Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1342 is not good to deal with

Pearl, Yipin Jiangnan 1 villa.

After the end of cultivation, Su Wei, Wei Yingqing finally slept.

", how do I think you are a heart?"

Li Feng saw that Song Yujun is not in the state, but he didn't find a chance to ask.

Now that two women have slept, he will ask my heart.

Song Yujun smiled: "No, how can I have a heart?"

"Every time you have a heart, do you think I don't know?" Li Feng laughed, Shen Sheng: "Talk, maybe I can help you?"

"I really didn't ..." Song Yujun was weak.

Li Fengbei picks: "Forced me to use my own experience?"

"Oh ..." Song Yujun did not expect Li Sumin to use directly to kill, only to admit: "Well, I am really in trouble, but I can solve it."

"Your parents come back?" Li Feng quickly knew that Song Yujun would not frank, just use her mind to her.

Song Yujun Zhang Zhang Zhang did his mouth, and he lamised: "You are a bad guy, and you really have read the heart with your sister!"

She just said in Li Feng's waist.

"Shu" Li Feng suddenly hurts his mouth, asking for help: "Good sister, I don't care about you, you hurry, I hurt."

"Hey, how can you have this BUG in the world, and others think about anything, but the Song Yunjun is helpless.

Song Yujun's charm is not much more, and she looks like Li Feng in this eye.

"Cough." Li Feng quickly converges his emotions, and it is proud: "If you are not my bug, you can't make a strong peak."

"Then I have to thank you?" Song Yujun said again that Li Feng.

After half, Song Yujun sighed: "Well, since you are grouped, then I will say it, in fact, I took my parents back to the pearl."

Li Fengbei picks: "This is a good thing."

"Yes, my parents come back to be a good thing, but they have always reminded me to find a boyfriend, but also to give me an object."

"This is not, my mother runs from yesterday, it is the blind eye. I will send my information to see people, I am dead."

Song Yujun is very helpless.

Li Feng: "..."

Got, it turned out to be such a thing, no wonder the god god will be frowning.

After the sinking, Li Feng knocked out the Song Yujun's head: "I have to talk about you, I will tell you the idea of ​​the future, you should believe me, tell the two old things directly."

"Or you directly introduce me to both old, I will tell them."

"Just rely on my three-inch tongue, plus my handsome appearance, the unsatisfactory talents, let the elderly accept me is still easy to mention?"

Song Yujun stared at him for a while, and finally nodded: "This idea is really good, but you can't get the chain when you are."

"I will definitely, I will guarantee you." Li Feng said with a chest.

"Well, then I will talk to my parents tomorrow morning." Song Yujun also made a determination, but she took a turn: "There is still something ..."

Li Fengbei picks: "What?"

"My big family is also coming, it is estimated that you have to see them, they are very ... um, it is not good to deal with." Song Yujun said weird.

Li Feng smiled: "Don't worry, what person I have never seen, what person I am not flat? Don't say your big, even your big, her mother, I can do it!"

Song Yujun just nodded, suddenly felt a bit wrong, wait for the reaction, immediately pretty face red, tailed and fought to Li Feng.

Li Feng was hugged, and Song Yujun won the chasing, and the room was suddenly jumped.

"The sister of the sister murdered, when you have two sleeps, when you sleep, you can't help me!"

In the escape, Li Feng called aid.

Wei Siqing, who is sleeping, has opened his eyes and sits up.

"Okay, do you act together with me?"

Song Yujun's ice and snow smart, I understood it, just definitely, Li Feng has something to ask her, so deliberately let two women sleep.

"The sister is angry, we also want to help you solve problems, hehe."

"Li Feng, you are not stupid, our woman will not be a difficult woman, will only join you together."

Su Wei, Wei Yingqing said, and one person picked up a pillow and rushed to Li Feng.

Song Yunjun "giggling" smile, chasing two girlfriends.

The bedroom became a joyful ocean ...

Early the next morning, Song Yunjun hit the phone in accordance with Li Feng's meaning, and said her with Li Feng.

After knowing her daughter has a boyfriend, Song Dad's Song Dao is happy, and now I will let Song Yujun take Li Feng home to see.

After eating at noon, Song Yujun hangs up the phone.

"My family's life is full, I am on your body, you don't let me down."

Song Yujun said that the look of the look.

"Don't worry, I must be relieved."

Li Feng smiled, then asked: "What is your parents like what, I am ready, and you are a big family."

Song Yujun thought about it: "My mother is with me, you will send red essence water, my father loves to drink, you take two bottles of Maotai."

"The big monk loves to smoke, you take two soft Chinese, the little cousin wants to change the phone, you buy a new mobile phone to him."

For your own happiness, Song Yujun also thought of it, it can be said that it is very spelled.

Li Feng nodded: "Well, let's go out and purchase it."

Then two people opened X7 out, went to the nearby big shopping malls to buy some, ready to be properly, at 11 o'clock in the morning, two people came to the Villas District of Chengxi Longjing, before the door of the house.

"Dad, Mom, you see who I bring anyone."

In the living room, Song Yujun took Li Feng to the front.

Two pairs of middle-aged men and women who are drinking tea chat before sitting on the sofa immediately turned to the head to see Li Feng.

"Sure enough, it is a table talent!"

"Hey, the young man is really good."

"This is 180?"

"The hand also mentioned so much, and it is a polite child."

Four people got up and down, Li Feng, it looks very satisfied.

"Uncle, Auntie, you are, I am Li Feng."

Li Feng took the past, and there was no shelf, very well.

"Hello, hurry, sit, sit fast."

Song Yujun's mother Chen Qian is, the more satisfied with Li Feng, and even let Li Feng sit down.

After all of the people left, Chen Qian also looked at Song Yujun sitting next to Li Feng: "What is your girl sitting, don't hurry to poult water?"

Song Yujun wronned his mouth, but it was relieved. At least from the current point of view, Li Feng was preliminary, just don't know where the next situation will develop ...

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