Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1399 is sorry, disturbing

Daniel ancestors and grandchildren looked at each other, then hilarious.

Don't say that Li Feng also recognizes the other half-level power, say this time, he can't call again.

When Li Feng, the assistance of Li Feng arrived, it is estimated that his bones are cold.

Waiting until the laughter stops, ULES Daniel smiled: "When you think about it, please help hands?"

"Not too late, I will talk to Tatong, and I will refer to this assembly." Li Feng said like a laughter.

Daniel ancestors and grandchildren: "???"

Not ... The wool line is flying, do you think this is anime?

In the distance, Wei Bin's mouth is pushing: "Why do I suddenly have an ominous premonition."

"Not just you, I also have an ominous premonition ..."

Luo Tianzheng et al. Also nodded.

"Do not believe?" Li Fengbei picks up, and smiles and smiles: "Then I will give you a look now."

The voice falls, Li Feng hit a referring to the mouth: "Go out, Dago Wen, Eight Taro!"

Luo Tianzheng jumped first: " ~"

Luo Tianzheng is waiting to face each other, then standing unwilling to stand up: "Wang Wang, Wang Wang Wang."

Daniel ancestors and grandchildren: "???"

Ma Yinghui: "???"

Sun Lun: "???"

Not ... this is the Datong spirit that Li Feng said? Who is this?

There is also this nine goods, is it so willing? Alert!

"Oh ... You are too cooperated, I just tease them."

Li Feng turned his head and looked at Wei Bin and others.

Wei Bin and others silently brugged.

"Okay, I am wrong, I shouldn't let you play animals."

"In order to apologize, I also sacrificed."

Li Feng sighed and said.

He just became fun, just like a small friend in a child.

But things really happened, maybe this will hurt the self-esteem of the old Wei and others, it is indeed a little considered.

Wei Bin and others panic, and quickly explained: "Not the boss, we are really angry."

"We have been following you for a long time, I don't know why?"

"Just, we are joking with you, pretending to be angry, you can don't be true."

After this time, Li Feng is what people are clear, but it will not be born with this little matters.

Besides, Li Feng masters them to live and die, they are not useless.

"The real man wants to talk, you are waiting."

Li Feng said that it was released in his own breath, and he had an appearance behind him.

Then, Li Feng took a step back, and the vain was combined with the body.

Then ... no then.

Wei Bin et al .: "??? is not ... What is this?"

Daniel ancestors and grandchildren are also watching a mist.

What is Nima? What did Li Feng sacrificed?

At the same time, they are still a bit surprised by the three people, because Li Feng shows the breath of halfpoint.

Such young is already a strong peak, if he does not curb, what extent he will develop later?

Ma Yinghui and Sun Lun were shocked directly on the spot.

Li Feng actually is really a half-level strong, it is difficult to confuse!

"It must be ah." Li Feng said seriously.

Atmosphere, there is some embarrassment here ...

After half of the half, Wei Bin and others exclaimed: "Lying in the trough, it seems really like it."

"Can you play this? Long knowledge!"

"Lying in the trough, why didn't I think this?"

"It's enough!" Youkes Daniel can't see it. He came here to be revenge, not to see the clown show!

"Li Feng, did not expect you to use this kind of trick to delay the time, you really disappoint me." Phillis Daniel laughed.

Don't look at his surface, it is still afraid of it.

At that time, he went to Li Feng with Dad. I almost couldn't help with Li Feng. I still have a father enough. I didn't choose to have a job. It seems that Dad's decision is really too bright.

"Do you still don't understand? I am now delaying time is good."

Li Feng sighed, then hit a sound: "Baby, take it!"

The voice falls, Wei Bin and others release their own breath.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

Jiudao belongs to the breath of the peak of the half-gods.

The nine-respecting God appeared behind Wei Bin and others!

Daniel ancestors and grandchildren's mouth, all stupid!

Nine half-gods are strong, plus Li Feng is ten!

3VS10, is this special not to send dishes?

As for Ma Yinghui and Sun Lu, I don't know what language to use to express the shock of this moment.

Before Ma Yinghui guess Wei Bin et al. May be the realm of S-class to SSS level. The result is a half-level ... There is no such eye!

"Do you still feel me?"

Li Feng asked with a smile.

ULES Daniel deep sucking, arched: "Sorry, disturb!"

After you finish, he will prepare to take August, Feliz leave here.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished it."

At the same time, Li Feng talking, Luo Tianzheng, Wei Bin, Qiu Wei came to three people and blocked their retreat.

"Mr. Li, this is really a misunderstanding." Ulys Daniel cried.

He came here, I wanted to have a big exhibition, and the result was installed 13. I found that the other party fierce N times than them. Who is going to say?

Li Feng's right hand, a chair flew over, he sat down after he sat down: "How is it misunderstood, listen?"

Xiao Lingya "giggling" smile, come to Li Peak, help him pinch the shoulder.

"It is we have an eye, don't collide you, we are willing to pay sins."

ULES Daniel knows in this case, they can't take a good blood, and the sure is directly recognized.

"This ah ..." Li Feng touched the chin, and smiled slightly: "Tell me how you intend to pay for it."

Jurys Daniel is a bit a bit, just biting his teeth: "$ 10 billion in cash."


Sun Lou shouted.

$ 10 billion in cash, who has these money, can enter 200 in the top of the world's rich list!

This is an astronomical figure for the vast majority of people in the world, but Ulys Daniel can compensate for compensation to Li Feng100 million US dollars in cash.

How is the gap between people with people? !

"10 billion US dollars cash ... it sounds very tempting."

Li Feng touched the chin as a while, then shake his head: "Unfortunately, this is not enough to buy your three people."

ULES Daniel's complexion: "Mr. Li, our Daniel family can only take so much cash."

"So you don't want to live out here, is it right?" Li Feng smiled.

Perhaps I feel the killing of Li Feng, Julies Daniel Shen Yichang, bitterite: "30 billion US dollars, this is the biggest sincerity I can take!"

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