Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1391 The weakest player

Li is in and stunned, then a lot of arrogance: "You find it!"

"Then come over, you have to kill me, you call my grandfather!" Feng Dehai was in and hook his fingers and provoke.

Everyone thinks that he has a magic.

Why is Li and kill Feng Dehai, but also be called Feng Dehai grandfather?

Li Zhonghe also took a moment, then reacted, the angered: "A good man with oil tips, but I am fighting with you, it is a fight, do it!"

"Gao Li people talk about the big words, it is a burger, line, since you are so bullish, then I am also forced once."

"I don't have to use my feet, if you can play, I can win you."

Feng Dehai smiled, and both hands were behind him.


At the next guest, you can't help but take a breath.

I Nima, let Li and two hands? Is such a cow forced?

"He Taodao!" Ma Yinghui shook his head and sighed.

Li is in and the S +-level power with him, even if he is playing, it is not dare to let two hands in the face of Li.

Luo Tianzheng is waiting to face each other.

No ... You a s +-level player says that a half-god peak is strong, where is confident?

"But the words come back ... or old Feng will play, how can I not think two hands?" Wei Bin touched the chin, some regretted.

"You are directly sent to three strokes?" Qiu Yu smiled.

"Oh, too, the brother is too big, or if this, I can make two hands like old Feng." Wei Bin said.


On the high platform, Li's anger has set up to the vertices!

"Let's pick it!"

A explosive drink, Li Zhonghe's body disappeared in place, and then came to Feng Dehai.

"Good speed!"

"Is that transient?"

"I actually saw the scene in the movie to see?"

A people are scared by Li Zhonghe's speed.


Li was smiling and smiled, and a punch was won by Feng Dehai.


After seeing Li Yuhe's fist, after Feng Dehai, Honda Taro was surprised.

However, next moment, Li is in the fist in Feng Dehai! Immediately, Feng Dehai's body is like a mirror in the mirror.

"This is ... the residual shadow ?!"

Li is in and it!

Can deceive his eyes left the remaining shadow in place, what is the power of the level?

At this moment, Hetian Taritaro found that Feng Dehai did not know when Li was in the same way, and he was exclaimed: "Be careful!"

Li was shocked by his heart. When you went to a side, then the right foot of Feng Dehai has come to his turn-behind, then slap.


A sudden sound!

Li is in and only thinks of a pain in the shares, and it is like a machine, just like a machine, suddenly power off, and lose the control of the body!

Huge impactway made Li Zhong and fell to the front of the stage, and he sounded a loud noise.

The audience is quiet!

After waiting for a few seconds, everyone saw Li Zhonghe still did not climb up, this only sent a excitement.

"Win again?"

"4:3, we are leading!"

"Is this the Chinese martial arts ç really powerful?"

"Haha, what is the hand of Dongmao, Gao Li Taekwondo, is not as good as our Huaxia Wushu!"

"Huaxia Wushu South Bay!"

All guests have fallen into the excitement.

The face of Tao Taro is completely gloomy.

S + level strong is so hit, what is the strong in Feng Dehai? At least the S level?

In addition, Wei Bin, Luo Tianzheng, Qiu Wei, and Li Feng's bodyguards are all S-class. This Nima has some strong outrageous!

Ma Yinghui's old face is red, and the embarrassing hate must not find a bar to drill.

Just now, he also said that Feng Deheo is big. The resultman Feng Dehai only took Li and gave Li.

Is this called a big? This is clearly confident

Hey, Li Feng found these enchanting!

"Is this the legendary ass to Tianzhan Sanda?"

Li Feng touched the chin sink.


Xiao Lingya was laughed with Li Feng.

Don't say anything else, let's talk about Li Feng, you can always make her laugh, just have never been.

It seems that she does not need to hit the horns, and she doesn't have to spend the opportunity to raise the machine. I only need everything to listen to Li Feng.

Then Xiao Lingya turned to look at Sun Lo at the door of the hall, and I proudly rushed to her nipple.

Sun Lou has twisted his head, but it could not hide the facts of her face.

Xiao Luya's boyfriend took the limelight, which made her a few wows!

"Cough, in fact, I deceive everyone, this player called Feng Dehai is the strongest side of us."

Li Feng did once attracted everyone's attention and smiled.

Everyone: "???"

I believe in your evil!

At first, Wei Bin was the strongest player, we believe it, and later Luo Tianzheng is the strongest player, we also barely believe it.

Feng Dehai is already the fourth player. You said that this is the strongest player, let you believe that you have a problem!

"Cough, Li Zhonghe Mr. has been dizzy, Mr. Hetian, do you see who is going to play?"

Li Feng asked Hall Tihu, smiling.

Halling the Tihu Tailang is sinking, no sound.

He has already played once, Li Zhonghe is also dizzy, there is only one level A, which is not played, and others are Class C level, which can be said that there is no one can play.

This is still a fart?

If you directly accept, it is too shameful, really Nima Hao!

"This way, Mr. Hetian has been playing once, but you will not be able to get angry with my bodyguards."

"It's better to come to the Ota, I only sent a player who never appeared, and what?"

Li Feng said again.

Hetian Taro said first, then asked: "This is true?"

"Of course, our Chinese people are still very integrity." Li Feng nodded and laughed.

"Okay, then I am one person, you will send one, let's single! Who won this, who is the last winner of today!"

Hetian Taro said with excitement.

Ma Yinghui's face is slightly changed: "Mr. Li, Hetian Taro is SS-level power, not so good to deal with."

"Oh? Yes?" Li Fengbei picks up and asked.

"Yes, if Mr. Li has no intuitive concept on SS-level strong, you can ask for a few bodyguards, they are definitely clear." Ma Yinghui said.

In this way, Luo Tianzheng is waiting to face each other.

No ... Ma Yinghui regards the boss as ordinary people? interesting.

"The president is not worried, my bodyguards are very hit, don't say SS level, even if the SSS level or even SSSS level is not their opponent."

Li Feng domineered, said to Bai Xuelian: "You are our weakest players, you will be deal with the Tihu Tailang."

Ma Yinghui: "???"

Bai Xuelian: "???"

Hetian Tiger Tailang: "???"

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