Save the Goddess System

Chapter 204 Jiangbei Wu Zhenglong

Zhang Kun is a queer, but it is also awkward to others.

After decided to sell the Oswe Villa to Li Feng after 350 million ultra-low prices, he immediately called the secretary to print two contracts, holding the property rights of the community, and the official seal arrived here.

After the two people signed a stamp, Li Peng allowed Su Yun to transfer 350 million to the company account for Huacheng real estate.

Since then, Li Yuan returned to the Hand of Osville as a hostel built in the employee!

"Uncle Auntie, I announced here, Osweil will quickly establish a factory in Huacheng."

"If you want to go back to Osville, I will welcome my hands!"

"All the employees who return to Osville, have the right to live free, do not want to go back to Osweil, there is no relationship, and the five-year agreement is still free to live free of charge."

"If the agreement expires, if you don't want to move, just pay the rent-in-market rent, you can stay here."

Li Feng raised his hands and said loudly.

He is completely capable to let everyone live free of charge, but he has no reason to do.

Liming Michene killed, if you have no condition for a person, it will only be taken as a matter of course.

When you want to stop paying, you will be unknowing, and you can't be revenge each other. Li Feng is still not so stupid.

Liu Shihan has a colored colors.

She is really afraid that Li Feng said that there is unconditional to let everyone live in this way, and the responsibility of the Lee Peak should be too heavy!

For Li Feng's arrangements, these old employees have naturally no objection, they all want to go to Osweil, as long as Li Feng really returns to the city.

On the one side, Zhang Kun's pupil is shrinking, and the vigilance of Li Feng is a high point.

Hands with your enemy, will pull your heart for yourself, how to do things, simply, Li Feng can so old, so he is so awkward, it is a little terrible.

"If you can't be an enemy with him, you must also try to pay with him!"

Zhang Kun's eye is turned, immediately wants to clear the basic strategy of the future and Li Feng.

When everyone stopped cheering, he said in Li Feng, which is only three or two.

I have been waiting until Zhang Kun immediately said that I would like to ask Li Feng to eat, but I was refused by Li Feng.

In this regard, Zhang Kun also does not want to make it, but it has been raised, and it will leave here.

"Li Feng, I found that as long as you are with you, there will be many wonderful stories, you won't bring your trouble?"

When everyone went, Liu Shihan said half joke.

"You are still right, I think I am really recruited."

Li Feng said helplessly.


Liu Shi Han was teased, and the flowers were shocked, and Li Feng was jumping.

At this time, the rushing mobile phone ringtone was ringing.

Li Feng took out the mobile phone and found that Song Yujun came, and suddenly laughed: "Sorry, pick a phone."

After walking distance, Li Feng turned on: "Hey, Yi Jun, do you miss me?"

At the same time, the charming of Song Yujun is a perfect body in his mind, and suddenly it is a little bit ...

"Hey, people don't want you to have no conscience, how long have you been to see people."

Song Yujun's charming voice came from the phone.

"Hey ... My fault, I will return to the pearl in a few days, and I will compensate you."

Li Feng is in his heart, laughing.

"Sliced, who wants you to compensate ~"

Song Yujun issued a delicate, this said: "Okay, talk about it, my sister is in trouble."

Listening to this words, Li Feng faces when it suddenly: "Don't worry, let me talk about what happened."

Song Yujun sighed, this said: "Two days ago, my sister took a batch of more than 20 million electronic products at sea, and the results have encountered Jiangbei Wu Zhenglong."

"They buckled the sister's boat under the sixteen, and released the words, if I didn't take one billion to Jiangbei in three days, I burn my sister's boat, killing my sister."

At the time, a fire is from Li Feng's heart!

Wu Zhenglong dared to let his woman took one billion to go to Jiangbei compensinates, I really ate Xiong's heart!

Jiangbei and pearls adjacent, and it is also an economic city, and Wu Zhenglong is like the pearls in the morning. It is the hegemony of the underground world in Jiangbei.

The two cities are all port cities, and they are doing parallel business. Even if Xu Su is called Xiong Ming, the pearls have a battle with Jiangbei's underground forces.

Today, you grabbed my goods, I burn your boat tomorrow, I have to win each other, it is difficult to win.

Originally, after the boss of Song Jun became the boss of the Mingzhu, Li Feng intends to attack the underground world in Jiangbei in the south.

However, he has been busy with other things, which has not put this in the agenda.

Unexpectedly, Wu Zhenglong actually took the first to Song Yujun, looking for death!

"I will go back to the pear tomorrow, accompany you to the Jiangbei, see Wu Zhenglong, is not eating Xiong's heart!"

Li Feng said a cold, and the cold voice said.

"Well, then I am waiting for you."

With the promise of Li Feng, Song Yujun is very fixed, and the tone is also relaxed.

The two people chatted again, saying something, Li Feng, in love, ending the call.

In the distance, Liu Shihan did not hear what Li Feng said something, but his face is clearly talking to a woman with beloved.

For a time, Liu Shihan felt that the heart was air, it was not uncomfortable.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Li Feng went to Liu Shihan and apologized.

"No ... Nothing, I am a little tired, I will go back first."

Liu Shihan smiled unnaturally, and then took a taxi back to find grandfather.

Li Fengbei picks up, always think that Liu Shihan has a big change to his attitude, but he has nothing to do.

Just when Li Feng was confused, Liu Shihan suddenly

"Miss Liu, what happened?"

Li Feng is busy with the question.

"I ... I am fine."

Liu Shi Han is shamed, and there is still a bit of painful color.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... this chick should I not come to a big aunt?

Thinking of this, Li Feng opened the eyes of medical gods to check it, this check, there is really a problem with him.

Liu Shihan has a problem with palace cold. Every time I come to my aunt, I will have a pain. At this moment, Although Liu Shihan's aunt is still not coming, it is faster.

According to Li Feng, there are up to two hours, Liu Shihan's big aunt will arrive at the battlefield.

"Miss Liu, your palace cold, I can govern, if you have a trustworthy, you can go back to the hotel, I will give you acupuncture, guarantee the needle to abuse, never recurrent."

Li Feng said with words and slowly said.


Liu Shihan, she didn't expect Li Feng's medical skills, so far, only to see her with palace.

Just follow Li Feng back to the hotel ... so difficult!

Hespeful, Liu Shihan finally nodded: "Okay, I will return to the hotel!"

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