Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1367 This makes people's fate

"Xiao Lingya ... this woman is really a big trouble."

After time is stationary, Li Feng relieves the stuff, walks to Xiao Lingya, and some are angry and some helpless.

Originally, he planned to make "borders" into the bathroom, and then he went straight to the wall, and God did not know the ghosts and replaced it.

Who knows that I have encountered Xiao Lingya, I was also dragged by her.

It was also dragged by her, but also caused the hostility of four white men.

If it is only hostile, the other party is still special for "fits".

If Li Feng does not intervene, others can not see it first, Xiao Lingya will definitely see the flaw, "furnish" identity is exposed.

If it is in the usual, exposure is exposed, but now Li Feng strongly masks the critical moment when he rescued the traces of the sky, absolutely unable to expose.

Under helpless, he can only use time to use ...

This makes the fate of people!

Staring at Xiao Lingya for a while, Li Feng still felt uncomfortable, raising his hand and played Xiao Lingya.

After completing this, Li Fengcai will "furnish" into the system carry-on backpack, and go to the position where the bordered is placed.

After the time stationary effect, the four white men's fists came over.

"" "" "" ......

Li Feng returned to the quartz palm pumping on their fists.

Suddenly, four white men felt a pain in their hands, and quickly recovered to the fist.

On the other hand, Xiao Ling Yada's feelings have a feeling of residual pain. It is a little eyebrows, whistling: "Why do you feel this feeling? Is it Lee Peak?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Lingya looked at Li Feng's back.

Although she did not see Li Feng shot, but with Li Feng's ability, she could play her before she reacted.

Just a little Xiao Lingya thinks that it doesn't understand, that is why she feels more than a pain, not the first to have a violent pain, then slowly reduce?

Is it her psychological role?

Just on the occasion of Xiao Ling, Li Feng swept four white men, cold and said: "Roll!"

These four people did not be scared, but they were amazed: "Hair, will you Kung Ni?"

"The death, his movements are too fast, I didn't see how he shot!"

"This is Charlini Kung Fu, this is a Kung Fu!"

Because Li Xiaolong is with other martial arts superstars, Charlini Kung Fu is popular all over the world, and some kind of fruit is always known for the Chinese people.

Therefore, Li Feng Jie Longlou will, and these four white men think that Li Feng is used by Charni Kung Fu.

"Hey Jack, are you not a boxer? Dry him!"

"Jack, look at you!"

"Revenge for us, Jack!"

Three white men, you say that I have the highest heavy white man with the highest heavy white man.

"Hey, hey, I understand, I will shoot, you will go back."

Jack is pressed by two hands and said.

Three people quickly took a step and looked at Jack with the eyes of the expectation: "Come on Jack, kill this Huaxia."

"Jack, you are our hope!"

"Call" Jack spit out a turbidity, watching Li Feng said: "Hey, guy, this is your own, do you understand?"

The voice falls, Jack puts a boxing posture and raises his hand is a left hook.

Li Feng's mouth evoked a smile, and suddenly hid this punch, and then crowded.


A sudden sound.

Jack did not make it, and fell back directly.

His three companions were shocked, and they quickly took him, this avoided him to fall.

Li Feng's mouth hook and walked forward.

The three people's consciousness will be returned, and they have not supported it. Jack fell to the ground.

"Oh, your friendship is somewhat hit."

Looking at the Jack on the ground, Li Feng laded.

"You ... you don't mess, we are all rich."

"Yes, my father is LSJ's real estate Business Business, if you dare to come, tomorrow will enter prison."

"My father is a software company boss, he is a billionaire!"

Three white men were nervous and swallowed and said.

"Reassured, I will not be chaotic, as long as you know the point, I will disappear from my eyes."

Li Feng is too lazy to waste time on them.

"Okay, let's go."

The voice is falling, the three people pull Jack flee.

"Li Feng, your heart is still so soft." Xiao Lingya said, and said complex.

"Heart?" Li Feng's mouth hooked a cold smile: "Is it saying that I didn't abolish your Dantian?"

At the beginning, Luo Tianzheng was waiting for the Dantian of Xiao Jiazhong, and did not do anything to Xiao Lingya, which has a soft component.

On the other hand, he doesn't want to force Xiao Jia to a departure, because he knows a big family without any power and abroad and there is no foundation abroad, and suddenly, it will face what kind of end.

It is not to say that Li Feng has anything to think about Xiao Lingya. It is not an emotion of Xiao Jia, but he does not want the people in Xiaoxia to bully it outside.

When you can be an enemy, you will have no relationship with you, but you must unite in the outside.

Xiao Lingya is slightly changed, and she then bite red lips: "So why didn't you abolish my Dantian?"

Li Feng shook his head: "I still have something, I don't have it."

If the voice falls, he will turn around here.

Xiaoling is once again stopped in front of Li Feng: "In fact, are you interested in me, right?"

Li Fengbei picks: "If I answer is, what do you do?"

Xiao Lingya is silent and half, biting his teeth: "I will return to you back to you."

After coming to the country, Xiao Lingya is not missing in Huaxia, but she wants to go back again, and it is impossible for Li Feng.

This time I encountered Li Feng, Xiao Lingya wanted to grasp the opportunity, and if Li Feng accepted her, even if they pay itself.

Li Feng first glanced, then shook his head and smiled: "Sorry, I don't miss women."

Xiao Lingya is really beautiful, the body is also very good, it is too heartered, Li Feng does not want a Too much-tier woman to stay, so it is easy to get fire.

Xiao Ling is a shock, and it is clear: "My requirements are not high, as long as you agree that our Xiao family will return Huaxia."

Li Feng did not pick up, asked: "In fact, you are friends with just now, right?"

"It's not a friend, just know, they don't have a good idea to me." Xiao Lingya said softly.


Li Feng nodded, and then went around Xiao Lingya, walked in the direction of the card.

Xiao Lingya is a glimpse, then flashing in his eyes, it is just a very fast, and it is disappeared.

Finally, Xiao Luya closed together, and his eyes were firmly chased.

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