Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1347 is still a child

After a few minutes, Li Feng finally stopped.

Look at Zhang Ming, it has been dying by Li Feng, and it will breathe a feeling of breathing.

"Jin Zhang Ming?"

Li Feng half squats, and asked Zhang Ming's face.

"Buddha ... Buddha ... !"

Zhang Ming was hitting, and can you not accept it? If you are not convinced, he can really be killed by Li Feng!

"Do you know why I hit you?" Li Feng asked.

"... ...!" Zhang Minglian nodded, this moved to injury, and hurting hoarse grin.

"Then you talk about why I hit you."

Li Feng glared over a chair and asked after sitting down.

" ​​... ... make it for your thank you, brother, Niwen is not tender to help the wine is a wine clothes?"

Zhang Ming was crying, he said that he didn't roughly, and said why he hit him, it was a kind!

"Calling wine clothes dry, you Li Ge, I am doctor."

Li Feng smiled, took out a return spring and said: "This medicine is a healing, after you eat, soon will soon recover the injury."

"Buy ... I have been supplemented ..."

Zhang Ming dare to believe in Li Feng, in case this medicine is a poison, where is he?

Li Feng stunned: "Don't? Do you want your family to see your injury, let them accuse me?"

"Buy ... makeup ...... ..."

"What are you, I ate it!"

Li Feng quickly sent back into Zhang Ming's mouth.

Dan medicine is instant, and Zhang Ming feels that there is something on his face, and it is not so painful. It is a surprise: "This is really a hunger?"

Li Feng sighed: "When did I defraud you, although you are annoying, but you are still a child, how can I bear this when my brother will let you die?"

Zhang Ming: "???"

What is the child? You are too much better than I am more than I am, and if you are a child, what is you?

"Right, you just said that I have to break out my things, now you can explode online."

Li Feng sat back on the chair and said to the Erlang legs.

"Sister ... Sister, I am joking with you, we are a family, how can I find trouble for you." Zhang Ming smiled and mmp.

Hey, I said that you will fight me like this. If you really have a baby, don't you kill me? !

"Don't say this, I don't have to threaten my family."

Li Feng smiled, helped Zhang Ming to take out the mobile phone, laughed: "Come, you can try it to make my things."

Zhang Ming face color micro-change: "What do you mean?"

"If you say before you said, I sent me to the Internet to the Internet, just how to write, you can see if you can go."

"Don't dare, if you don't send, I have to hit you again."

Li Feng half a threat is a threat.

Zhang Ming: "???"

Not ... Is there such a thing? Forced him to break your own ugly?


Li Feng raised his hand and slap in Zhang Ming face: "I let you send it!"

"Well, I sent it, I sent it."

Zhang Ming was crying, and he called him before he didn't let him send it. Now he does not send it, Li Feng hits him, is he is not right?

When Zhang Ming, Zhang Ming still picked up the mobile phone to open Weibo, edited a Weibo: "Sister, I am really sent?"

"Hair, don't send me, I will hit you." Li Feng smiled.

Zhang Ming bite his teeth: "Well, I will send it!"

The voice is falling, Zhang Mingpin sent.

What makes him surprised is that this Weibo can't make it out, and it will go directly to the jambox.

"What's happening here?"

Zhang Ming stunned, and I have been sent several times, or I can't succeed.

"You try again to make anything else, just anything."

Li Feng laughed.

Zhang Mingzhi color change number, edited a normal Weibo, click to send it.

This time I finally succeeded!

Li Feng's mouth hooked a smile of playing taste: "What did you notice?"

"What?" Zhang Ming's invisibility thought of, but he did not dare to determine, and even think this is extremely ridiculous.

"It seems that you haven't found it yet, then you will try another software, WeChat, know, Douban, SMS, you can even call others, talk to others, see if others can hear you. "

Li Feng said.

Zhang Mingzhi color micro-change: "What you mean ..."

"I thought it? Try it, anyway, you call me up. For a long time, it will not be suspicious." Li Feng took a smoke and said.

Zhang Ming didn't hesitate, I tried to play a call for a friend: "Hey, I will tell you very exciting news."

When it comes to here, he also deliberately looked at Li Feng.

Li Feng shrugged and said that he said with confidence.

Zhang Ming said courage: "Do you make, Li Feng, the boss of Osville, his foot walks two boats ... What do I don't talk, I said ... I am, I really said. "

"I didn't hear it? Then I said it again, Li Feng, the boss of Osville, he ... lying, you can't hear what I said ?!"

Zhang Ming is really forced, lying in the trough, shielding mobile phone signal, he can understand, set keywords on the network, you can also understand, but call him directly in the call ... This is what he said Unable to understand!

"Ha, haha, I just made a joke with you, what ... Happy New Year, I hang it first."

Zhang Mingxi hangs up the phone and then seeing the ghost to look into Li Feng.

"Do you know what I am talking about?" Li Feng spit out a smoking ring and tastes.

"Know ... I know ... Just, this happens." Zhang Ming found that he did not understand Li Feng, which is completely exceeded by his understanding.

Li Feng bombed the smoke, laughed: "Because I am a member of the special department, my information is top secret, unless I am open, otherwise no one can disclose it."

"It turns out ..." Zhang Ming directly believes, no one hesitated, because only such an explanation can explain why the situation just happened!

"Do you still be prepared to threaten me?" Li Feng hilted the cigarette head and asked.

Zhang Ming wants to cry without tears: "I don't dare, I don't dare again."

Threats have the ability to cause harm to others, they are threatened, they are not hurt, they can't hurt others. He also threatens a fart.

Li Fengnou nodded: "The previous requirements ..."

"Don't mention it, no longer mention, you just put a fart." Zhang Ming has a face.

"Well, let's go."

The voice is falling, and Li Feng got out of bedroom.

After hearing the movement, Chen Qian, etc. in the living room, etc. immediately turned to him.

Li Feng is often left, smiled: "Uncle Auntie, I have something to say to you."

At this time, Song Yujun became nervous.

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