Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1341 Who is

Chen Gang, is it so fast?

Zhang Zhaobei really truthfully regard himself as a return to the old people? He knows that he is a person who has been online. !

"Dad, it is not necessary to bring this kind of person, let's go to the next family."

Chen Gang still tried to persuade Zhang Zhaobei.

"Who said no need? It is necessary, I want him to recognize her mistake, apologize to me!"

Zhang Zhaobei said with a snort.

"Well ..." Chen Gang nodded helpless, then said: "I have a little urgency, first go to a toilet."

He is awkward, Zhang Zhaobei is really entered the highest realm of the scam, and even the special one deceived.

But he didn't, the top more just met the threshold, and the result was retrieved by Li Feng.

It's really stupid at this time, I don't want to flee it!

"Don't worry, the police haven't come yet."

Li Feng blocked Chen Gang's way, and smiled.

"I urge urgent!"

Chen Gang is anxious, directly reached out to Li Feng, who knows that Li Feng does not move, when Chen Gang is "Well?".

"I haven't eaten at noon, this is the strength?"

Li Feng was killed.


Chen Gang was irritated. Although he did not practice his family, it was also a dry and lived, and his strength was extremely confident.

Now, it is despised by a person who is excellent in a nourishment. This is definitely can't bear it!

"Take you! I ... take you! Walk ... Why don't you move ?!"

Chen Gang is roaring, and the hard work is all, and if Li Feng is still stunned to stand in place!

At that time, Chen Gang was forced!

"Do you want to change a posture and try again?" Li Feng suggested.

Chen Gang sinked two seconds: "Try again?"

"Try again, otherwise you are not willing." Li Feng persuaded.

"Well, then I will try again."

Chen Gang active, and then spit a spit in both hands.

"" ""

After spit, Chen Gang, I still put it together.

Li Feng: "???"

Su Wei: "???"

Not ... When you work, you will come here, you have a special person to come here, don't you feel disgusting?

Chen Gang will not feel disgusting Li Feng, but he is very disgusting now.

So Chen Gang came to push him, Li Feng directly took a hand knife to his neck.

Chen Gang only came to the past and fell into the past.

"You won't kill him?" Su Wei asked worried.

As far as Li Feng is, an elephant can hack a knife, Chen Gang, this weak chicken, can resist?

"Don't worry, I only used a little bit."

While talking, Li Feng also used two fingers to make a small rice size gesture, and Su Wei couldn't help but.

On the chair, Zhang Zhaobei stood up and raised his neck in front of Chen Gang, and his sorrow said: "Just, just!"

After calling, Chen Gang did not respond, Zhang Zhaobei shouted to Li Feng: "Li Feng, you dare to hit me, I want to call them, let them catch you!"

Zhang Zhaobei, Zhang Zhaobei, took out the phone, and made a call.

Li Fengwei hugged his back shoulders, a pair of expressions looking at him.

Zhang Zhaobei saw that Li Feng did not speak, and the whole person was stiff.

After half, he put down the phone and said: "I am excited to forget their contact information ..."

"Oh, then I am not afraid."

Li Feng smiled, raising his hand, was a hand knife cut in Zhang Zhaobei neck.

Zhang Zhaobei turned over white eyes and fainted.

"Hey ..." Su Wei did not expect Li Feng move so simply, and some speechless.

After half of it, Su Wei asked: "Right, what you say, 'they', listen to the secret of God."

Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "I am talking about the dragon soul, as for who he said ... Then only he knows."

"But I guess the biggest possibility is ... Even him, I don't know who I'm saying '."

Some scammers don't call themselves after calling, just ask "Do you even can't even have my voice?".

Wait until the other party said "Oh, are you a little king?"

The liar will say a moment: "Yes, I am Xiao Wang, you finally think of it."

Therefore, Li Feng guess Zhang Zhaobei has been waiting for him to say "they" ...

"It turns out ..." Su Yu nodded, finally understood Zhang Zhaobei's set of routines, then she asked: "What do you plan to do next?"

"When the warriors came over, but before this ... I have to let them forget some things."

After Li Feng smiled slightly, it took 1000 system points to revise the memory of Zhang Zhaobei and Chen Gang.

Anything like Osville, anything happens to pay attention to local attention, so the police have rushed over with the fastest speed.

After the police came, he listened to Li Feng's story, woke up the two, and started to interrogate two people, and in the active database, the information is found in the database.

This finding is not tight, I really have been found to Zhang Zhaobei is a network wanted to commit.

Zhang Zhaobei was originally named Zhang Second, five years ago, because of the crime of fraud, the sentence was released, and the old industry was releasing, and the rock was swindled, and was wanted by the Internet.

As for Chen Gang, he did not have the foreigner, but he also scam many people with Zhang Zhaobei.

Since it is a wanted criminal, I said that I am grateful to Li Feng and Su Wei, and then take Zhang Zhaobei, Chen Gang back to the police station.

Perhaps Zhang Zhaobei is too deep. When I was brought by a police car, I also called "them" to call, and let Li Feng, Su Wei must not regret it, causing two people to smile.

"Now you can tell me what I returned to Tong Dan?"

Back to the president office, Su Wei couldn't help but ask.

Li Feng browned micro-wrinkle: "This is actually nothing to say, because I don't plan to mass production."

The husband is not guilty, and Tong Yanshui can only cause countless people's , let alone return to the old Tong Dan.

Li Feng is not afraid, it is not as small as a matter, but he does not lack it anyway.

Su Wei didn't understand, but carefully considering that Li Feng's meaning: "It is indeed, this thing is not suitable for mass production ..."

Then Su Wei shifted the topic: "I think that recently declined, do you want to help me?"

"This is ... I feel that I will go back to let the ice, and the Jun will help you see if it will be more effective." Li Feng smiled.

"... you are bad!" Su Wei was shy, but he did not refuse.

Li Feng smiled, and first took a president office first.

Su Yi stayed in place for a while, and finally chased it out ...

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