Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1338 is with the liar

"Hey, Xiao Yan, miss me?"

When I received a call from Sui, Li Feng had ended a cultivation with Wei Yishi.

"Well ... But I will call you not for this, it is a matter."

Su Yu said with a smoky.

Her shy appearance made Zhang Zhaobei's index finger a lot, and it was very jealous of Li Feng.

"What is right?" Li Feng faced a positive and asked.

"Just ..." Su Wei said that Zhang Zhaobei's things were said.

Li Feng also weirds and the more weird, he is not with the liar these days, just fell Sun Xingbo, Chen Junmao also has Feng Dazhi, and he bought a Zhang Zhaobei?

The key Zhang Zhaobei is cheating by the head or he sells it to the old people!

Li Gun is lie to Li Wei!

"This hammer, then I will go, you must drag him, know?"

Li Feng said out of a turbidity and tomb.

After the conversation, Wei Yixi asked: "Su Wei is in trouble?"

"It's not a trouble, it is a little stupid thief." Li Feng slammed her shoulders and laughed.

"Hey, you are too busy, every time I come to hurry." Wei Bingqing is full of darkness, then ridiculous tutorial: "Fortunately, I am lucky than the judge, she hasn't seen you yet."

Li Feng is the pearl of this morning, Song Yujun is not coming back because of the company.

Wei Yixi rushed back to the home in the first time, and no one was a few times with Li Feng.

"It doesn't matter, I can come back at night. You let and so on." Li Feng got the tip of Wei Yingqing and got up.

Two hours later, a Porsche Panme was opened to the door of Osweil.

The security guard is a strange license plate. I just wanted to stop the car, suddenly the window glass, Li Feng said: "Xiao Gui is me, trouble me to open the door."

"Old ... boss ?!" Security Xiao Guo simply couldn't believe his eyes with his ear.

First, he didn't expect to drive the boss. Second, he didn't expect the boss to remember his name. The third is that he didn't expect the boss to talk to him so polite!

"What to do, hurry to open the door." Li Feng smiled.

"Hey!" Xiao Guo came back to God, and quickly pressed the button to open the door.

"You do a good, continue to work hard."

Li Feng encouraged a sentence, driving into the company.

After Li Feng, Xiao Guo excitedly jumped in the same place!

"There are always two hours, how did Li always come over?"

In the Office of the President, Zhang Zhaobei took a tea cup and said some impatient.

"Li is rushing here at all, please ask Mr. Zhang and then wait for a while."

Intercontinence, Su Wei, and bending him to help Zhang Zhaibei changed the cup of tea.

Zhang Zhaobei is satisfied with nod, others don't say, saying that the goddess in countless straight men is to serve this, is a non-general feeling.

At this moment, Li Feng pushed the door, just saw Su Yu helping Zhang Zhaobei to change the tea.

The eyes of Li Feng have flashed a cold light.

"Ah, Li ... always, you are finally here." Su Wei is coming, straight together.

Li Feng nodded and took the door to Su Wei to Su Wei: "Hard work."

Su Wei smiled, introduced: "Mr. Zhang, this is our Li, Li, Li, this is Mr. Zhang Zhaobei, who said with you, this is Mr. Zhang's son Zhang Gang."

Zhang Zhaobei's eyebrows, the big sideways, sitting on the sofa: "Hello."

On the one side, Zhang Gang face is slightly nervous, and it nodded with Li Feng and greeted.

Li Feng's mouth hooked a smile of playful taste: "Mr. Zhang, I listened to Su Chang, saying that you have a formula that is returned to Tong Dan?"

Zhang Zhaobei brows micro-wrinkle: "Don't Li always believe?"

Li Feng shook his head: "Mr. Zhang doesn't want to misunderstand, I am just a little curious, the world is looking for a mysterious seller who is going to return to Tong Dan, but I can't find it. How is Mr. Zhang did?"

"Hey, how do I need to explain with you?" Zhang Zhaobei snorted, turned to see Su Wei: "Soviet, it seems that your boss does not cooperate with me."

Su Yizhen is slightly changed, and some urgent points to Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled slightly: "Of course, there is a sincerity of cooperation, and return to the old Tong Dan can be a god. Whoever has a formula that returns to Tong Dan, who can become the world's richest, this temptation is still quite big."

"You know," Zhang Zhaobei issued a cold, then said: "I ask you a question, what kind of people or organization can hide one world in people who are looking for?"

Li Fengbei picks: "What you mean ..."

"It seems that you are still not stupid." Zhang Zhaobei nodded and picked up the tea cup to continue tea.

Su Wei: "???"

Not ... What are they saying, why don't I understand?

Just then, Li Feng asked again: "Then I have a new doubt, since they are helping you hide your identity, why don't you cooperate with them?"

"There are them to give you the book, you can get enough money, status, even famous, and you can get absolute security, what should I choose Osville?"

Zhang Zhaobei's face is hysterested, then the tea cup is then angry: "You said where you are coming out, have you spend the sincerity with me?"

"Yes, you must have, but you don't answer my doubts, I don't dare to work with you, after all, my competitors are ... them." Li Feng looked a little jealous.

"It seems that you don't trust me, leave!"

Zhang Zhaobei snorted and got up and got up.

Su Yu is anxious, keeping Li Feng makes the eyes, Li Feng shook his head smile, the sound road: "Don't worry, you look well."

Although Su Wei is doubt, Li Feng said so, she can only look at it while.

Just in front of Zhang Zhaobei, when he was about to push the door, he suddenly made a long sigh, turned his body: "Li, I actually understand your concerns, I have had such concerns, But you have to confidence in them. "

"I have always been very confident in them. I will worry about it." Li Feng also sighed.

"Well, then I will show you with you. In fact, I will come to Osville, which is allowed by them."

Zhang Zhaobei came back and said.

"Really?" Li Fengbei picks up and looks a bit of not believed.

"Of course, this kind of thing I can't lie to you." Zhang Zhaobei sighed, then said: "The old man is different from other, this thing is always sold to others, so the secret is not available. hide."

"Since I can't hide, I will cooperate with them, and I will work with them."

"It was because of this reason, they took the initiative to let me go out to find a cooperative object, I have chosen Osville after several trade-offs."

Li Feng couldn't help him with a thumbs up: "Mr. Zhang said that I will understand, now I want to know, what kind of conditions are you planning?"

"This number." Zhang Zhaobei stretched a finger.

Li Fengbei picks: "100 million?"

Zhang Zhaobei laughed: "You can't look back to the old Tong Dan formula or look at you yourself? I am talking about one billion! And give me one billion first, I can give you the formula!"

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