Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1378, the most handsome in the world

After about ten minutes, Li Feng saw a large group of people in front of a circle and blocked the road.

at this time……

" "

" "

"The "

I heard this familiar drum, Li Feng knows that it is not a dragon to be a lion.

Sure enough, Li Feng has thought of this, and two red lions fell in the crowd.

These two lions on the wooden piles earlier, and they fly off and down, causing a burst of cheers.

"The martial arts opened today is the industry of the LSJ Chinese Chamber of Commerce, His family is more than $ 1 billion, and there is a great prestige in the LSJ Chinese. Many of the first visit to LSJ will come to visit him. "

"Not only that, he also has a good accomplishment on the martial arts. It is said that it is a super-peak strong, and it is only half a step away from the sacred."

While watching the lion dance, Xiao Lingya introduced the little voice of Li Feng Ear.

Li Feng nodded and did not publish any evaluation.

Whether it is a $ 1 billion in the family, or the realm of the extraordinary peak, it will not be in the eyes of Li Feng.

"This lion is good, it looks quite strong."

"The traditional culture of Huaxia, no matter how long it is not too tired."

"I have learned a lion dance when I am young, I really want to work hard."

Luo Tianzheng and others are older generation, seeing the lion dance can make them the memory of childhood, it is very emotion.

When the lion dance performance ended, the crowd scattered on both sides of the road, Li Feng saw some young people who were printed with the Majiawu Museum to take out the firecrackers from the martial art.

A hanging and hanging firecrackers were placed on the ground, and there was a lot of 88.

This has not finished, these people have moved some salutes, there are not many, just 66.

Huaxia is the most concerned of Geely's nation, and the red and white happy things should be related to 8 or 6 at the beginning of the banquet, license plate, phone number or even banquet.

A pair of five 8 or five 6 license plates, phone numbers, can shoot the high price.

The martial arts opened 88 firecrackers, 66 salutes, it is in the reason.

After the salute was released, wearing a white practiced suit. Ma Yinghui wearing a safflower in the chest came out of the martial art, and then watching the lively guests began to greet it before.

"Mr. Huang Wenbin, chairman of MLKS, carried about 1 million US dollars!"

"Mr. Zuo, Chairman of the Beautiful Times, 880,000, 88,800 US dollars, congratulations!"

"Mr. Cheng Nan, chairman of LasDs, with a pair of gold ingots, congratulations!"

After the guest rose, there is a teacher to sing.

The gift is full of red, and Ma Yinghui, who received a big gift, is even a good job.

People who watched the lively people will also have a warm drink with applause.

"Do you want to let go?"

Li Feng's face is weird.

"Well, I have to follow, but you are ready, I am ready."

Xiao Luya took a red envelope from the Kunkka, laughed.

"Hey, is this a Miss Xiao Jia, how, how do you really bring a man? Turning to us, which is your male companion."

Just then, a ridicule sound rang from the distance.

Xiao Lingya followed, but people who saw the words were a Chinese beauty who dressed up fashion.

She looked at the age of twenty, wearing a luxury brand of clothing, beautiful face on the beautiful face, putting Hermès's platinum bag, holding a white man's arm, a mocking looks at Xiao Lingya.

Next to both people, I still standing a few young men and women. They have no exceptions, they are a luxury, and there is also a ridicule.

"Who is this talking to me, it turned out to be Sun Lun, why, why, do you change your men?"

"If I haven't remembering wrong, this is already the third boyfriend in this month?"

"You really have a man like a dress, just change it?"

Xiao Lingya laughed, satirical words such as even the beads.

Sun Lu smiled: "Love always has a hurry, I can't help, but this time I really find true love."

"Come, I will introduce you, he called Thompson, is the four-point guard of the Red Hat, the future will be NFL's super superstar."

"Thompson, this is Xiao Lingya, and I have just been a trick."

Thompson's gaze, reach out: "Hello, I am very glad to meet you."

He is just entering the NFL alliance, and it is still in replacing, the opportunity to understand Sun Lou who is in the scene.

It was Sun Lud to make a pursuit of him, and the two quickly came together.

According to Sun L', I think he can become a super superstar of NFL ...

Xiao Luya looked at him and shook his head: "Sorry, my boyfriend doesn't like me to shake hands with other men."

In the speech, she took the arm of Li Feng, sweetly on the shoulders of Li Feng.

During this process, Li Feng has never turned.

Thompson's eyes were a cold, and the face was hard to see Sun Lou.

Sun Lu is angry: "Rely, Xiao Lingya, my boyfriend is not willing to shake hands with you, you don't want to face it?"

"Sun Lu, you are a show, in so many people are not too suitable in front of the street?" Xiao Lingya was laid.

"You ..." Sun is a few times, and finally the laugh: "Your mouth is powerful, I said, but I have said for so long, your boyfriend doesn't turn around, shouldn't be a long Have you ugly? "

Sun Lu's Chinese friends attached to the head: "Not ugly is low in social status, so I don't dare to greet us."

"Haha, ugly? Low social status? Are you talking about yourself?"

Xiao Lingya said quietly, swaying the arm of Li Feng said: "My boyfriend doesn't say the most handsome world, at least the top three, as for social status ..."

When she got up and down, she got up and down, mocked: "In Migra, at least n levels higher than him."

Sun Lou smiled quickly: "Xiao Lingya, everyone will say, but you are not afraid of wind and big flashing tongue? If you have the ability, you let him turn it, let us see who he is, it can be worried. I can afford this evaluation! "

"If he doesn't dare, you will bring him, don't be in this eye!"

Xiao Lingya is slightly changed, then swaying Li Feng's arm, blaming: "Li Feng, people say this, do you still turn over?"

Luo Tianzheng is waiting to face each other.

They always heard that there was a very powerful quarrel between women, and there was no chance to meet. Nowadays, they are not emperor ...

Li Feng shook his head and finally turned around.

"Good ... so handsome!"

A girlfriend, a girlfriend, shouted.

Other friends are amazed when they are afraid: "How do I think he is somewhat familiar."

"It's a bit of a bit familiar ... I remembered, he is Li Feng, the wind!"

"My God, it is really him!"

Even Thompson's faces have changed: "Oh, it is Li Feng, my day, I have seen Li Feng, even buy! I am not dreaming ?!"

Sun Lun: "???"

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