Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1363 throws a play?

"This death!" Retton Bains, a fist, anger asked: "What is the people who pretend to Donald?"

Belon, Carl is looking at the eye, ashamed.

At this time, the ringtone of the mobile phone ring, Rretun Bains quickly turned on: "Hey ... What, all B2 bomber do not dispatched, all in the chart? That's how I just saw the B2 Who is the bomber? "

"Damn, I know! Immediately notify, there is an unknown B2 bomber being flying over HSD, no matter how it is necessary to stop it, fast!"

Although he wants how to get the B2 bomber of the dragon soul, since the Air Force says that all B2 is not dispatched in the organ library, then the B2 he just saw must be a person who is pretending to Donald.

Now Rretun Bains is very regretted, how did he not fly in the situation?

This is a B2 bomber. If you hang a few nuclear bombs above, can you type mushrooms on HSD?

Then his responsibility is big!

The rice Air Force Headquarters, one of the answers to the phone: "Not ... The Director of Reutton, what did you just say?"

"I said that there is an unknown B2 bomber being flying over HSD! I didn't joke, if you didn't send people immediately, cause any consequences, it was responsible for you!"

After that, Ratton Bains hangs up the phone.

"Belon, Carl, you will notify the four deputy director immediately, let them immediately ..."

"Forget it, or come."

Rretun Bains is afraid that they can't say it clearly, and they pick up the phone and dialed the phone.


"The Director of Retton must be crazy, and the B2 bomber is only 21 in the world. How can I have unknown B2 bomber in HSD in our chart?"

The act of picking up the phone can not be the master, and the head of the headband is called to report the phone.

"Immediately send people to check the machine library, see where there is no B2 in the gallery."

Yessir! "

The result of the command is again enabled to check the lower library. After 10 minutes, you will get all B2's messages in the gallery.

Then this in this case reported this situation to the head of the head.

The head boss took a while and decided to talk to Rretton Bains.

"Morrison is pulp, have you found B2?"

Rretun Bains will ask for a long time.

"Reutton has reported that I have just confirmed it again, the B2 bomber in the gallery is there, so do you make a mistake?"

Morrison said somewhere.

"Hair, you didn't do it in accordance with what I said? Do you die!"

Rretun Bains exploded a thick mouth.

Although the two is long, one is the upper pulp, but strictly said that the status of the two is the same.

What's more, Rretun Bains is still an SSS +-level power, and face Morrison, which is an ordinary person. He has a lot of psychological advantages, even if he is in front of Morrison, he also dares to go to a mouth.

"The Director of Reutton, please pay attention to your own words." Morrison is not very happy.

"I have seen this B2 bomber. I saw it. Do you think I will see a mistake?" Rretton Bains is almost roaring.

"But I don't understand, B2 is only Miki can produce, where is this B2 bomber coming?" Morrison said slowly.

"Xie, I know where it is from, but it is existed!" Retton Bains is crazy. If Morrison is in front of him, he does not guarantee whether he can control the life. meaning.

"A thief, a thief, Rretton, I think you are not rational now, this thing is definitely misunderstand."

"This way, I will send people to patrol over HSD, if I find the situation, I will inform you the first time."

Rretton Bains said with a smile.

"The death, I have been in the past 20 minutes, you feel that it will be over HSD at the speed of the B2 bomber?"

"Radar, satellite, early warning patrol machine, fighter, all sent it, no matter what you want to give me!"

"If there is a problem, I guarantee the first to slaughter you!"

After that, Ratton Bains hangs up the phone.

The maximum speed of the B2 bomber is 0.95 Mach, which is 1014 km speed, 20 minutes, enough to fly out of HSD.

When I think a killing is flying over the country, Rretton Bains is a little bit of crazying.

Morrison was passed at this time, and the seriousness of the matter, Rretton Bains came to say a few, once there is really a problem, Rretun Bains is likely to slaughter him.

Thinking of this, Morrison immediately pick up the phone, released the command: "All units entered the first-level alert state, people who are vacation are immediately returned to their position."

"All fighters, early warning patrol machines, looking for an unknown B2 bomber, all radar power is full, no matter how you give me!"

Morrison's order, the Air Force in the rice act, countless fighters fly on the sky, and the radar of all parts opened, looking for Li Feng's B2 bomber.

"Li Feng, there is no nuclear bomb above this."

On the driving position of the mission commander, I would like to look at the excitement, I have been able to take a good idea to take my thoughts.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "What do you want?"

"Cough, find a rice army base, throw a play." Mo asked the sky and said.

Li Feng took out three black lines: "I said Qinglong to make it too simple to put the mushrooms? Don't say that I don't have anything on this plane, even if there is, I don't dare to throw."

When is the most deterrent? There is no emission.

Once launched, it is torn, unless your first round of attacks are all destroyed, otherwise it is necessary to prepare for the other party's nuclear bomb.

On the nuclear reserves, in addition to the big hair in the world, there is no strength in other countries.

Even if this B2 bomber is filled with nuclear bombs? On the top, a state will give it a state, then the next is a nuclear war, then the world enters the nuclear winter ...

I asked the sky and smiled: "Oh, I will say that you don't really do it."

"Then I am really true?" Li Feng asked.

"Then you are not Li Feng, I have confidence in you." Mo asked the sky to shoot Li Feng's shoulder and laughed.

"Go, let you say it." Li Feng shook his head smile and concentrated on driving aircraft.

After another 10 minutes, there were sudden few red spots on the airborne radar.

Li Feng noodles slightly changed: "Not good, it is the fighter of the old rice! We were discovered!"

The stealth bomber is not completely stealth, but it will not be discovered by the radar within a long distance.

For example, the ordinary fighter, 200 km can be detected by radar, but stealth fighters may fly to 30 kilometers to be found.

This distance discovers that the fighter is late because it has completed a round of attacks before discovering it.

Therefore, Li Feng immediately expected that B2 bombing opportunities were discovered by old rice, but did not expect the other party to send fighters to intercept.

Now the problem is coming, he is directly shot that there are several fighters, or you want to deceive them?

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