Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1348 Emergency Mission

"Hey, wait, my family said that I said to you?"

Chen Li looked at Zhang Ming followed behind him and asked.

"This ... you have to ask Xiao Ming." Li Feng said.

Chen Li's doubtful looks Zhang Ming.

"Mom, don't ask, this is my secrets I follow Li Ge." Zhang Ming said something impatient.

"No, how is your face so red? What are you doing in the room?"

Chen Li's appeared, Zhang Ming's face was quite white, but it turned into the room but became red, what did the two did in the room?

"Cough, the room is too hot, it will be fine for a while."

Zhang Mingxin said.

Li Ge is really very easy to use. It is still a little congestion in such a short time.

"Yes?" Chen Li's eyes turned, excited: "You should not do your work, excitement?"

At this time, Zhang Hong is also very excited.

"What do you think, of course, we are all adults, you have to learn to be self-reliant, then say, Li Ge is not yeted."

"Ok, let's come to the pearls, it's too long, but it should go back."

Zhang Mingyi's words finished the words, he had to pull Chen Li and Zhang Hong left here.

He has been hit by Li Feng, just want to leave here as soon as possible.

Chen Li: "???"

Zhang Hong: "???"

other people:"???"

Not ... how to go to the bedroom, Zhang Ming seems to be a person, talking about it?

The Song Yujun's face was looked at Li Feng, Li Feng nodded, and he smiled.

"Hey." Song Yujun sighed and quietly rushed Li Feng with a thumbs up.

Li Feng referred to his cheeks, provoke Song Yujun's pretty blush, and glanced at him.

"Xiao Li, what did you do to Xiaoming?"

Chen Li took the arm and asked anger.

"Hey ..." Li Feng sighed and did not have a voice.

"Mom, don't ask, Li Ge didn't do anything to me, he made me recognize the importance of self-reliance."

"We have failed before, the wrong is too long, from now on, I have to have anger, strive to become a person like Li Ge!"

"So I have to go home to find a job, relying on my ability to break out a world!"

Zhang Ming's right hand holding a fist, and the vowes have swayed.

Chen Li's eyes were red: "Children, do you know how long have you been waiting for you? Ok, you can have this ambition, indicating that my mother is not white! Go home! "

The voice is falling, Chen Li took Zhang Ming one hand to walk outside.

"Big sister, leave for lunch and then go ..."

"No, go home to help Xiaoming to find a job!"

"That ... we send you ..."

"No, we must be self-reliant!"

Looking at Chen Li, I walked out of the villa, and Song Wen had two.

They really gone, didn't you take anything when you are walking? This is too unconventional.

Song Yujun turned to look at Li Feng and his face was confused.

Li Feng shrugged and said that he really didn't do anything.

"It seems that Xiao Ming really changed, this is a good thing, a good thing."

Chen Li said with emotion.

"Yeah, Xiaoming's famous university has been more than a year after graduation. It is not going to enter at home. Now it is good, I am awake, I hope he can have a good future." Song Wen sighed.

If you do your elders, you will not really have a young generation, you will hope that your child is good.

Just sometimes hate the iron is not steel, now I see Zhang Ming, naturally is very happy.

"Uncle, aunt, please rest assured, as long as the small mismailin is on earth, I will let him have a long way."

Li Feng laughed.

Song Wenmei talked, sighed: "Thank you, Xiao Li, just let you see the joke, hehe."

"Uncle's uncle." Li Feng hooks.

"For Xiao Li, you just say something to tell us, what is it."

Chen Qian asked curious.

"Cough, that ... Li Feng, you will go to the kitchen with me first." Song Yujun is a bit nervous.

"Your child, let Xiao Li will go to the kitchen with you." Chen Qian gave a look at Song Yujun, and said dissatisfaction.

Song Yujun took the mouth and didn't swear.

Li Feng smiled, this converges smile, Shen Sheng said: "Uncle Auntie is like this, in fact, I have ST nationality."


Song Wen's wife was stunned on the spot.

Xiao Li, what does this mean, how is a mouth saying that he has ST nationality?

Rao is Li Feng's face is much thicker than ordinary people, and I don't know how to say it.

Just then, Song Yujun sat next to Li Peak: "Mom, in fact, Li Feng has a fiancee, I am just a third party."


Song Wen's wife stood up.

I have no two people, Song Yujun said: "You don't worry first, ST is a giving wife, Li Feng has ST nationality, you can take us into the door."

Song Wen: "???"

Chen Qian: "???"

So this is Li Feng that he has the purpose of ST nationality?

"And I have been married, and it is better than Li Feng, Li Feng is still so good, can be orthodontically, it is perfect enough."

"You can oppose it, I will leave Li Feng, but I will not marry life."

Song Yujun said strongly.

Song Wen's husband and wife looked at each other, and she sighed behind: "Since Li Feng can give you a legal identity, then we have nothing to say."

"As long as Li Feng is really sincerely, we ... no objection!"

They made this decision to be thought - so much like Song Yujun, since Li Feng can give her Ming's media, it will give it to Song Yujun.

Li Feng is also very excellent, excellent to the world's most popular small person, and Jun Jun is indeed a marriage ...

Plus the decision of Song Yujun, two people are afraid that they will refuse, will cause bad things.

Song Yujun is inexplicably, and then hug them in the past.

Opposite, Li Feng also loosened, smile spread on his face ...

The next time, Li Feng carryed a three-sided hotel to eat nearby hotels.

In order not to attract other people's attention, Li Feng is naturally a dressed, otherwise, he still uses system intervention, and points can no more waste.

During eating, Li Feng suddenly received a call from Shen Ziyan.

"Hey, Li Feng, there is an emergency task to help you."

Shen Ziyi is very urgent in the phone.

Li Fengbei picks: "What mission?"

Shen Ziyi said anxiously: "It is not convenient to say that you come here."

"Okay, don't worry, I will go right away."

After hanging up the phone, Li Feng briefly introduced the following situation, expressed apologies for Song Wen, and then got out of the restaurant, drove to the airport, booked a ticket to go to Beijing.

After five hours, Li Feng came to Shen Ziyi's residence.

After meeting, Shen Ziyan said: "Qinglong will arouse the superior."

Li Feng: "???"

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