Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1394 Life Winner

Perhaps drinking too quickly affects the injury in the body, Ma Yinghui is rushing to cough.

Li Feng shook his head smiled and took out a repair pill to Ma Yinghui.

The repair of the pill is instant, and a cool cool in his body is generated, and the injury has a trend.

"Really managed?"

In the eyes of Ma Yinghui, there is a special light and shocked to Li Feng.

Li Feng shrugged and played: "Since the horse is as good as the time, then the grievances before."

There is a saying, I have to wait for the people, and Li Feng doesn't have to rush to people for some small things.

What's more, Ma Yinghui's level is too low. It can't afford to let Li Feng have driven it.

Ma Yinghui made a tone, half is a happiness, I was touched: "Mr. Li, your heart is really broad, Ma admirate, grateful!"

If Li Feng is timely, the bodyguard is shot, the signature of the Majiawu Pavilion will be kicked by Honda Taro, and use it quickly ...

Cough, since then, Horsen's can't lift his head in Chinatown.

Key he has had a sinful Li Feng before, and Li Feng can put down the personal grievances. What kind of feelings are this?

A guest also nodded.

Maxi's heart-sided stenosis showed the fullness, and the opposite of Li Feng did not count the grievances between individuals, and Humblegainbu should be foreign enemies.

This may not rise to the hierarchy of national righteousness, but Li Feng is very convinced.

"Something I said." Li Feng smiled and didn't care.


Ma Yinghui made a tone, and then reached out: "Mr. Li, the banquet begins, please take your bodyguard to the VIP room."

Li Feng swept the eyes of Luo Zheng and others, laughed: "There is too much in people, staying outside."

"Mr. Li, you are all VIPs in the VIP, or go to the VIP room, or I am not awkward!" Ma Yinghui said bitterly.

Let a group of S-class a strong in the hall, how much is he Ma Yinghui's courage?

Xiao Luya quietly pulled Li Feng, attached to the ear of Li Feng: "I want to go to Sun Lu."

Miss Xiao Miss has been wronged to retaliate on the spot. It is after Li Feng arrived in Miko, she converges some.

Now, Li Feng is relying on the mountain, she doesn't grasp the opportunity to retaliate, it is not Xiao Jia Miss.

Xiao Luya's hot air blows to Li Feng's earlobe, let Li Feng's small abdomen is a bit fever.

"Cough, this ah ..." Li Feng's eyes flash, nodded: "Well, then I will go to the VIP hall with Lingya, let Lao Luo stay outside."

Ma Yinghui still advised, Luo Tianzheng and others said that: "Our boss has decided. You still want to say it? Hurry and go, don't bother us to eat."

"What happened to the VIP Hall, how did the VIP have a high person? I just like to stay outside, no one will persuade me."

Lao Luo and others said that this is said. Ma Yinghui naturally didn't dare to say more, I can only lead Li Feng and Xiao Lingya went to the VIP room.

"Dear, I will introduce you to everyone, this is the boss of Osweil and Sheng Tang Entertainment - Li Feng, Mr. Li!"

When I came to the door of the VIP, Ma Yinghui gave a gathering a gathering of the guests from Li Feng.

"Huang Wenbin, Chairman of MLKS, I am very happy to meet you!"

"Mr. Li, I am a chairman of LasDs, and you are deeply shocked by your boom on the court. I am your super fans!"

"Li, I am the chairman of the beautiful times, your name, I have heard that I have seen it today, I am so lucky!"

"Mr. Li ..."

A guest has greeted Li Feng, and the body is very low, which makes Sun Lun in the crowd look very uncomfortable, but there is no way.

Osweil and Sheng Tang Entertainment are big companies in China. It is said that Li Feng's assets have reached the scale of hundreds of billions of Huaxia coins, such super rich can spike everyone in the seat.

After all, the most rich Ma Yinghui is only a $ 1 billion rating ...

Li Feng smiled and greeted the crowd, and then held Xiao Lingya's little hand, walking into the VIP room in the crowds of everyone, and finally landed in the master.

According to reason, this location belongs to Ma Yinghui. He is the protagonist of the banquet, is also the owner of Majiawu Pavilion, sitting in the master is not letting.

It is just that Li Feng's appearance but Ma Yinghui did not continue to sit in the courage of the master.

Moreover, Ma Yinghui is very eye-catching next to the primary position, which is temporarily added to Xiao Lingya.

After Xiao Luya sat down, the proud of the princes were willing to pick the eyebrows. When Sun Lou almost bisted a silver tooth!

"In order to welcome Mr. Li's great visit, let us have a mink!"

Ma Yinghui took a glass of wine and said to the glow.

The guests are brushing to the wine glass, facing Li Feng.

Li Feng put his hand: "You are too polite, we are all Chinese people, the compatriots, there is no need to get so much."

"Mr. Li said, you are now the big red people in the country, making your brotherhood people, is our big hero, we should be so good!"

"Left always said, you are now the banner of our Chinese in the rice country, we also express your advice and thank you!"

The guests have sent a horses to Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled and said: "Since everyone has already said this, then I don't drink, I don't want to lift, do it!"

The voice is falling, Li Feng drunk.

A group of guests laughed, and they drunk a cup of wine.

Xiao Luya took a piece of square towel from his arms, and thoughtfully wiped Li Feng wiped the mouth.

This scene makes all the guests look envious.

Now who doesn't know that Li Feng has a farewet wife in China. After the country is coming, it will give another beauty companion, and give him a mouth angle.

Life winner!

"Don't face it!" Sun Lou whispered a sentence, then gave up, and took out the mobile phone.

She is too embarrassing, and her teles are mad!

Since Xiao Luya makes her not good, then she will make Xiao Lingya not too good!

Li Feng is now a world-class celebrity. The celebrity is the most famous, as long as the two people are sent to the network, they can make Li Feng's reputation!

In the joint, Xiao Lingya became a small three. What else is eligible to be in front of him?

Thinking here, Sun La pressed the shutter button.


Because Sun Lu forgot to cancel the sound, the shutter sound will be issued when pressing the shutter button.

Suddenly there is a quiet place, everyone has seen it from Sun Lu.

Sun is slightly changed, and it is necessary to pick up the phone.

At this moment, Li Feng went to see it.

"" Sound!

The latest fruit machine exploded in Sun Lou!

Everyone is directly forced!

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