Save the Goddess System

Chapter 136, the most advanced pot

"The front B2 bomber, I am the captain of the captain of the Millennium Air Force Falcon Squadron, please fall immediately, repeat, repeat, please immediately fall to check .Over."

On the occasion of Li Feng sink, the Radiocity of the B2 sounded the other party's warning.

"What to do, don't play?" Mo asked Tianxing Chongqing.

Li Feng turned over white: "How to fight? Fly to them and throw bombs?"

This is a bomber, and it is a stealth bomber and there is no air combustion capability.

However, his driver still has a strong air combabilities ...

Mo I heard the sky, no more.

Li Feng sinking, picked up the call: "Hello, James, I am the gods paradise, Garfield Webster, is implementing a secret mission, please don't interfere with my sailing, repeat, please don't interfere with me. Sailing .over. "

"The gods paradise? What is it?" James came asked.

Even if I don't want to be, the gods paradise, this is not a mysterious organization in the legend of North America, how can Li Feng know this organization? Can you say a member name?

It seems that Li Feng has not been harvest in the rice country ...

Li Feng couldn't help but laugh: "You don't even know the heavens in the gods? Ok, it seems to be a breakdown you, you can ask your boss and ask what the gods paradise is."

"In this time period, I allow you to accompany you. Luover."

Inside the F22 fighter, James captain some hesitate to talk to other team members: "Have you heard of the gods paradise?"

"No, how did you have a captain?"

"Captain, the driver of the B2 bomber returned?"

"Captain, since we determine that our B2 bomber is in the organizer, then there is a nonsense with him, directly in turn, give it a day!"

James is slightly changed: "Stupid! What should I do with a nuclear bomb in this plane?"

F22 in the air battle can be rolled B2, which is no suspense, but they are afraid that there is a mushroom bomb in B2.

In case the other party, the wall is thrown directly, throw a few mushroom bombs directly, do they become a sinner of the country?

"Do we have to watch him escape?" Other team members said helpless.

"You wait, I will ask what the heavens are going on."

The voice is falling, James turned on the base and reported the situation.

After receiving the report, the base has been reported directly to Morrison.

When I arrived in Morrison, I have qualified to know the paradise of the gods, so he is behind the members of the B2 bomber, and then in the heart.

Enjoy the way: "Direct order, no commands, all fighters don't fire on B2 bomber, who dares to violate, kill forever!"

After the next command, Morrison is busy allocating a call.

Perhaps because it is too late, the phone rang for a long time, then there was a slightly smoldering voice: "Hey, I am Rafaeld."

Morrison couldn't stand it and got up, as if the other party was in front of himself, the bow was spelled: "Rafaeld is the old, I am Morrison, I am sorry to bother you so late, but I There is a very important issue to consult you. "

"You said." Rafael said calmly.

"Yes, when we executed a task, we met a person who claimed to be a member of the gods. He called Gafield Webster. Is there such a member inside the heaven?" Mo Son sound asked.

Rafaeld "" has said, and then said weird: "Is Gaffield Webster ..."

"What?" Morrison didn't understand the meaning of Rafaeld.

Rafaeld shook his head: "Nothing, Garfield Webster is a peripheral member of the gods, and has not had his news in the past few days. It seems that he is implementing a secret task."

"Ah, is he really a member of the gods?" Morrison was a bit surprised.

"Why, are you questioning me?" Rafael's tone suddenly became cold.

"Don't dare!" Morrison quickly denied: "This is the case, he opened a B2 bomber, but B2 bomber produced 21, except for an accident destruction, others were in our organism "

"The gods paradise do not need to explain to anyone." Rafael smiled coldly.

In fact, he didn't know much about the B2 bomber, in other words, in addition to the understanding of the nuclear bomb, other hot weapons were not placed in their eyes.

In addition, in his eyes, the shadow group is omnipotent, it is difficult to get a plane, what is the difficulty?

"Okay, I understand, bother you with Rafaeldine."

After Morrison hangs, I immediately went to Ratton again: "The Director of Reutton, you almost killed me, do you know?"

"What?" "Ratton's fogwater.

"Do you know who is the B2 bomber?" Morrison asked the anger.

Leon is a joy: "Do you know?"

"It is a member of the gods paradise! Damn, you know what you mean than I mean!" Morrien smelled.

"What ?!" Rectun was completely embarrassed.

He didn't think that the B2 bomber was actually a member of the gods paradise, this ... this is too unexpected!

"Do you want us to intercept it?" Morrison is very satisfied with Rretan's reaction, and there is no need to ask.

"This death, how can be the people of the gods paradise are open, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" Retton can't accept this.

"Don't believe it? Yes, you will call Rafael Demner, anyway, I have already called it."

"Right, this matter is not gated, you will go to the time, you want to continue to follow up."

After saying Morrison, I hang up the phone.

Retton: "..."

Who doesn't know that Rafaeld's forealos are most annoying others, this is that he calls the past to confirm, he can expose the wilderness next day.

Rafaelde is the old man!

"The death, why the people of the gods will appear near the superior headquarters, how can they have a B2 bomber?"

Relton wanted to break your head and I wanted not to pass, but no matter what, since Rafaeld's forealos have been determined, he can't be traced again.

Sleeks, Ratton pick up the phone, get a new order: "Notify, all members of the super bureau look for suspicious people, carpet investigation, once they find it now!"

At the same time, B2 bomber.

"Mr. Garfield Webster, I am James Captain, we have identified your identity, I wish you a happy journey, goodbye."

Li Feng's mouth hook, laughed: "Receive, thank you, I wish you a smooth return."

On the side, Mo I asked the day's mouth directly into the "O" type!

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