Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1362 Is the same person?


Li Fengfei arrived on the B2 bomber and took the body asked.

"Cool, it is very cool."

Mo I said that there was a hammer.

B2 bomber is the only stealth strategy bomber in the world and is also the most advanced bomber.

Come on, the radius of combat can reach 12,000 meters, the air is fuel once, the combat radius can reach 18,000 kilometers.

In addition to the foreign countries, this bomber is "global arrival" "global destruction", and its power can be seen.

"Where can I get this B2, don't tell me that you rob a military base."

"The strength of the predecessors, the military base is also normal."

"Yeah, the superflock headquarters has given the predecessors to blow up, the military base can be more difficult than the oversight headquarters?"

After returning to God, the members of other dragon souls have come up.

"Cough, this is a secret, you don't ask, let's take a plane first, wait back to Huaxia and say other."

Li Feng has a cough, skip this topic.

This plane is he spends 5 million system points purchased from the system mall.

At first glance, I listened to 5 million system points, and if I changed it into Huaxia coins, I was 5 billion Huaxia coins.

Look at the cost of B2 bomber, the foreign countries declared a $ 2.4 billion, Li Feng only used 5 billion Huaxia coins to buy it is very cost-effective.

After he returned, he could handle the plane to the country, so that the state reversed the B2 bomber, and its value was not 5 billion Huaxia coins.

Besides, in addition to the B2 bomber, Li Feng thinks what a plane can make them safely fly to LSJ.

HSD has a distance between 4,300 kilometers between the LSJ, which is necessary to meet a voyage of more than 4,300 kilometers, but also to escape the radar monitoring, only the B2 bomber.

Mo I nodded, just climbed up the plane, suddenly thought of a question: "B2 bomber seems to have only three cocks, we don't open it?"

In general, the B2 bomber is equipped with two driving passengers, but there is still a seat behind the cockpit, and then the bomb is.

"We are not using it to perform bombing tasks, just get running, you can't open it in front of the playing position."

Li Feng said with a smile.

The B2 bomber can be installed in 80 MK82 type bombs, with a maximum load of 18 tons, don't say 10 people, and then double it.

"You said it seems to be a little reason." Mo asked him to nod, then climbed the plane first.

Li Feng shook his head smiles, using the exploration of the clouds to grab the remaining 10 Dragon Soul members, and then put them in the boss.

After doing these, Li Feng has to open the plane.

Because the chemical plant needs to run the truck when entering the raw material, there is a straight road at the entrance of the chemical plant, and the B2 bomber can take off on this road.

"Will you open a plane?"

On the right driving position, I asked the sky with the face.

The right side of the B2 is the seat of the task commander, which is responsible for performing a bombing task, and the left is a pilot.

This can be a big guy, in case Li Feng, it will not open, fly to half, except Li Feng to keep it out, others have to hike.

On the left side of the driving position, Li Feng looked at the control panel in front of him and smiled: "Didn't drive B2, but the problem is not big."

He did not drive a plane, but there was a skilled book in the system mall, and 1000 system points, it is a furry for him.

"Lying in the trough, don't scare me." Mo asked the sky to unlock the impulse of the plane.

"I am afraid, even if the plane falls, I can save you, I can't do it."

Li Feng smiled, pressed the ignition key, B2, jitter, the engine started, the roar sounded.

Li Feng said that this is said. Mo asked that he would be too worried about himself, he can only close his mouth and listen to his life.

Under Li Feng, B2 starts to slide, the process is very stable, which makes it easy to say.

Just after the B2 started to slide, the sky in the distance flew away, it was receiving the Ratton Bashenus who came to this after the report of Carlire!

"The death, that is a super bureau ?!"

Looking at the location of the super bureau, the fire is rushing, and the entire person of Rretun Bains is crazy.

When Ratton Bains, the speed of the flight is coming to here, I hope to use my ability to extinguish the fire.

At the same time, the sliding B2 bomber left the runway and started climbing quickly.

"That is ... B2 bomber ?!"

Retton Bains found the B2 bomber, and every time everyone was on the spot.

The B2 bomber produced 21, all of them served in rice, so the first reaction of Rretton Bains is the task of performing tasks here.

Thinking of this, Rretun Bains took out the phone and dialed a call: "Hey, I am Rretton Bains, help me check you if you have a B2 bomber to HSD Besos Chemical Plant ...... Ok, I am waiting for you. "

After that, Ratton Bains hangs up the phone, then fly to the headquarters of the super bureau, the face is ugly looks at the fire sea below, and it is not a show.

Although he is an SSS +-level power, he faces the flame of the bears, and there is no good way to go out.

If it is an ordinary fire, such as an open space or a fire in the house, Rretton Bains can use the air to break the fire.

The firefighter has a wind fire extinguishing machine that can spray the airflow similar to the 12-level typhoon will be blown off, and the principle is to reduce the temperature of the fire below the fire point.

However, the ultra-superflock headquarters is underground, and the above is another chemical plant, all of which are flammable and explosive substances, and the fire points of these substances are very low, and they cannot be blown out of wind.

At the time of Ratton Bains, several gods rushed out from the fire.

"Belon, Carl ?!"

Renee Benes was appreciated by two people and quickly rushed over.

"Ratton Director ?!"

Belon and Karl saw Rretton Bains, suddenly wary!

Two of them are two SS-level powers that stayed tonight, so they can survive in that drastically explosion.

"What is going on? How can the Superman headquarters become this?"

The Ratton Bains is not any raised, and the face is a while.

"It is a person who pretending to Donald, and he rescued the people of the dragon soul. He put a bomb mother in the elevator."

Belon He didn't dare to hide, and the matter was explained over again.

"The mother of the bomb?!"

The Tenton Bains has a dramatic change. The Trudley Biological Laboratory is also destroyed by a bomb mother. Is it the same person?

After half of the half, Rretun Bains asked: "Do others still live in addition to you."

"It should be okay." Two people went down, and said it was frustrated.

In such a dramatic explosion, even if they are injured, people below the SS level have not survived.

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