Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1395 looks to the door


Sun Lu sent a horrible call, then crying on the right hand of blood.

The power of the mobile phone explosion is still terrible, at least Sun Lun's delicate finger cannot resist such impact.

But it is strange. This mobile phone explosion looks terrible. In fact, it is limited to her damage, but the phone fragment has caused several scratches to the finger, and she did not make her tender hands became flesh blur.

As long as you go back to cultivate a few days, the injury will restore such as the beginning, and even the scars will not leave.

It's just that the guests don't know, watching her miserable, I thought she was seriously injured.

Everyone wants to understand, why a good phone will suddenly explode, and after the photo is filmed.

Does the latest fruit machine add self-burst?

"Ah, the mobile phone has exploded? It is terrible."

Xiao Lingya took his mouth, and the surface was frustrated and said in his heart.

She knows that this is definitely the masterpiece of Li Feng, otherwise the phone that is not charging is almost impossible to explode, but the Sun Lail has just taken her mobile phone to shoot her with Li Feng.

This is not a ghost, she dares to eat these mobile phone pieces.

"This reminds us, don't play mobile phones when you eat."

Li Feng sighed and said.

In this way, the face of everyone has become weird.

This is what the relationship is to play with the mobile phone, and the mobile phone explosion still is dinner.

"Don't be stunned, hurry to send Sun to the hospital to see, if you leave a disabled, then it is not destroyed."

Li Feng said again.

Everyone reacted, and even busy, they would send Sun Lun to the hospital.

Just then, Thompson said: "Hek, Sun Lu's hand just built the skin, flowing a blood, no need to go to the hospital, just need to give her a few creative stickers."

Just now, he also panicked, but soon, he was calmed down to help Sun Lu to check the injury.

After all, it is a professional athlete, and it is better than the average person.

"Is it so amazing?" Li Feng pretended to be surprised.

"Yeah, I feel very magical." Thompson nodded straight.

The guests are relieved, and the atmosphere relax.

The next time, Ma Yinghui took a few pieces of creation to stick to Yunnan white medicine, helping Sun Lou simple handling the wound, and then the banquet continued.

Sun Lou naturally didn't continue to sneak shot Li Feng and Xiao Lingya's mood, sulking, sitting in place, I would like to leave here.

At this time, Li Zhong's "Singing" sound outside the outside: "Mr. Phillis Daniel, 100,000 dollars!"

Guests who have heard the sound are all stunned.

"How come there are guests?"

"Do you not think that Phillis Daniel is somewhat familiar?"

"Daniel ... shouldn't it be the legendary Daniel family?"

"No, what is the existence of Daniel family, how can it be ... ah, I am not saying that the horse is long, I am ... forget it, I don't say it."

A guest is trying to say that Ma Yinghui is a gap between the Daniel family, but if you feel this is not suitable, this is awkward.

Ma Yinghui shook his head and smiled: "Wang, you mean, I understand that this kind of thing is recognized, there is no need to avoid it."

The left article nodded: "Yes, Daniel family can say that it is one of the strongest families in rice, and everyone is in the seat, and there is a big gap with Daniel family."

At this time, Huang Wenbin quietly touched the arms of the text. The left text was first glimpse. He understood that Huang Wenbin's eyes were indicated. He understood it.

"Don't explain, I understand." Li Feng waved and laughed.

"Cough." The left text smiled, and then said: "The President, although the other party is the possibility of the Daniel family, but I think we need to go out to meet."

"I have this means." Ma Yinghui smiled slightly, turned to Li Feng: "Mr. Li, go out together?"

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "No, you will go."

Others may not dare to determine the identity of the other party, but Li Feng is very clear, the other party is the Daniel family's family of Phillis Daniel, and it is obvious that the other party is rushing.

In this case, he doesn't have to go out.

"Well, then Mr. Li, please wait, let's go back."

Ma Yinghui laughed and got up with a guest to go out of the hall and greet it in the door of the martial art.

I haven't waited until I went to the door of the martial art, I saw Li Zhonggong, gotting in three white people.

"Will ... President, Daniel family, is Daniel family!"

Li Zhonglian hurriedly went a few steps to Ma Yinghui, excited.

Ma Yinghui stunned, followed by the face: "Which Daniel family?"

Even if he has already guessed, he can't believe it.

This is the Daniel family in the famous rice country. It is like the general existence of the gods. When he opened the court, he can believe it?

"It is the Daniel family!"

Li Zhong left his finger, excited.


The guests are all.

Just now they are still exploring this issue, no one thinks this Phillis Daniel will be the people of the Daniel family, and they have never thought that the other party is really a Daniel family!

My God, when did the President of the Horse relationship with Daniel family, and the cattle is big!

Ma Yinghui took two seconds in the original place, and then went up all the way.

Perhaps the injury has not recovered, and maybe he is too excited, when running to Feliis Daniel, Ma Yinghui is almost falling away.

However, Ma Yinghui did not feel embarrassed. After adjusting the posture, Ma Yinghui bent down and went to the waist, and the hand: "Mr. Ma Yinghui, Mr. Daniel!"

Walking in the forefront of the old man lifting the eye and lifting the eyelid.

Standing on the left behind him, Phillis Daniel cough, cold channel: "You are Ma Yinghui?"

"It's me, you are ...?" Ma Yinghui asked cautiously.

"President, he is the tributary of Phillis Daniel, Daniel family." Li Zhong said in the whisper of Ma Yinghui ear.

"Ah!" Ma Yinghui is a bit awkward, why is the family walk behind, who is the older old man in front?

Phillis Daniel does not explain, asked directly: "Is Li Feng in you?"

Mr. Ma Yinghui, headed by: "Yes, Mr. Li is sitting in the VIP room."

The left text and others suddenly realized.

It is no wonder that the Daniel family personally came here, it turned out to see Mr. Li.

It seems that Mr. Li's influence is still on their imagination!

Phillis Daniel snorted, the face kills: "I heard me, he dared to sit inside? Sure enough!"

Everyone: "???"

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