Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1361 is too special, heart-driven

For these ordinary members, the half-god strong is only in the legend, and they have never seen it.

Today, I saw a half-level powerful shot ... shock!

"Qinglong makes it, are you chasing me hipster? Um ... feel good."

Li Feng turned his head and looked at the sky and then gently jumped to the elevator well.

Mo, I couldn't help but shook my head.

When Li Feng is still just a master of master, he didn't put Li Feng at the eyes, just as a piece of chess.

Now, Li Feng can take him with him, and he still has no temper.

The big implementation of life is too stimulating!

"There is a layer of two meters thick alloy layers. I need some time to make it a hole. If you look at the situation, someone tells me."

Li Feng hung in half an air and pulled out the Shenwu Jian.

Mo asked the day and others are already a wasteman, don't say a martial arts, even if you come to a hand, you can have their little life.

"Understand!" Mo asked the day and others to respond.

Perhaps the process of Li Feng, a boxing of Kalaire, was seen from the monitoring. When Li Feng took the goddess of the sword, did not open the eyes and found a trouble.

Shenwu Jianzhi, plus Li Feng's true gas blessing, so soon, I took a big hole in two meters thick alloy layers.

After receiving the alloy block that took down the system with your backpack, Li Feng used the cloud hand to pull the sky.

"here is……?"

After coming to the ground, I would like to look at the complex pipe in front of the sky.

When they are brought here, they will greenely speaking, I don't know how I have entered the superior headquarters.

So they didn't expect that the overall part of the Superman was actually a chemical plant.

Dragon soul is not so mad!

"You have not mistisred, it is indeed a chemical plant, I think this is the dragon soul to learn." Li Feng smiled.

"You have to follow the faucet, I will not use it with me." Mo asked the sky and couldn't help but turn over the white eye, then he turned around: "Where are we going, do someone takes? Don't tell me you want to With us to Huaxia. "

Li Feng is a half-level strong, and he can't drag them from 11 all the way to Huaxia.

It is not to say that Li Feng does not have this ability, but they can't live in 11 can't live, halfway can be blown to the wind.

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "I will come over, who has anyone to meet? But I have a plane."


Mo asked the other people to face each other.

The aircraft that can accommodate 12 people is not small, how did Li Feng drive it to the rice?

The problem is how to fly across the ocean, and the small airplane is certainly can't, and you must have a large passenger aircraft.

Does Li Feng come over his A380?

Then it is not a living target!

Li Feng mysterious smile: "Well, I will know when you will be, before this, I have to do something first."

"What?" I don't know why, I will have a bad feeling in my heart.

"Put this place is flat."

Li Feng smiled slightly, and took a bomb from the upper pocket.

"Lying ... so big?"

"This is ... the mother of bomb?"

"I rely on, if it is a mother of the bomb, that is, too special, heart!"

Mo asked the day and others were blocked directly.

The mother of the bomb, the largest non-nuclear bomb used in Military operations, this bomb is about 9.1 m, a diameter of 103cm, with a weight of 9.8 tons, 11 tons of TNT equivalents.

This bomb can form a powerful overpressure and violent shock wave during the explosion, and can produce a high temperature of 1000 ° C to 2000 ° C, and the duration is 5-8 times higher than the conventional explosive.

At the same time, it will quickly "eat" oxygen in the surrounding space, produce a large amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, the oxygen content of the explosion is only 13 normal content 13, and the carbon monoxide concentration is greatly exceeded, resulting in partial severe hypoxia, air drama poison.

In the case of non-use nuclear bombs, the mother of the bomb is almost the strongest.

"Yes, it is the mother of the bomb." Li Feng nodded, holding the mother of the bomb, smiled: "You don't think it is a sense of accomplishment with a bomb. ?"

"Big Brother, you are steady, don't fall."

"Although ordinary impact will not let it explode, it is not afraid that 10,000 will be afraid."

Mo asked the day and others couldn't help but retreated a few steps, opened the distance from Li Feng.

This place was exploded in the ground, and they got it in an instant!

"Hey you scared." Li Feng laughed, and then went to the elevator wellhead, and put the mother of the bomb in the elevator well.


I asked the day and others to scare a jump, turning around and ran away.

Just when they just ran a few steps, I found that I have been vacant, and I looked down and found that I was pinched by a huge dragon roof.


Just Li Feng grabbed the sky and others soon, and there was a deafening explosion.

Even if they have come to 100 meters, still feel a terrible gas from the following.

Li Feng browned microstruck: "It is really a bit trouble with so many towers."

The voice falls, and Li Feng raises his hand to take a punch.


A loud noise, the mother of the bomb shocks the waves of Li Feng's boxing.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

The mother explosion of the bomb produces fire, high temperature, ignited the chemical plant's oil tank, and then exploded.

Suddenly, the chemical plant turned into a fire sea.


Perhaps it is 2000 degrees of high temperature will build the alloy structure of the ultra-energy headquarters, and the ground is suddenly collapsed, and the refining equipment has fallen.

"What is the death of the super bureau?"

"At such a high temperature, only the strong S-class is to live."

"It is true that the high temperature conditions are true, but the explosion of the mother of the bomb is sufficient to kill the S-level strong."

"Now is a getting time, there is not much strong in the superior headquarters, at least S - class or more, but no matter what, this is a huge blow to the super bureau."

Mo asked the sky, like a sweet and ice cream, and the grievances of these days were a lot.

At this moment, they only felt a black in front of him, and they found that the dragon claws became a lot, blocked their sight.

Waiting until landing is landing, the dragon claw dissipates, and they will discover a large plane in front of them.

"Lying, this is the plane you said?"

"This ... this is the B2 bomber in the country ?!"

"Lying in the trough, I didn't see it wrong ?!"

"It's really B2 bomber! It is the same as the photo on the network!"

Mo asked the day and others shocked directly.

They thought that there were countless possibilities, that is, I didn't expect that Li Feng said that the plane will be B2 ghost bomber.

Use a B2 bomber as a car, simply too special, heart!

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