Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1392, ignorant

Ma Yinghui smiled quickly, Li Feng is arrogant, even the SSS level is not placed in the eyes, even the exit of SSSS level.

Is the SSS level to the head?

"No knowledge is fearless." Ma Yinghui shook his head and secretly sighed.

"Boss, how is I am the weakest?" Bai Xuelian asked some grievances.

"You ranks ninth." Li Feng said.

Bai Xuelian opened his mouth, and finally nodded: "I am indeed my weakest."

In fact, she understands Li Feng's meaning, I don't want to use this way nausea and Tianhu Tairo? She is a bit uncomfortable.

But she refuses to think, and Tianhu Taila is the strongest player in the opposite camp. As long as he defeats, don't you prove that she is the strongest?

This is a balance in the heart of Bai Xuelian.

How can I see Li Feng? I am angry when I am angry: "You humiliate me ?!"

Li Feng shook his head: "Mr. Hetian is poor, I sent a small white play to respect you, maybe you can't understand it now, but soon you will understand."

"Well, I can't understand it now." Hetian Tiger Taro spit out a turbidity, smiled: "Since Mr. Li said this, let's see the truth!"

If the voice is falling, he must jump on the high platform.

"Mr. Hetian, do you really don't want to call a few people?" Li Feng suddenly pressed him.

Hetian Tihu said that "I am enough!"

He is the only SS-level strong in his own camp, even if the remaining people are all helping, it will let him don't stop.

"Well, Mr. Hetian really domineers!"

Li Feng has thumbs up, then said to Bai Xuelian: "Remember what I just just now."

Bai Xuelian first stunned, then nodded: "I understand!"

The voice is falling, and the white snowlora is light, the body is like a lot of hair, and the beautiful to the high platform has floated.


"Is this a light power?"

"My God, I am very magical, so beautiful!"

"Goddess, this is my dream goddess, God, I am in love!"

This scene allows guests to watch directly, and exclaimed Qi Qi.

Bai Xuelian is good, it looks for more than 30 years old, mature and charming, and the general child is not able to resist her charm.

In addition, she came such a hand, directly giving everyone to the town, and young young only felt that their heart jumped quickly, they were going out soon.

Hetian Tiger Tailang is sinking, cold: "The class is ax!"

The voice is falling, and the Tikata Taro is on the right foot, and the body is like a lightning, and the high platform is standing on the white snow.


"Master is right!"

"This is a real master!"

The disciple of Honda Taro has cheered.

Bai Xuelian scared, it is lightly falling on the stage, and the right hand is stretched. "Please!"

Honda Taro's up and down, the white snowlian for a while, Yin Xiao: "I didn't see it carefully. Now, your body is still very good, the face is also charming, is there a boyfriend?"

White snow lotus is slightly changed: "What do you mean?"

"Nothing means, I will win you for a while, can you eat a meal at night?" Hetian Tiger Tailang smiled.

"Haha." Bai Xuelian smiled and ridiculed: "If you want to win me? Next life ... also I want to think!"

Hetian Taro first, first played, then played: "Very spicy, but I like it. Look at you so enchanting, I will have to change your hand, but you must eat with me, how?"

Bai Xuelian smiled: "I want to eat with me? Yes, as long as you can still move, I will eat with you."

"Act, you must be able to move." Hetian Trump smiled and looked up two hands.

Number of guests: "???"

No ... Is this not a car to the kindergarten direction, how did you suddenly turn around?

Are you getting off now?

"Rely, what should I do if I don't have this east?" Wei Bin said uncomfortable.

"Shouldn't, she will look at him even if she is a taste." Qiu Wei is attached to the road.

"Although I am not interested in Xiaobai, she is a woman who is nine ... The woman's woman, it is absolutely can't get a piece with this Dongpu!"

Feng Dehai said coldly.

"If you leave your hand, let's help her, let's interrupted the horses of the Tianhu Tailang." Luo Tianzheng said.

Mo I heard a black line.

Tell, these goods are too embarrassed, but they want to think about it. If you want to follow an east, then they don't just interrupt the other person's legs. ......

Directly destroy!

"It's not bad, then you are waiting for, hurry up."

The charm of Bai Xuelian face is more concentrated, and he also hooks the finger.

Hetian Tiger Taro only felt that he was hot, and he smiled and killed Bai Xuelian.

Perhaps it is really afraid of hurting Bai Xuelian, and the Tihu Taro came to Bai Xuelian and did not use killing, but the legs swept down.

This action is very smart, which can achieve the goal of knocking down Bai Snow, and will not give her a particularly serious injury.

Key Bai Xuelian once knocked down, he can bully, directly pressing Bai Xuelian, obtain the victory of the game.

Just hit the abacus of the Tianhu Tailang, Bai Xuelian does not press his routine.

When he swept the legs of Booklin in Honda, he suddenly found himself like a big iron column!


A sudden sound!

Gao Taiwan is shaking!

White snow lotus is not moving, and the opposite and the Tihu Taro is like electric shock, and then the legs will be grinned.

"Hey! How is it so hard ?!"

Hetian Tihu said that his legs have been broken, and painful.

"Is this your strength?" Bai Xuelian smiled, desidied: "Is it too weak?"

"What is your realm?" He Tianhu said that he smashed the white snow lotus. The strength of this woman is definitely above him!

"You still don't have to know my realm." Bai Xuelian laughed, and his body was pushing.

Hetian Tiger Taro only felt a flower in front of him, he saw that Booklin stood in front of himself.

Hetian Tiger Tailang was scared to death, and even asked for a while to avoid.

"How to hide? Dead!"

Bai Xuelian smiled, lifted the powder and fetched the chest of the Tiger Taro.

This is like a couple who played, it looks lightly, let the guests are a little fascinating.

However, next moment ...


The powder punt of Bai Snowlora has a loud noise in the chest of the Tiger Tailang!

Hetian Tihu said that it is generally flying out, and then vomiting blood in the half-air, and it has been flying to the door of the martial art.

The audience is quiet!

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