Save the Goddess System

Chapter 202 is not qualified to make me hide

"Hey, your hand is a bit unused, or do you personally?"

Li Feng two-hand bag, slowly went to Hand.

"You ... you want to do, I ... I am Han Defa, the manager of Huacheng Real Estate Demolition, you ... don't mess, otherwise our boss will not let you!"

Han De flessed his face and was retired by Li Feng.

It's just that he is a group of Osweil's old employees, and people are blocked.

"Han Defa? This name is quite good, it is a bit no humanity."

Li Feng went to Han Deh, and he said coldly.

"Yes, Han De sent too nature, giving us water and disciplined us, but also said to be buried."

"He has been demolished for more than ten years, and many people get people have died, and the bad things are doing, and there is humanity!"

After the body, the angry voice continued, so Han Defei's original pale face became red!

The code, the tiger, Pingyang is deceived by the dog, and the A cat is dare to jump out to accuse Laozi? !

"Hey, you all feel that you will win? Is it good to be bullied? You are waiting for Laozi!"

The voice falls, Han Defa took out the phone and prepared.

Seeing, Osweil's old employees will shoot.

"Let him play."

Li Feng is quiet in a word.

"Xiao Li, can't let him call, Huacheng Real Estate is a rogue company, not good!"

"Yeah, Xiao Li, who are more popular, really want to call a part of you will definitely lose money!"

Osweil's old employees have spared.

"Nothing, my friend is a lawyer, I am present, they don't dare."

Li Feng said.

Liu Shihan: "..."

Not ... I am a lawyer, the lawyer is also afraid of rogue, the good man does not eat before!

Obviously, you are not afraid, you have to pull me, let me say it!

However, Li Feng's words do have effects, Osweil's old employees have a respect for Liu Shihan, and never let Han Defa.

"Hey, the boss, I am playing in the door of the Osville Community!"

"Well, I am waiting, the boss will come over, otherwise we have to be a laughter!"

Han Defa is complained in tears.

Li Feng's mouth evoke a tattoo news, call the boss directly? Also, save him!

"My boss will go for a while, there is a kind of you don't run!"

After hanging up the phone, Han De sent a bottom gas against Li Feng.

"You are not afraid that I am willing to abolish you before Zhang Kun?"

Li Feng laminated.

Zhang Kun is the boss of Huacheng Real Estate. It is a heart-spicy role, and it is very popular in Huada.

At the beginning of the Osville Community Auction, Zhang Kun defeated other competitors to take a very low price.

Even rumors say this price is one tenth of the market price!

15 years ago, Li Yuan was investing in the Osville Community in order to make employees living in their lives.

At that time, it was still a wasteland. After 15 years of development, it is already a bustling location, the price of house prices have reached 40,000 per flat!

It is conceivable that Zhang Kun has drawn a huge interest in this auction!

It can make other competitors to refund, Zhang Kun can be seen in the energy of Huadheng!

"You ... you dare, light day, Langnan ..."


I didn't wait for Han Dafa to say "Kun" word, Li Feng raised his hand is a punch, his nose is bone!

After a rummer, Han Deli's nosebleed DC, !

"I have seen it, I have never seen it like you don't have face."

Li Feng recovered his fist and smiled.

Liu Shihan's mouth has a smoked, and it has a more intuitive understanding of the overbearing of Li Feng.

So ..., don't work, you must be the motto of Li Feng?

But then, Han Defa has indeed been hitting, obviously he is a party who is bullying, but what is the light day, Tianran, Langqun? Inexplicably funny!

Osweil's old employees suddenly cheered!

They have long wanted to play Han Defa, and Li Feng is in this boxing to release the anger they have come over again!

Just cheering after they start to worry about Li Feng.

Zhang Kun can be a famous role in Huicheng, Li Feng hit his hand, can he let Li Feng?

"Xiao Li, I haven't arrived, you will leave this!"

"Zhang Kun fierce is poisonous, what is going out!"

"I heard that Zhang Kun has lived!"

Osweil's old employees are anxious to say.

"Uncle, uncle, please rest assured, I am coming to see if you have a good thing. Since you know that you have difficulty, don't completely solve the difficulties I will not go."

"As for Zhang Kun ... he is not eligible for me to avoid!"

Li Feng Town is a bit of domineering, so that the people present will be slightly.

Liu Shihan is once again surprised.

To put it bluntly, these people are just Osweil's old employees, helping them are the reason, and they don't help them.

Can Li Feng attached to the end, the enemy is still a boss of a real estate company.

This love is heavy, and the love that is deliberately showed in Suyang Yu!

Soon, a team consisting of more than a dozen cars came to the door of the Osville Community.

After stopping, a middle-aged man is headed by a Rolls-Royce.

It is Zhang Kun!

It is followed by dozens of blacks from other vehicles, followed by Zhang Kun.

"Who is special, dare to hit me Zhang Kun? Take it out!"

Zhang Kun walked forward and shouted in a domineering side leak.

Osweil's old employees were shocked by Zhang Kun's momentum, and the faces were not allowed to be slightly white.

Even Liu Shihan, I can't help but feel confused. If Li Feng is around, she is afraid that she will not help but escape.

Han Defa, who is squatting, and the people who don't pay attention to the legs, I will run forward: "The boss is what he played!"


Zhang Kun went to the direction of Han Dafa's finger, and saw Li Feng in the crowd.

Suddenly, Zhang Kun is in place!

"This little hybrid feels that he is forced, just want to take care of our real estate, but also hurt our brothers, you must do it for us!"

After Han De sent to Zhang Kun, he shouted a tear with a nose.

In the distance, Osweil's old employees spontaneously put Li Fengwei in the middle: "Zhang Kun, this is always unrelated to Xiao Li, and there is something to rush!"

"Zhang Kun, we are victims, do you take so many people?"

"Zhang Kun, don't mess up, now it is a legal society, you dare ..."


Just when people worried that Zhang Kun was going to Li Feng, Zhang Kun suddenly raised his hand and smoked Han Demu!

Han Defa is directly pushed!

Others are also forced by Zhang Kun's movements!

Then, in the eyes of a person, Zhang Kun ran to Li Peak, he piled up his smile: "Li is less, I don't know if you are in this, there is more sin, and please Li Shaotuo ! "

Everyone: "???"

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