Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1365 is born with both yang

If you don't ask the sky as a strong force of Li Feng as a strong, that is the enchanting of Lu Bu and Zhuge Light in his heart.

Looking at Li Fengying to save them, first, God is unknowingly sicking into the superior headquarters, then pretending to take Donald to take them into the elevator.

After that, use powerful personal abilities to bring them away from the superior Bureau, but also bombed the superior headquarters.

Then the B2 bomber is backed by the B2 bomber. When I saw the B2 bomber, I was shocked.

However, the most hanging or Li Feng goes up the gods of the paradise members, and I will scare the rice Air Force when I can't take a shot.

What is this? Non-wisdom!

Niu Ji, too cattle, don't ask Li Feng in the heart, and finally understand why Xiao Yan will choose Li Feng.

"Hey, you are born," "

Mo I asked the sky.

Li Feng: "???"

No ... Do you ask what is going on this again? The knee is born to be born, and the feelings do you want to treat yourself as Zhou Yu?

Zhou Yu wants to know if you are jumping out from the coffin?


After more than 4 hours of sailing, the B2 bomber came to LSJ.

Li Feng is not familiar with LSJ, temporarily wanting to find a runway to land, unless the Li Fenghua system points make the system look for.

Just doing so too Low, Li Feng has a better way.

"Qinglong makes you look at it, I will give you a beautiful."

While talking, Li Feng drove the plane to a unmanned district.

Mo I asked the sky is a bit nervous: "What do you want?"

Li Feng mysterious smile: "You will know when you come."

After a few minutes, the B2 bomber came to the unmanned zone, followed by Li Feng control B2 bomber to a divertal action.

Huge inertia let Mo as he asked Tiansi to go forward, if it is not tied with a seat belt, Mo as he is on the front windshield.

"Lying, what are you doing, isn't it going to crash?"

Mo asked the most almost scared.

Li Feng shook his head: "Of course not, I just drop the flight height, then take you away."

Mo I: "???"

No ... ,, how can he listen to it?

When the B2 bomber landed to 1000 meters height, Li Feng opened the bombing door while unlocked the seat belt.

I would like to say that I will be awkward: "Li Feng, this is a B2 bomber, you can't let it crash!"

He thought that Li Feng could not find a landing place, helping to let B2 bomber crash.

"Who said that I want it to crash, you are still reluctant to solve the seat belt, you can't get it."

At the same time, Li Feng also arrested 10 Dragon Soul members in the bombing in the hand in the hand.

I didn't dare to delay. I quickly unlocked the seat belt, and then Li Feng left hand, I will also catch up.

Next moment, Li Feng opened the hatch, and the hemp drilled out, and then took one of the other people to pull it out.

And the B2 bomber has landed to 100 meters away from the ground.

"Lying in the trough, B2 bomber is exploding!"

"Don't, this is B2!"

Mo asked the sky, they were anxious, they know the strategic significance of the B2 bomber, if they can bring B2 bomber back to China, they are willing to be here!

Just when they thought the B2 bomber, he had to plant it on the ground, suddenly a flower, the B2 bomber disappeared ...

"I rub?"

"What situation, B2?"

"I look at the eyes, B2 has disappeared?"

Mo asked the day and others, it is straightforward, so bigger, it disappears directly from their eyes, this is too unusing.

"Don't guess, the B2 bomber is put up by me."

Li Feng grabbed them landed in the ground and laughed.

"Pack ...?"

The crowd first glance first, then I thought about what I thought about it, "Space Storage Equipment ?!"

Only the space storage equipment can put a homonymous material in an instant, now the problem is coming, how much the space storage equipment in Li Feng can put the B2 bomber entire?

This is 21 meters long, 52.4 meters wide, high 5.18 meters!

"Yes, it is a space storage equipment. Otherwise, how did I bring B2 bomber to the overall party headquarters?"

Li Feng played.

As soon as I heard this, I asked the day and other talents suddenly realized.

Before they thought that Li Feng was driving the B2 bomber to arrive at the superflock headquarters, and now Li Feng is to bring it into the storage space.

I want to do this, I will be sour in my heart.

You said that Li Fengzhu is over, the realm is still so high, the realm is high, and the equipment is still so good.

With Li Feng, he is like a street of the street ...

Is there any reason?

"Seniors, what do we do next?"

A member of a dragon soul asked.

Li Feng glanced at all people and smiled: "Go back to the hotel."

"Back ... Go back to the hotel is resting?"

Everyone is straightforward.

Now the super bureau is definitely a madness to find them. When do they go to the hotel at this time, do they go to the network?

Mo Sheng is a bit anxious: "I know that you are very strong, the super bureau is not your opponent, but what is the help of the heavens in the gods in the world?"

He felt that the current success made Li Feng a little floating, a bit of unclear, as a coming, he is necessary to wake up Li Feng.

"Qinglong makes, do you think too? Since I say back to the hotel, I naturally have been completely intended."

Li Feng smiled slightly, took out a tablet: "There is a video above this, I need you to learn the sound, facial expression characteristics, physical action characteristics on the road."

"This is a human skin mask, one of you, you know who you should learn after wearing it."

During the speech, Li Feng took out 11 people's skin mask, and handed it to the hands of others.

Mo asked the day and others to take a shaped mask that has been formed, and it is in a moment.

At this moment, Li Feng waved his right hand, and a bus appeared behind him.

"Brothers, get on the bus, I will tell you how to do it later."

The voice falls, Li Feng is stepped in the bus.

Mo asked the sky and others, and followed the Chinese bar together.

Wait until China Pakistan launches, go to the city, and Li Feng on the road will tell his plan.

After listening, 10 dragon soul members have reached the apex for Li Feng!

I didn't say that my mouth didn't say that my heart was very admired. He thought that Li Feng just saw the third floor, and he thought of the fourth floor on the basis of Li Feng.

Who can think that Li Feng has already seen the sixth floor!

Li Feng This kid is a enchanting!

From the unmanned zone to the hotel, this road is smooth and has not encountered any disc.

Looking at a place where there is a place to get off, put away the car, Li Feng grabbed the sky and others to fly to the air, from the balcony into the hotel suite.

In order to ensure that Li Feng also launched the system intervention.

After finishing these, Li Pefei will wait to lead the professional team back.

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