Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1393, Xiaoxia, Boxer, Chest

"How can it be?!"

Ma Yinghui was scared.

Hetian Tiger Tailang is the SS-level power, so it is easy to be flying out by Bai Xuelian, what is the strong, SSS level?

No way!

Whether it will not, at least he has been completely wrong for the evaluation of Li Feng "ignorant".

When I think of this, I will fire on my face!



"Huaxia martial arts cattle!"

"we won!"

After the initial shock, a guest is cheering!

According to Li Feng and Tianhu Tailang, who will win, who is the last winner today.

Now Bai Xuelian won, Huaxia Wushu won in the front of the East Hand, Gaolice Tubairo won!

From the beginning of 0:3, until now 5:3, everyone's mood is like a mountain car, and finally rush into the cloud!


"How did you have Master?"

"Master is dizzy!"

The disciple of Hetian Tihu rushed to the door of the martial art, and quickly checked the situation and Tianhu Tailang.

Their shouting did not change the response from Tianhu Tailang, and the Boxing of Bai Xuelian directly took him the past.

Since it is said that "Honda Taro will be moved to eat", it will eat with him ", which naturally does not give him a chance to move.

"Wonderful, it is really wonderful!"

Li Feng took the hand to stand up, rushing white snow lotus thumbs: "Little white, you should be too exciting!"

Bai Xuelian smiled: "The boss said, I just played."

Ma Yinghui and others can't help the mouth.

How is the god? Do you have a full force?

They understand that Li Feng's group of people is a group of dramas. Whoever believes them, I can fall into the ditch next second!

"Cough, extraordinary play is also based on strength, too selfless."

Then Li Feng turned his head to the side of Hetian Taro: "Mr. Hetian, the situation is already very clear, we won, can you accept it?"

"Mr. Hetian? Don't talk, I am still waiting for your answer."

The disciple of Honda Taro looked at each other.

Not ... our Master has been dizzy, how do you answer your words?

"Hey, Dongpu people really do not speak credibility, but everyone's eyes are bright, they all understand who has achieved the ultimate victory, even if you think that you think it is not worth it."

Li Feng said herself.

A group of guests can't help but laugh: "Yes, Dongpu is really unreliable."

"Don't forget those gorgeous people, they are also very reliable."

"Hetian Tiger Tailang does not speak, Li is talking to it, he is not losing."

Listening to the ridicule of the guests, and the Tihu Taro and Li Yuhe's disciples are full of red, and the double boxing, I can't wait until the people who say these wind and the people are all.

Just strength is a person who talks, there is Li Feng's bodyguard town farm. They have never started a arrogant flame, and the anger can only be in the belly.

"Okay, since you lose, hurry, don't stay here, you are looking at it."

Li Feng hurriedly waved.

Dongpu people came with Gao Li people as Datun, and they quickly fled this place.

Ma Yinghui first glanced, then he said: "Mr. Li, they have not admitted the karate, Taekwondo is not as good as Huaxia Wushu."

This is what they say before they play, who won, prove that the country's Kung Fu.

"They acknowledge or not, it is important that we can defeat them."

"Some words say that it is not as bright as a muscle tube."

Li Feng said deeply.

Ma Yinghui is in the face, holding boxing: "Mr. Li is said to be taught!"

Li Feng smiled slightly and said: "Okay, bring your wounded here, I will give them healing."

"Treatment?" Ma Yinghui's finish changed, exclaimed: "Mr. Li also medical skills?"

"Hey, what do you mean, look down on our boss?"

"Our boss will have more, or can we keep us so loyal to follow?"

"You'd better put a little about our boss, otherwise we are unhappy, you will be dismantled."

Luo Tianzheng and others have exported to reprimand.

Ma Yinghui's mouth smoked, even busy denied: "Don't misunderstand your predecessors, I will definitely question Mr. Li, I am curious, just curious."

In this 20th, there are at least 3 S-class strong, 1 SS-level power, and 1 SSS level, it is not he can provoke.

Just like Li Feng, some words say that it is better to brighten a muscle tube.

Ma Yinghui now hates why he is going to be inserted, giving Li Feng under Mawei, if there is no such thing, he may not establish a good friendship with Li Feng.

"Calculate your knowledge."

Luo Tianzheng and others snorted, no snoring again.

The face of all guests look at each other, and it is so much smile.

Ma Yinghui is a president of the LSJ Chinese Chamber of Commerce. It usually loves the shelf. It comes to the guests here. It is not a wish.

Now, Li Feng let Ma Yinghui eat, which makes everyone feel very cool.

Soon, Ma Yinghui will take Ma Jiayu and Chen Gang.

Li Feng looked at the two people and took out two Dan medicine to serve two people.

"Is this ...?" Ma Yinghui has a previous lesson, just asking what this is, closing his mouth.

"Treatment of sacred medicine, no one month, their injuries will completely recover, and will not leave any sequelae."

Li Feng used two people with a fixed pill for 5,000 system points, and the serious injury can also be recovered within one month.

"So amazing?"

Ma Yinghui and others were shocked.

Ma Jiayu and Chen Gang have been severely injured, and the general medical means can make them recovered within three months, and it is also very likely to leave sequelae.

Li Feng is just to give them a medicinal medicine, let them restore it in a month, can still leave sequelae?

Is this amazing?

"What is the means of our boss, which is you can understand."

Luo Tian is a clear, said proudly.

Ma Yinghui has changed, and his hand: "Mr. Li, your Dae Dad, my Ma Yinghui is unforgettable. I was not right. I apologize to you, please don't remember the little person, forgive me this time!"

The voice is falling, Ma Yinghui Yu Li Feng deeply bowed.

An all guests can't help but exclaim.

What a proud person is that Ma Yinghui, now actually apology to Li Feng, and also give Li Feng?

Don't imagine!

However, this has not ended yet, and Ma Yinghui picked up a bottle of whiskey and said: "In order to express an apology, I will free one bottle!"

The voice falls, Ma Yinghui is .

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