"Master later, how is this possible ?!"

Yang Zongyi saw the ghosts and exclaimed!

Yang Zhenshan, Yang Zhenhai brothers both are also facative!

Asah clearly told them that Li Feng was only in the early days of the master. This has been more than a month, and Li Feng continued to cross two small realm.


Song Yujun suddenly glanced, although she didn't understand the meaning of Master's post-representative, but she can judge, things through Yang Zongyi's father and son, things ... seems to have turned?

"So, the Sushi Group is really a good news."

Li Feng couldn't help but lamented a sentence.

In his judgment, even the Su family is destroyed, the Sushi Group is not in the order, and it is not possible to do it in a short period of time.

Who knows this only three days, the Sushi Group suddenly fell, which allowed him to rise to the A + level at the critical moment, with the capital of winning.

Time to life!

However, other people don't know that Li Peak is negative system, and I can't guess it, this will take Li Feng as an idiot ...

"Hey, how is the master? I am also a post later, I have to kill you, it is not difficult!"

After shocked, Yang Zongyi's heart is slightly.

He is a master of Master, even if he is comparable to Li Feng, he has two sons in the mid-term.

Three hits one, there is no possibility!


Yang Zongyi, Yang Zhenhai, made a eye, and the figure was turned to Li Feng.

Yang Zhenshan immediately took the bloodthirsty rays.

At the same time, Yang Zhenhai smiled, and suddenly moved to Song Yujun!

Looking far away, the three people are like electricity, dragged out of the road behind, and the foot is riot, and the earth is shocked!

The three masters of master don't shoot together, and the power is horrible!

When Song Yujun suddenly scared.

Her own security is small, let Li Feng shot the mouse to be a big!

However, although she has been engraving "Zhenwu", she is too short, now only Class C strong, in the face of a martial artist, there is no room for resistance!

"No, I can't even have your brother!"

Song Yujun has decided in his heart, and you will be self-sufficient.

"Little fool, is so don't trust me?"

Li Feng quickly slammed her dagger, and only Song Yujun in his eyes.


Song Yujun did not expect Li Feng in this moment, Li Feng also paid attention to his own movement, once touched and self-blamed for a while.

At this time, Yang Zongyi's father and son have rushed to the two people.

"Go to death, dog hybrids!"

Yang Zongyi hated a punch.

This punch is the killing of Yang Jiaquan - the fire collapsed!

Yang Zongyi's fist is like wrapped a layer of flame. The surrounding air becomes hot, when rubbing the air, the sound of the , the power is amazing!

On the other hand, Yang Zhaoshan is also a punch.

Different, Yang Zhenshan's fists have knocked a layer of frost, just like wearing a three-handed glove!

It is Yang Jiaquan 's power only to the cold ice palm of the fire!

Ice and fire two days!

At the same time, Yang Zhenhai's five fingers stretched, and he grabbed the arm of Song Yujun!

Three people are surrounded, Tian Luo Si.com!

"Waiting to wait for me for a while."

At the same time, Li Feng raised the shoulders of Song Yujun to throw it!


Song Yujun only felt a strong brief, and his body was not controlled to heaven!

Yang Zhenhai did not expect Li Shuanghui to come to this hand, and he gave a holiday.

At this time, Yang Zongyi, Yang Zhenshan father and son have come to Li Feng chest.

They seem to have seen Li Feng's picture of the blood of the mouth of the mouth!


"No moving!"

Li Feng hooked a smile, and the body suddenly disappeared in place!

"How can it be?!"

Yang Zongyi is emptying, and the face has changed!

"Second brother, be careful!"

Yang Zhenshan looks tightly, suddenly seeing Li Feng appeared behind Yang Zhenhai, lend it immediately.

Just his reminder is a late step!


"The sky is wounded!"

Li Feng smiled and rushed to Yang Zhenhai back to the seven boxes!

The sky is wounded, it is the fourteenth style of the scorpion thirty-six-style, which is that it can continue to stabilize seven punches in a second.

The first punch can explode very powerful, the second punch is the eleventh power, and so on.

In the seventh punch, it is the 17th perspective of horror!

More terrible is that every punch is bombard in the same part, but also in just one second, the power is born, and the power is not stopped, even if the steel is also striped!

Previously, Li Feng's realm was insufficient, and it was unable to play the power of this punch, so he never used it.

Now, this trick is finally used by him!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

If the giant sound of the mine is ringing, Yang Zhenhai has not been reacted, and the hard students are bombarded by Li Feng!

The first punch, Yang Zhenhai Zhou body body is influential.

The second punch, Yang Zhenhai's body was scratched.

The third punch, Yang Zhenhai has a pace of pulling!

The fourth boxing, Yang Zhenhai's five organs is like a watermelon landing from high, torn open!

After waiting until the seven boxing, Yang Zhenhai spurted a blood, then like a grenade that pulled out the lead in the body, from the original place burst!

The blood is four!


"Second brother!"

Yang Zongyi, Yang Zhaoshan suddenly wanted!

"No moving!"

Li Feng is not intended to give them a painful time, and there is still a seven boxing between Yang Zhenshi.


As the Yang Zhenhai just now, Yang Zhenshan's body also burst.

Before it was a neat floor, I suddenly became a bloody, the scarlet!


People around the battle are old hands on the streets, and the bloody scenes have seen many times.

Just like this, the scene is still in the first time, and people who are insufficient with mental unexpectedly bend and vomit.


Yang Zongyi is almost dripped in his eyes!

Two seconds, two sons were bombed in front of him, this stimulus made Yang Zongyi crazy!

He doesn't understand, why do they clearly win the situation, but was crushed by Li Feng?

Li Feng is just a 23-year-old young man. Even if the top-level Guwu's genius disciple is not so horrible!

In fact, Yang Zongyi is still a little bit of Li Feng. Li Feng itself is a strong man in the post-end of the master, but also uses the violent turnover.

Plus the powerful power of the sky and the ghostless ghosts without film, two seconds to kill two masters of mid-term strong ... It is not difficult!

"Dog hybrid, I want to kill you!"

Yang Zongyi lost reason to be ambugged, and the madman rushed to Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled, there is no moving step and then flashing, and next moment, behind Yang Zongyi.

Yang Zongyi has expected it, it is a punch!

Just he turned and found that Li Feng's figure was gone!

"The sky is wounded!"

Just then, a low scream came from Yang Zongyi!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

Yang Zongyi only felt that the heart of the heart was painful. If the body is in full charge, it will take out a blood, and fell to the ground forward!

Li Feng, I wanted to make a few punches in the past, but I found that the momentum of Song Yujun rose, and began to fall down!

Li Feng had to allow Yang Zongyi, returned to the place, and hugged the Song Yujun fell, and turned the number in the same place, and unloaded the fall!

The audience is quiet!

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