Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1379 deliberately targeted

Sun Lu is stupid!

This person is Li Feng, the most energetic man Li Feng in the Rice Chinese circle!

Although Li Feng came to the country, there was no longer following the Chinese people who settleded rice, but this also stopped his red red in the Chinese circle, and the worship of Li Feng in the Chinese circle.

This is the Lord in the wind team and the Last section of the Leike team and

The basketball skills he present, enough to make basketball enthusiasts in the world!

Even countless white people, black people are all in their own idols, and these Chinese are natural.

So Sun Lou is now somewhat, her new boyfriend just joined the nfl alliance rookie, and the future can become a superstar is unknown.

On the other hand, the peak, the peak, the peak is retired, retiring the legend, only in the sports circle, Thompson is not a level of one level.

Don't mention Li Feng or Osweil's boss, and there is a top three in China, the top three of China, with hundreds of billions of Huaxia coins.

She had a long time with Xiao Lingya, because Xiao Ling Ya Gang has not been soon, the foundation is unstable, and the person is not deep.

In addition, Xiao Ling Ya is higher than the top, and the requirements for boyfriend are high, always single, so often she takes the wind.

As a result, this time Xiao La is directly smashed, and she gave her frying outside the road, and the seven episodes, the abuse of the slag did not.

Nima is wronged!

"It seems that everyone is not strange to me, then I will not introduce yourself."

Li Feng was very satisfied with the reactions of everyone and shrugged and laughed.

"Oh Kamon, are you my idol you know?"

Thompson held his head and walked to Li Feng.

Although Thompson is playing rugby, he really loves sports is a basketball.

It is just because his football talent should exceed the basketball talent and have to choose the football.

"Yes?" Li Feng two hands: "I didn't know before, but I know now, why, do I need to sign?"

"Also, Slim, Of course." Thompson quickly went to the bob, he was a little helpless after half a day: "Oh, there is no paper when I go out."

"Do you mind signing in your clothes?" Li Feng referred to the T-shirt of Thompson and laughed.

"Oh, of course, I don't mind, this is my pleasure." Thompson pulled up his T-shirt and said.

"That's good."

Li Feng smiled and took a mock pen from the upper pocket, and signed his name on the Thompson's T-shirt.

"Li Feng ... Huaxia Character is right? Cool ~!"

Thompson looked at Li Feng's signature, quite a feeling of love.

Sun Lou's forehead straight straight black line.

Your sister, you are my boyfriend, but it is a sweet dog that is a Xiao Lingya boyfriend. You are deliberately let the lady are ugly. Is it?

At this moment, Sun Lu's friends also slammed to Li Peak: "That ... Mr. Li, I am your fan, can you sign me?"

"I am also me too, I like to see you play basketball!"

"Li Feng, you are really the pride of our Chinese people. We now go outside to meet the fruit of the fruit, as long as we are your fans, they will take the initiative."

"Yes?" Li Feng did not think that his name and this kind of use, it was a bit surprised.

"Yeah, it is really very tube."

Sun Lu's friends nodded.

"Well, do you want me to sign in?" Li Feng is very taking care of his compatriots, and he can say that it is necessary to say if he can say it.

"Sign in the clothes."

"Can a hat?"

"Backpack, I can keep it."

Everyone took out what Li Feng signed something, and he expected.

Li Feng nodded and gave them one by one.

On the one side, Xiao Lingjac is a chap of the head, and the moment Sun will turn to the head.

When the signature is over, Li Feng is also familiar with them, and Xiao Lingya said: "The guests are almost in, let's go in."

"Well." Li Feng nodded and took Xiao Lingya to the door of the martial art.

Because the people gathered here, Ma Yinghui has long noticed Li Feng and others. When Li Feng walked here, Ma Yinghui suddenly turned his head and turned into the martial arts.

Xiao Ling's hippole, the small voice said: "How did the President of Ma?"

"Maybe there is something that needs him to deal with?" Li Feng said like a laughter.

Although he left Ma Yinghui and more than ten meters away, the surroundings were more noisy, but Ma Yinghui and the dialogue of the company were still heard in the ear.

Want to give him a horse? He doesn't seem to have any hanged between Ma Yinghui?

When Li Feng and others came to the door, Xiao Lingya took out the red envelope to hand in the hands: "Xiao Jia Xiao Ya, $ 100,000."

Si Yi took a red envelope, put it in the box, said that the lingering meat did not laugh: "Thank you Xia Da, please come."

Xiao Ling Yazhao is picking up, and there is a bit of a bit of anger on his face.

With the arrival of the guests, the company "sing the ticket", the turn is there, but it is not a point, look down on her?

When I think this is my heart, I am angular, when is the Xiaojia in Huaxia, I have become a president of a LSJ Chinese Chamber of Commerce?

"Don't be angry, they should not rush to you, you should take a moment, don't have me."

At this moment, Li Feng's voice passed into the mind of Xiao Lingya.

Xiao Lingya first stunned, then nodded and pressed the anger in the heart.

Just when Xiao Lingya took Li Feng to go in, the company suddenly stopped Li Feng: "Hey, who are you, have you received an invitation letter?"

Li Fengbei picks: "I am a boyfriend of Lingya, and your home invitation is only allowed to enter, is it?"

The company is slightly changed, and then laughs: "Of course, today is the day we will open the big joy, I am afraid that there is a leisurely oriented mixed, since you are a boyfriend of Xiao Da, it is natural to go together. of."

"But ... VIP seats have limited seats, you will sit with Xiao Da, just sit in the lobby."

Xiao Lingya has changed again. Only ordinary guests are sitting in the lobby, such as the residents of Chinatown, such as Chinatown, and those bosses like it are sitting in their room.

Miss Her Hero, with a VIP of 100,000 US dollars, actually let it sit in the lobby?

Deceive too much!

"Haha, Xiao Lingya, you didn't expect that you would be this kind of treatment?"

Sun Luhaha smiled and took out a red envelope to the company: "100,000 US dollars."

"Miss Chinatown Sun Jiada Sun Sun Lu, 100,000 US dollars to congratulate!" Sikong went through the red envelope and sang voices.

Xiao Lingya: "???"

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