Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1366 Goodbye Xiao Lingya

On the hotel, Li Feng waited for an hour and did not see them back, and some helplessness was.

"Do they not play?"

When Li Feng leaving, NY Time is 7 o'clock. The rescue action lasted for nearly 6 hours, and I was waiting for an hour in the hotel, it is already two o'clock in the morning.

This point of night owl should also come back, and the professional team is not coming back, and it is okay to play.

"It seems to find them."

Li Feng is able to send a message directly to Lao Luo and others, but this will leave a flaw in this way.

As we all know, the Monitoring measures of Mi State make people referral, and even some collars are monitored by them.

In case, he is accomplished by Millet to the spider silk, maybe it will pass to many people in the first time, and then want to use the system to eliminate the impact, afraid that it takes a lot of points.

"You hide, I will go out."

Li Feng is in order to explain the day, then jump down the balcony.

He is not worried about the time you left, and the hotel will have problems.

In the early morning, the space transfer has been reset, once there is a problem, he can catch back in the first time.

Moreover, time class skills can also be used, and the time will not be turned down.


After 10 minutes, a night shop.

"Lao Luo, Laozi is not cool, you have been a long time, don't think you are more than us, you can drink six, this glass of wine, you have to drink, don't drink it, you have to drink, brothers say right?"

Wei Bin shouted with a complicated wine with a colorful wine, shouting around the people.


"I have to drink, I am willing to gamble!"

"Drink, drink, drink, drink!"

Just now, Luotian is moving with Wei Bin's boxing, the price is a super cocktail that is mixed together.

Of course, for a half-God peak, don't say such a tie, even a large water tank is not afraid.

You can use the emotional way before you can use the emotion, no one will mobilize the body's real gas, you can only hard.

The physical fitness of the hemathest is naturally furtive with many years, but the support of the air, the wine is too much, it will be drunk.

"Hey, how is your boxing?"

Luo Tianzheng took a glass of wine, and asked his teeth.

"Hey, I have more than yours with the boss for a while, not a white-discipline."

Wei Bin said something proud.

Some time, he was called to Beijing by Li Feng. He was responsible for monitoring Sun Xingbo with Chen Junmao. It was very brought in the bar, and this place was a time.

Since it is a drink, naturally, it is natural, Chen Xingbo, Chen Junmao is also the master, Wei Bin skills are also reasonable.

Luo Tian is in the wine glass, saying: "Hey, just unhappy your little man is like!"

"Hey, how can you make it unhappy? You can still hit me? Now not before, you can't make another show." Wei Bin smirked.

In the past, he naturally didn't dare to talk to Luotian. Now everyone is a half-god peak, and there is a sense of the main cover. I am afraid of an egg.

"Hey, really want to hit you." Luo Tianzheng screamed and drunk.

The workmanship also has a special watchman for Avibi's players.

Lying in the trough, this cup has two liters, two liters of red yellow white white, then drink one? This is a special wine!

The key is that Luo Tian has already drank a lot of wine, and a cow is not enough to describe Luo Tianzheng's alcohol.

"Good! It's not Lao Luo, this alcohol is!"

Wei Bin took the lead to applaud.

Then, a thunderous applause is called good.

Although the night shop is very noisy, the movement of this is still the focus of other customers.

However, Hunter Bray is three thousand and three, and even if some people are dissatisfied, they don't dare to find .

"Xiete, see their state, will not fight for a while,"

Li Feng, who came here, watched Luo Tianzheng's process of Wei Bin's mouth, couldn't help but laugh.

"I am coming, you go to the bathroom."

After sighed, Li Feng jumped in "bordering".

Smiling "Li Feng", laughing, put down the wine glass, and then got out of the card after saying a sentence.

When I came to the door of the toilet, "Li Feng" saw several white guys standing there to smoke chat.

Those people saw "Li Feng" just swept him, and then tweep it back.

Just when Li Feng went into the bathroom, a figure suddenly came out from the door, almost hitting "Li Feng".

The two stopped the footsteps, and then "Li Feng" browbrows should bypass each other.

"Li Feng, are you so don't want to see me?"

The opponent smiled and said.

"Li Feng" is just a biochemical robot, and he does not teach Li Feng. He does not know each other, so the more and more eyebrows.

"Her name is Xiao Lingya, is my old acquaintance."

At this moment, Li Feng's voice passed into the mind of "Li Feng": "You will tell her, you really don't want to see her, then get rid of her as soon as possible."

He needs to let "furnish" into the compartment of the toilet, replace "borders" in the case of unreasonable discovery.

"You are right, I really don't want to see you, trouble you let go, I want to go toilet."

"Li Feng" faithfully implemented Li Feng's instructions.

Xiao Lingya is slightly changed, biting his lips: "I know it wrong, please forgive me?"

"Xiao, do you know him?"

At this moment, several white men who smoked at the door came over, and they didn't want to play "Li Feng".

"Yes, he is my fiance in Huaxia." Xiao Ling Ya is ashamed, and it is necessary to go to the arm of "Li Feng".

"Li Feng" does not have traces to hide, and then said to those white men: "In fact, I have no relationship with this woman."

"You said that you don't know Xiao?"

"Xiete, are you afraid?" "

"The Chinese people are really timid."

"Li Feng"'s answer not only did not let these white men hosted, but they made them unscrupulous to "Li Feng" began to ridicule.

"Li Feng" brow wrinkles: "Please talk about a little!"

"What? I didn't listen to it?"

"Hair, this Chinese people are very awkward."

"Hey, Huaxia Kid, here is rice, not Huaxia, you speak so arrogant," "

These white men rushed to "Li Feng" said nothing.


"Li Feng" is acknowledged, it should be advanced to the bathroom.

Just his behavior is a weakness by these white people, in the moment he turned, they will fight to Li Feng.

"Time is stationary ... open!"

Li Feng is dark, and everything in the body has entered a static state.

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