Save the Goddess System

Chapter 209 is fired

It is more than the tree, and you and me.

Everyone is really a sentence that Li Feng didn't have no brain.

No ... Su Shi Group has a few cents relationship with you?

Ok, even if you have a relationship with you, you can't help you get rid of your current dilemma, so you are happy!

Only Song Yu Jun Zhi Xiaoxu Group does not mean what Li Feng is.

The big hatred, Li Yuan's Jiquan can be ignorant.

"This is good, even if you die, the younger brother did not regret."

Song Yujun was secretly sighed, and one hand stretched into the Kun bag and cleared the dagger prepared in advance.

If the event can't recover, she will use this to end their lives, never being insult!

"The Sushi Group is closed, I am very happy, happier is ... You finally appeared."

Li Feng looked at Yang Zongyi's father and son, and said deeply.

Waste Yang Xu, the dragon soul did not pursue his responsibility, but Yang Xu's family will not easily let him.

So this time, Li Feng has been in the beginning of the sudden appearance of Yang Xujia people, and a string in the mind is always tight.

Now I am fine, killing Yang Zongyi's father and son, he can also slow down.


Yang Zongyi and others face the color of the face.

Then, a laughter sounded.

Hey, in the face of the embassies of the three martial arts, Li Feng actually said that he is happy? The brain is in water!

"Li Feng, now I know why I am disappointed with you?"

"I used to think that you are a piece, the means are very good, and now I found ... You are a young man who is a young man!"

Wu Zhenglong faced the color, ridicule.

The drama of the pearl underground world, fled the people's investigation, although Li Feng acts low-key, but knowing that there is too many people existing, it is easy to detect the news.

When I learned that the man who gave Song Yujun to sit on the Mingzhu Underground World Overlord, Wu Zhenglong was extremely shocked after the young man in the twenty.

Now he discovers that Li Feng, who is crazy in the rumor, cool ... but so!

"Li Feng, you really have a martial arts talent, but you should not provoke our Yang Jia!"

"Although Yang Jia is only a small ancient Wu Shi, it is a three masters. Such strength can be ranked in the forefront of all small ancient people in Huaxia."

"If Xu Chung has been abolished, very quickly, our Yang family is a four masters, why is it glory!"

Yang Zongyi's painful closing eyes closed his eyes, when he opened again, killing boiling!

"Dad, don't tell him so much nonsense, do it!"

The voice is falling, Yang Zhaoshan is going to shoot first.

Yang Zhenhai did not have to show weakness, and it was necessary to rush to the past.


Suddenly, Li Feng raised his hand to stop.

Everyone once again!

No ... I have a frame, can you don't talk so much nonsense? !

Just people have curious psychology, do not let Li Feng finishes the words, they always feel psychological.

"What else do you say?"

Yang Zhenshan temporarily pressed the impulse of murder, and asked coldly.

"Do you know that I am a dragon soul?"

Li Feng pulled out the card representing the membership of the Dragon Soul from the arms and played.

Yang Jia can hit a month to do it, it should know that he is enrolled in the dragon soul.

But the Yang family is still playing, they are not afraid of being punished by the dragon soul? Still ... this is a certain rule that you don't know herein?

"Dragon Soul?" Song Yujun's eyes, a face, a face.

Wu Zhenglong was also confused by his hand under his hand.

Obviously, they don't know what the dragon soul is, but intuition tells them that the meaning representative of the two words of the Dragon Soul is definitely not simple!

"Mo I asked the old dog, I first praised the young man in the year, and made him like a good trip."

"Results Asah was abolished, he not only didn't say anything, but also entered the dragon soul, and warned that we don't revenge."

"I hate! Hate I should not let Xu Chung joined the dragon soul, hate the old dog, don't ask the sky, the old, no humanity!"

Yang Zongyi is full of chest, and reperesses it.

Yang Xu was sent back to Yang family by Mo. It was one of the four dragons of the Dragon Soul. Mo asked the people to make Yang Jia's upright.

However, when he would like Tiandao, this move turned into hate!

"Li Feng was taken into the dragon soul by me. He and Yang Jia's grievances have been saved, you don't think about returning Li Feng, otherwise ... the world is no longer!"

This is what I asked God!

Kill Sun's hatred does not share the sky!

If Yang Zongyi knows that he is a horror, he will face it on the spot!

Even if you don't ask the sky, Yang Zongyi can't really give up Li Peku! But he must discuss from a long, can't let others know that Li Feng is killed by Yang Jia!

They endured for more than a month, finally waited until Li Feng stepped into the Tian Luo Land of them!

"Hey ... So you are ready to fight, do you kill people, right?"

Li Feng saw Wu Zhenglong at a glance.

Wu Zhenglong is treated, and the back is soaked in the cold sweat!

The dead, the situation is not good!

Fear comes, Wu Zhenglong wants to leave here.

"Wu Big, where are you going?"

Yang Zongyi said not to say.

"I ... I am going to be convenient."

Wu Zhenglong's feet suddenly, and he said.

"Mo, etc., let's go, it will come, and you don't want to taste Song Yujun's colorful taste?"

Yang Zongyi looked back to Wu Zhenglong, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

Li Feng is right, in addition to their father and son, others are dead!

However, before this, Wu Zhenglong had to play the role of Avrivan u under his hand, or how to make Li Feng feel painful?

"I ... I have recently been lack of kidney, I am not too lifting, still counting."

Wu Zhenglong wiped his head and sweating, and he smiled.

At this time, Wu Zhenglong's hand also touched the taste, and several kinds of timid people had to take the person without paying attention quietly.


Yang Zhenhai shot out, rushing to one of them, a punch.


The person's head is like a watery, and suddenly collapse, and the red and white is falling!


Everyone was scared by this scare, and now I have to flee.

"I stand it!"

Yang Zhenhai sent a burst and swept the crowd: "Whoever dares to escape, this person is the test of the former car!"

"Hey, escape is only a dead road, and you can still taste Song Yujun's beautiful taste. Peony flowers down to do ghosts, two roads, you choose."

Yang Zhenshan murdered and said, said.

The brother is full of face, I want to escape, and I am afraid that the father and son of Yang Jiazi are puffed into meat. It can only be shivering in the country.

Wu Zhenglong laughs, and stands in the same place.

This is a trick of the drove of the tiger wolk, but it has become a fire, Wu Zhenglong hates!

Just he hate again? Three martial arts people are like three mountains, but they don't have any courage to resist!

"Well, I have asked, now ... You can die!"

The voice is falling, and an immersive momentum that belongs to the post-Securities of the martial arts is out of Li Feng!

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