Save the Goddess System

Chapter 211 is swallowed (fourth more)

"Brother, you are so good!"

Song Yujun is full of small stars.

Just Li Feng is simmering, it is full!

It is clear that it is a must-have, but he is so easy to resolve, heaven, how did he think of throwing himself into half air?

Wu Zhenglong is completely impressed with his younger brother!

Not ... The murderer of the three martial arts masters, but he was quickly flipped by Li Feng.

Two punches, Yang Zhenshan, Yang Zhenhai brothers two, another punch, Yang Zongyi, the strength of Li Feng is so powerful!

However, Li Feng's one of them is a pen.

If you don't throw Song Jun to half your air, he will separate some energy to protect Song Yujun.

Even if his strength has strive for Yang Zongyi's father and son, the abdomen is subject to the enemy, and even it is very likely to live.

But he biased the Song Yujun, and then solved the three people in Yang Zongyi before the Song Yujun landed!

This is from Li Feng to his own strong confidence, as well as the precision of the battle, the two are not!

"It turns out that this is the true face of Li Feng ..."

Wu Zhenglong's mouth is bitter.

A few minutes ago, he also said that Li Feng did not have a long and long, and he was faced by Li Feng after a few minutes.

If Li Feng is , then there are not a few people in the world who are not ignorant.

", just not scared you?"

Li Feng looked at the Song Yujun, and asked softly.

"Of course, I thought you didn't want me."

Song Yujun said that Li Feng's nose said.

"How can I don't want you." Li Feng went to the nose of Song Yujun, and then smiled: "He is standing here, I went to the surname Yang."

Li Feng stabilized Song Xun, followed by step to Yang Zongyi next to Yang Zongyi, and asked heroi: "Yang Lao dog, did not expect me to be killed by me?"


Yang Zongyi only felt that the five internal organs were constantly agitation, they were humiliated by Li Feng, and they spurt their blood under the heart.

"You will waste my Xu, kill me two sons, the old man will not let you go!"

Yang Zongyi knows that it will die, and it is still not willing to show weakness.

He just hates that he is not enough, not only can I revenge for Suner, but also look at the two son to die in front of himself!

"I am very strange, why do you want to put yourself in the victim's location.

"Yang Xu deceived me, I know that I am a martial artist, I still want to catch me back to the dragon soul, don't be reduced to me, change it is you, how do you do?"

"I can't kill him, but I just abolished his Dantian, leaving him a dog! Not only do you not grateful me, but also put down the killing bureau to kill me!"

"If I don't have the power of self-insurance, I have to kill you today, I have to watch my beloved woman humiliated!"

"Do you think who is the victim?"

Li Feng's words, such as a handle, a bit of Putang Zongyi's heart, let the book, Yang Zongyi, who is angry, ejects a blood!

"Hate, I hate!"

Yang Zongyi squatted on the ground, if crazy, stunned the dust.

I didn't have much remorse, only to Li Feng's hate, but after Li Feng said so, repenting is like a tide to swallow Yang Zongyi.

If Yang Xu has not provoked Li Feng, Yang Xu is a genius of Yang's 100-year-old. His two sons will not be flesaded by Li Feng, and he will not be like a dead dog. humiliation!

Everything is because Yang Xu is too arrogant!

"So ... with a strong remorse, bring your own abdomen, go to the two sons!"

The voice is falling, Li Feng lifts the head to Yang Zongyi!


A sudden sound, the red and white is falling.

Small ancient Wu Shi's homeowner, the martial arts of the martial arts Yang Zongyi ... fall!

Wizard: "..."


It's another vomiting.

Song Yujun couldn't help but hold a pretty face, and quickly turned his head to beide, did not dare to look again.

After solving Yang Zongyi, Li Feng looked at Wu Zhenglong.


Wu Zhenglong did not say that Ji Li Feng squatted, then "" slammed his head.

"Li Xia, I am suffering from the old dog of Yang Zongyi, I have to provoke Song Big, I am innocent!"

"As long as Li Shake will let me go, I am willing to let Jiang Bei gave the Song Dynasty!"

After taking a dozen heads, Wu Zhenglong looked up and cuddling.

"Oh, since you are so sincerity, then you ..."

Li Feng said here, Wu Zhenglong couldn't help but expose.

"Let's die."

Li Feng's mouth is a hook, and the empty spots will go to a finger.


A cyan is in the forehead of Wu Zhenglong, bringing a plaque.

Smiles are instantly solidified on Wu Zhenglong's face: "Why?"

Wu Zhenglong used the last one to completely and asked.

Why do he be asked for mercy, Li Feng still kill him?

"Because you got a heart of you Jun, there is ... this is the task requirements."

Li Feng was attached to the whisper of Wu Zhenglong's ear.

Wu Zhenglong fell to the ground, he didn't understand why Li Feng killed him is the task requirements, is it related to the dragon soul?

"Hey, congratulations to the host, the task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 3000 experience, 30000 system points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: A +

Experience: 33008000

System Points: 129700

Conquer point: 64

Skills: "Zhenwu", "no picture", " ", "rushing" ......

Waiting to completed the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me

"Call, I don't know what kind of realm of S-level is really looking forward to!"

Dark self-sigh, Li Feng quits the system and turned around from Wu Zhenglong's dozens of his face.

When I was in contact with Li Feng, those people were scared, and the face was pale and kept shaking.

They have seen the people, but they have never seen Li Feng, such a cruel, murderer and cut the dishes, not ambiguous!

"Oh ... I remember that there were a few people to see the eyes of the Junjun very wretched ..."

Li Feng's mouth briefly tared a smile, then dragged out of a resilience from the place, such as the tiger into the hood, generally rushed into the middle of the younger.

"" "" "" "" ......

The sound of continuous sulf sound sounded, and the eleven younger brother was killed by Li Feng!

The younger brother who was lucky to be killed by Li Feng, and he was so scared to the ground, and his hands were hugged!

"Sorry, just a little brutal, didn't you scare you?"

Li Feng was scattered, and he apologized before Song Yujun.

"Nothing, this is not blame you."

Song Yanjun sorted out the clothes and smiled softly.

The rivers and lakes are like this. You don't kill people, it will be killed, no one is wrong, only who is more powerful!

"That's good."

Li Feng nodded, and then turned to the younger brother who was scared in the ground: "Call your people, I have to announce."

Since killing Wu Zhenglong, the Jiangbei underground world is swallowed!

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