 9.118 billion Huaxian currency, covering the red chapter of the bank.

After reading this information, I believe in the heart of Su.

"Mr. Zhang, I can ask, why do you choose to work with our Osville?"

Su Wei put the information also gave Zhang Zhaobei and asked.

"Of course, you can ask, this is your right." Zhang Zhaobei drank the tea and smiled: "Because Osweil is good, the employee is not bad."

"Moreover, Osweil's Tong Yan has already played a famous gas. If it is produced by Osweil, it will have a double impact."

Su Wei nodded: "Thank you for trusting, but I can't do this, I need to report it to the boss."

Zhang Zhaobei's eyebrows, nodded: "OK, then call your boss, but I want to remind you, Although Osweil is the first one I found, but you don't make a decision as soon as possible. If I will go to the next family. "

"Okay." Su Wei nodded and took out the phone to all the phone calls.

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