Save the Goddess System

Chapter 203, people don't want to face invincible

Everyone is true!

It is obviously the assistance of Han Durfa. As a result, Zhang Kun not only played Han Dema, and also ran over to ask Li Feng forgive?

This feels like two parties to fight, one party will be hit a nose, please come and help.

Then the Lord will not only have the opposite side, but also kill a horse!

What ghost? !

"Zhang Kun, which is you playing?"

Li Feng is also a little amazed.

Although he met with Zhang Kun, he didn't have much time to pay at each other.

However, because Zhang Kun has been close to Su Jiannan, Li Feng has always been an enemy.

Now Zhang Kun suddenly showed him, is there anything?

"Li Shao, is it? We are all old friends for many years. Who is to say that I can't tell?"

"Han Defa is my dog, Li Shao is the brother of Zhang Kun, I can't be a red face for a dog?"

Zhang Kun has laughed on his face, and he has already smashed Han Dafa's 18th generation.

Hey, now I don't know that Li Feng is a big arrogant star. I just gave Su Jia to the first day of the flower city.

Who dares to Touch Li Feng's milder in this junior crude eye, I am not afraid that I will sleep at night.

Han Defa's idiot, nor does it clearly, and it's almost killed!

In the distance, Han Defa's face has risen into pig liver!

Hey, you have called my brother with me before, now I am just your dog now.

It's really good to bully? !

Osweil's old employees have become very exciting.

Zhang Kun's theory can, Han Defa is a dog, Li Feng is a brother, I don't know if the intercom is really trust!

"He is just your dog?" Li Feng is like a laughing, looking at Han Defa: "Unlike ah."

"Lee is not believed? It doesn't matter, I will prove it to you."

Zhang Kun sneaked his forehead cold sweat, turned around: "Han Defa, call two sounds to Li Shao listen."

Han Defa: "???"

No ... He is what it means, let the old man be called? It's too big!

At this moment, the scholars can not be humiliated, and there is gold in the knee, and the famous is called in Hande.


"Wang Wang, Wang Wang Wang."

Han Dafa learned a few dogs.

Worried that the boss is dissatisfied, Han Demai is still smiled and said: "The boss, Li, I just learned Teddy's call, if you don't like it, I can learn the fellow dog, Shepherd, Husky ..."

Han Xin can be insult to suffer from the age of this year, but he is a dog called, there is nothing big.

Take a step in the sky!

So ... Huaxia culture is really profound, you can find a famous celebrity in history, no matter how chooses, you can find yourself in history ...

Li Feng: "..."

Liu Shihan: "..."

other people:"……"

Do people don't face the world, what is the color of Han Dafa?

"How is Li Shao, now you believe?"

Zhang Kun nodded and was satisfied.

"Mr. Zhang is all people."

Li Feng shook his head smiled, and his tag: "How do you always deal with their living problems?"

"This one……"

Zhang Kun hesitated.

Let the Han Deca dog call, top more is a face problem, but the Oswe-demolition is involved in demolition is dozens of millions of income issues.

"So, I don't want Zhang, I have been harmful. How much do you take this community three years ago, I will return this community now, how?"

Li Feng is like laughing.

Zhang Kun face color changing!

Hey, he took this community at the beginning, and then took this community, and now this community is 50 billion.

If you remove it into a high-end community, this figure has to be twice!

Li Feng wants money to be crazy? !

"Zhang does not agree?" Li Fengbei picks up, if there is a refers to say: "Recently, Huacheng is dry, it is easy to have a fire, is the fire facility in Zhang's family?"

Zhang Kun is shaking, and his face suddenly bare!

Li Feng is threatening him. If he disagree, it will be like Su Jiannan to funeralize the fire sea?

On the side of Liu Shihan Xiupou, I also listened to Li Feng's threat.

Only, Li Feng said in a cleverness, the surface is reminding Zhang Kun to pay attention to fire, even if Zhang Kun wants Li Feng intimidation, there is no comment!

"The original price is not, it is not, I don't know if Li has no 35 billion liquidity."

Zhang Kun Sisso half a half, gives a number.

"I still suggest that I have a few fire extinguishers at home, and there is a natural disaster. No one knows what happens to yourself. Do you say right?"

Li Feng smiled and asked.

Although Osweil's old employees do not understand that Li Feng speaks well, but the consciousness is still nodded.

"The pair of Xiao Li said that no one is expected to be in the natural disasters, and it is necessary to prepare more."

"Sujia is so powerful family, all in a big fire, who can expect the next one?"

Listening to the attachment of these people, Li Feng's face is more concentrated.

Since he is with Zhang Kun, there is no such situation, Zhang Kun has a counter-normal, and there is no second explanation except for the death of Sujia's entry.

It is a fear of death, and the rich is even more afraid.

It is important to be important in Zhang Kun's heart now.

"Li is less, 35 billion is really not much, now this area is estimated to be about 5 billion, but I give you a discount of 15 billion."

Zhang Kun sinking and half, and he said.

"I don't care what others do. Anyway, I have to talk to the hotel after I go back, I must prepare more fire extinguishers in my room."

"Tired, go back to the hotel to rest."

Li Feng shook his head and sighed, and his poetry and men made a eye, and it was going to work.

"Don't, there is something good."

Zhang Kun urgently, if he tried to collapse with Li Feng, Li Feng in the middle of the night, killing him, gave him, then burn it, then how much is how much it doesn't spend!

Key Li Feng do things too much, the police can't find his evidence!

In front of death, Zhang Kun can only make a compromise.

"Oh, I always feel how much is it suitable for me?"

Li Feng asked with a smile.

"35 billion, if Li Shao is dissatisfied, the price can also be discussed again."

Zhang Kun determined that he was bleeding, and he didn't send it to Li Feng, as long as it saved.

Anyway, he just spent 35 million ...

"3.5 billion, this price can be accepted, I can't let Zhang always don't make money?"

Li Feng agreed to it.

Zhang Kun: "???"

No ... you feel that Laozi sells you 3.5 billion, is it, is it? Is there such a bullying? !

Liu Shihan, one side, has already heard it.

In the three words, the price of 5 billion yuan is bought with one tenth of the price.

If it is not seen with your own eyes, Liu Shihan will never believe this is true!

For a time, Liu Shihan has a few points in the view of Li Feng ...

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