Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1398 people bully people less

The moment of the breath of Ulysia Daniel let Ma Yinghui has a kind of impulse.

What happened to Ma Yinghui was that Jurys Daniel had a vivid shadow.

This virtual shadow can only see two calms, because the parts of the calf have passed through the roof, perhaps out of the martial arts to enjoy it.

With Ma Yinghui's eyes, naturally, I don't know that this is the virtual god that is generated in the case of a half-god strong.

Unknown is more fearful!

"Oh my God!"

Sun Lu smashed his hand, full of horror.

Lian Ma Yinghui can't understand things, Sun Lu is naturally unable to understand.

This kind of scene that can only be seen in the movie and anime can be seen in front of the eye.

Li Fengbei picks up, surprised: "Is it a strong peak?"

Ma Yinghui: "???"

Peak, he understands, what is it?

However, look at Li Feng's expression, should it be a powerful realm than the respect?

"Do you say what is the power of the level?"

Ulys Daniel is very satisfied with Ma Yinghui's reaction, asked in a contempt.

"S ... SSS level." Ma Yinghui wiped the cold sweat and carefully replied.

"To right, you are saying SSS level, but can you know what the SSS level is in front of me?" Youyes Daniel asked.

Ma Yinghui shook his head: "Mr. Daniel, I don't know how many gaps between the half-stage level."

"I don't know if it doesn't matter, I can tell you." Youyes Daniel smiled slightly, proudly: "The SSS level is half god level, for the half-level strong, the SSS level is like an ants. Can you crush it in one hand, now you understand what I mean? "

Ma Yinghui is a shock, and he does not stop self-proliferation: "The SSS level has a half-level ..."

After understanding the meaning representing the half-level power, Ma Yinghui only felt embarrassed.

Just now I want to use Wei Bin and others to threaten ULES Daniel, and the result of people who have never taken the SSS level.

Say he is the door to the ax is not too much!

"Mr. Daniel, you are so handsome!"

Sun Lun supported the chin and the eyes of the eyes.

"Little girl, you are a woman in Phillis, even if it is necessary to worship, it is necessary to worship Phillis."

Ulys Daniel flavor laughs.

"Grandfather, if you look at this Huaxia woman, I naturally dare to grab it with you, hahaha."

Phillis Daniel said with a smile.

For him, women are like clothes, don't say it a day, but also not much.

He is interested in Sun Lun, just want to change the taste, just this.

"Haha, I certainly know that you don't dare to grab me, but I am really interested in this woman, I am interested in people are her."

During the speech, Ulys Daniel stretched his hand to Xiao La.

Xiao Lingya is slightly changed, and the arm of Li Feng is tight.

Sun Lun is slightly changed, then turned to look into Xiao Lingya: "Xiao Da, can make Daniel, you can be your honor, you don't know if you don't know."

Xiao Ling Ya face is the color: "Hey, I am not hungry, I don't want to eat, even this kind of person who is a grandfather can be boyfriend."

Ulys Daniel is a cold, cold channel: "Are you humiliating me?"

Sun Lou's heart is embarrassed, he is in the wind: "Mr. Daniel, this woman is too unhappy, if I, I will send her to the black market, sell to the Middle East to give people a slave."

Li Feng's eyes were a cold, and he looked at Sun Lou at a glance: "Do you know that you are compatriots with Lingya?"

"What happened to the compatriots, it is that she is provoked, and people who provoke me are enemies. If you treat enemies, you don't understand the truth. Do you not understand?" Sun Lun smiled and ridiculed.

Li Feng shook his head and sighed: "Some people really have a good-looking cassette, but heart is dirty than anyone."

"Who do you say? I tell you Li Feng, don't think that you have a good thing in the country, you can do everything, more people are more than your cattle!" Sun Lo is like a kitten that is stepped on the tail. Almost Jumping up.

"Say well, hahaha." Youyes Daniel smiled in the sky, then looked at Li Feng, saying: "I give you a chance, put the Tong Yanfu formula, and send this woman to my hand. I can spare you. "

Li Fengbei picks up, it seems that smiles: "Do you think it is to eat me?"

Seeing that Ma Yinghui is busy coming to the mediation: "Mr. Li, Mr. Daniel is a strong peak, we can't resist, think twice."

Li Feng looked at him and played: "What do you think I am a strong force?"

Ma Yinghui stunned, and then asked in a face: "Mr. Li is also a martial arts?"

"Haha, the president is really funny."

"This kid actually thought that the boss was ordinary people, interesting."

Wei Bin and others couldn't help but laugh.

Ma Yinghui is sinking in his heart, more and more surprisingly.

"Hey, he is also a half-level strong."

Just then, Ulys Daniel said coldly.


Ma Yinghui shouted with Sun Lizi!

Li Feng is so young, it is also a half-level strong? No way!

Li Feng smiled slightly: "Don't feel surprised, if I am not a half-level power, I will not come from" Lanting intended "to the dragon's bronze."

At this time, Ma Yinghui completely understands.

The world's weak person is no words, don't say something to others, your good things can keep it in the mood.

Li Feng can come from the Daniel family to come to the "Lanting Collection" with the dragon's bronze statue, Daniel family is not charity, why is it to give Li Feng?

So, there is only one left - Li Feng let them feel the threat!

"Since you know that I am a half-level strong, I dare to come to me trouble. Do you really feel that I am right?" Li Feng also looked at Ulisse Daniel and asked.

"That is nature!"

Julies Daniel gave August, Phillis made a look, then two people released their own breath.

"Boom" "Boom"

After the two, each of them appeared a virtual god!

Li Fengbei picks, some surprised: "Half God is in the middle of the god?"

ULES Daniel Haha smiled: "Yes, this is our bottom, even if you are a half-god peak, it is impossible to be our three opponents!"

"So you do you think about people?" Li Feng sighed, some helpless.

Daniel trone haha ​​smiled, and said: "This is strength, if you have the ability to find a few half-level strong, you will help."

Li Feng first stunned, and said weird: "If you want to say this, then I can really call."

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