Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1390 is fighting!

"My God, what is this?"

"It's okay, it's okay, what is it?"

"Do I not look at it?"

"so amazing……"

The guests were stupid.

"Is this the power of anti-shock?"

Ma Yinghui spit out a turbidity, and the face is denweered.

"Master, what is the power of anti-shock?" The disciple of Majiawu Pavilion did not understand.

"The A-level strongman will automatically form a layer of real air barrier, which can resist a part of damage, such as the bullet played by the pistol."

"The strong people in higher realm can be counterattated with this barrier, just like it just now, the surface looks at the East, and the fist is playing on the brain of Mr. Qiu."

"In fact, he did not hurt Mr. Qiu at all, but in turn, Mr. Qiu was shocking with the real gas barrier."

Ma Yinghui said that he understood what he understood.

After listening to his story, the martial arts disciple is now the color of the disciple.

Ma Yinghui can see the things, and Tianhu Tailang, Li Zhonghe naturally can also see.

"This death, this Qiu Wei is at least the strong S-class"! "

Hetian Tiger Tailang's face is gloomy looks to Li Zhonghe.

Li is in a bit embarrassing, before he said that Qiu Wei should be an ordinary person, and the result is at least the S-class strong. This is a special face, it is so fast!

"Next, I have to save the trend in anyway!" Li was talking and spitting a turbidity and said.

Hetian Tiger Tailang's eyebrows, nodded: "Okay, I believe you are with Jun, you must keep the glory of the Gao Li, know?"

Lee and: "???"

Not ... I want to keep the Gao Li people first, do you have any qualifications?

Besides, I was shocking out is the village sword. It is your east. Do you not be red?

Hetian Trump is not afraid of Li ands, and the heart is dark.

Hey, Laozi wants to believe in your evil, this will not lose so ugly!

There is a good sentence, Hua, Dongyou looks highlights, East, Gourn, watching Huaxia, Hua, Giguo looks at Dongpu.

If it is not the priority of the two, it is to defeat Li Feng's bodyguard. They can do it now.

The relationship between China, Dongpu, and Gorye is so subtle.

"Old Wei, Lao Luo, see no, this is called the foundation, you have two people."

Qiu Wei is proud to look at Wei Bin, Luo Tianzheng.

"Oh, is the opponent too weak?" Wei Bin is unhappy.

"Take a Class C player to make you like this, lose people? I will harm you!" Luo Tianzi is clear.

"Cough." Li Feng did a cough and said: "Qiu Wei, you ..."

"As the strongest player of our strength, winning is a matter of course, don't be proud, arrogant, do you understand?"

If Li Feng said, Luo Tianzheng said in the same way.

Everyone is playing on his face, the tone is quite high, and the other people who look at the roof are stunned.

Even Li Feng also glanced: "Hey, you can learn to answer."

"It's still so long to follow the boss, this skill can still be learned." Luo Tianzheng and others smiled and unemabs.

Li Feng turned over white, turned to the Tihu Tailang and gave his hand: "Cough, we are lucky to win, contravement, and contractions."

Hetian Tiger Taro only felt that a bad breath was blocked.

It's just that the anti-earthquake will make the village sword shocked the arm. This is also a lucky win. Then you tell me what is not lucky? !

"Call, this we lose the mouthfuls, Mr. Li, next to you first send people."

Honda Taro spit out a touch, and said.

"This is ..." Li Feng touched the chin, some distressed: "We are here ..."

"I have sent the strongest player, and who can I get to win?" Said the disciple of the Majiawu Pavilion.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, and he smiled.

Nima, Xiaoye's acting is so bad, even if they see what I want to say?

The answer to a disciple of the Majiawu Museum allowed the guests to laugh.

It is 3: 3, the situation is good, the dark clouds that have been shrouded, the mood is different, and it is natural to laugh.

"Cough, since everyone knows, then I will not say much, old Feng, this put it."

Li Feng gave a way to Feng Dehai.

Feng Dehai will wait for it to be impatient, and I'm listening to this excited three feet.

Then he walked on a high platform.

Everyone: "???"

No ... I just still had three feet high. How to walk, but who is turning,?

Li was smoking with his mouth, and his anger shouted: "You are too deceived!"

The voice is falling, Li is in the foot of the foot, and a longitudinally jumped through the crowd and flew to the high platform.


The guests were scared by Li Yuhe's hand.

His place before standing, there is more than 10 meters away from the high platform, and the origin is jumped by more than 10 meters.

The long-distance world champion is this brother!

"Boss, he looks good, or do you change someone?"

Feng Dehai has a bit of color and returning to Li Feng shouted.

Li Feng sighed: "Hey, I didn't expect him to be so strong, but since the candidate has been confirmed, it can't change it again. If you go up, you will be able to admit it to the first time?"

Everyone: "???"

No ... It seems to be serious. Is it true that Feng Dehai really can't really?

"Worse, mid-action!"

Li is in the heart and the face, and the face has become gloomy.

It seems that this Lee Feng is to use the horse to redeemed the horse, and they are really mad!

Honda Taritaro also thought of this, and I thought about it. "Damn, Li is here to know that the other party is not awesome, so I took the initiative to play? Cowar! Shame! Despicable!"

"No, I will accept the shame." Feng Dehai's face is deep, and she sighed behind him: "Forget it, go up."

The voice falls, Feng Dehai came to the high platform, "" "" two times, hold the edge of the table, extremely hard to climb up.

"The monks Feng Dehai, I am fortunate to hit the you, please ask you to pay more, don't play what is wrong." Feng Dehai stood again and the arched hand and said.

Li was with a clear laugh: "I have never seen it in the platform, and the Chinese people don't have a bone in the ring."

"What did you have misunderstood? I said that I don't arouse my kill, I will play what is wrong!"

"Since you don't have the way, don't blame me!"

Feng Dehai is stasify, and it is not possible.

He wants to play, hit, let this Korean fat man is very arrogant!

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