Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1343 is a family later

"Uncle Auntie, this is a gift I bought for you."

Li Feng took all things and sent it to the four people.

The four-man color, the gift from Li Feng is absolutely precious for ordinary people. Don't say other, just say to Chen Li, Chen Qian two sisters' red pain, the market price is 80,000.

Then I watched the two-haired lottery that was moved out in the car, and the smoke in the hatchback ...

Don't you have ten thousands of thousands?

"Xiao Li, you will come over, there is something."

Song Yujun's big county Chen Lixi can't help but hold red water, satisfied.

"Auntie you said, I am a late generation, and I will come over, I don't have something to do."

Li Feng is constant, but he is a little doubt. He came here to see Song Yujun's parents, Chen Li said this ... Not right?

"It's good, I'm watching Xiao Li is a good child, and the eyes are good."

Chen Li took a nod and it looked very satisfied.

At this time, Song Yujun's father, Song Wen, said: "Xiao Li, what are you doing?"

Li Feng is in danger: "I opened a company."

"Wow, open the company, the big boss, rich." Chen Li sighed next to: "Hey, my family is not so good, I haven't married a rich husband."

"Okay, I am saying that Xiao Li, what do you say?"

Chen Li's husband Zhang Hong can't hurt it.

This is not that he feels that Chen Li is not talking, but it is a thing that makes him unhappy.

He is a woman with Chen Li, a daughter is still one year older than Song Yujun. It has been married for many years, and the husband looking for it is a middle-level leader of a foreign company.

It is still very good to follow this son-in-law, and they are very satisfied.

But people are most afraid of, one more, especially with Li Feng, the more people feel that their own daughter is not good, find a boughtless husband.

"I just feel that ..."

Chen Li took the mouth, then he thought: "Fortunately, I still have a son, wait for him to find an object, be sure to find a white rich, worth more than 100 million! So I can enjoy a clear blessing in the second half of the year "

"Don't worry, I will have a son's appearance, talent, find a white rich." Zhang Hong said.

"For the right, Xiaoming a table talent, and it is a famous university, and it will definitely find a good girl." Chen Qian also attached to the road.

Song Wen was quiet, and quickly pulled the topic back: "Xiao Li, what is your company doing, can you tell us?"

"For the right, the company is very small, and now I have opened a courier point." Chen Li smiled.

Song Wen's color is slightly changed, and the double boxing is quietly knocked.

As a long time, Chen Ting naturally felt the changes in Song Wen, and quickly secretly sneaked him, so as not to make Song Wen's abundance.

She is a sister of Chen Li, no matter how Chen Li is people, she is not good to say this.

Li Feng smiled: "Of course, I am ..."

"Hey, is this a boyfriend of the sister, it is very handsome."

Just then, a light sound came from the second floor.

Li Feng turned his head, but he saw a young man wearing a tide brand, and the young man who was infected with Huangfa was holding the railings of the second floor corridor looked at him.

"Xiao Li, I will introduce you, this is your son, Zhang Ming."

"Zhang Ming, this is a boyfriend, Li Feng."

Chen Qian is busy helping the two.

"Li Feng ..." Zhang Ming's brow wrinkled, then excited one railing: "I went, I said what he was somewhat familiar. He didn't be the NBA's Li Feng ?!"

"Hey?" Chen Qian and others face.

They are all aged, and they don't look at NBA at all, and they don't go to Weibo. It is to see the WeChat circle, I don't know that Li Feng has played NBA normal.

At this time, Zhang Mingyi rushed down and quickly came to Li Feng and asked: "Li Ge, I didn't admit it?"

Li Feng smiled: "No."

"I really didn't admit mistake!" Zhang Ming took the palm and was more excited.

Chen Li saw that it was not right, could not help but ask: "Son, Li Feng ... is famous?"

"That is quite famous! Li Ge is a super star with hundreds of millions of fans on Weibo!" Zhang Ming said.

"Ah?" Chen Li and others were stunned.

Li Feng actually is still a star, and the fan is hundreds of millions? This ... what is this?

"No." Chen Li looked at Li Feng and doubts: "Do you say that you are driving?"

"Li Ge is open, the red water in your hand is produced by his company." Zhang Ming said in the hottest.

"O'... Osweil ?!"

Chen Li was shocked. What corporates, Osweil, she is clear, and the market value has long been over 100 million. Nowadays, I am moving towards trillion.

Previously, she also sugges that Li Feng may only open a small company. I have never thought that the company is born in Li Feng, and it can't imagine it!

Her daughter's boyfriend is more than Li Feng!

Song Wen, Chen Qian's wife is also awkward, NBA what they don't understand, but Osweil's big name is like thunder.

If Li Feng is the boss of Osweil, then his family is not allowed to get a million or even more?

I think this may, there is a dizziness in the brain.

As for Zhang Hong, a face has become a pig liver color, envy and hateful emotions full of his whole body.

If he is a balloon, it may have been exploded.

"Yes, there is also a recreational company named Sheng Tang Entertainment is also his, and you still have your idol Xu Man."

Zhang Ming continued to introduce.

"Xu ... Xu Man is the employee under Li Feng's hand?"

Chen Li screamed, and the shock of the face was not yet.

"It's more than it, he also acquired some shares of the wind team, now is the NBA's small boss."

"The life of the sister is too good, I have found Li Ge as a boyfriend."

Zhang Ming shook his head and his emotion.

"Oh my God……"

Chen Qian four people have not known what to say, in addition to shocking is shocking!

I don't know how long it took, Chen Li's face and complicated: "Xiao Li, you tell aunt, how much is you now?"

At this time, Song Wen's wife is slightly changed: "Sister, this kind of thing can't ask."

"What can't be asked, I will later, let's talk to us, you are a family, you said, Xiao Li?" Chen Li said with a smile.

Li Feng smiled: "In fact, I don't know how much I have, I have not calculated, but at least hundreds of billions."

In fact, the gold in the backpack of the light system is more than 100 billion Chinese currency, but it is afraid to scare them.

"My God, so much." Chen Li shouted, and then said: "Is there any money in the future?"

Li Feng: "???"

Song Wen couple: "???"

Song Yujun, far away tea: "???"

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