Save the Goddess System

Chapter 217 Jiangbei Rich

Zheng Shaogang has said that the cattle is still awkward. It is necessary to see how Li Feng die. As a result, after I received a call, I gave Li Feng.

Zheng Ze and Zheng Shaogang have said something, how did Li Feng put Wu Zhenglong?

The surrounding eating melon is a face!

Fan Xian is quite proud, he gambling is right. From now on, as long as he is a thing, Li Feng is in Jiangbei, he doesn't have to worry about the people in the underground world.

Even ... if he encounters what trouble, you can ask Li Feng to help you solve it!

It's going to die on the ground, and you will cry, just ... Just Zheng Shaoqi gave Li Feng for spare?

This is not scientific, and Li Feng is also working with him, how is Li Lee?

Is there any misunderstanding?

"Oh, I know."

Li Feng nodded, then said to Fan Xian: "Fan boss, can arrange a private room to we, my girlfriend is hungry."

Under normal circumstances, Li Peak is very polite, at least not as two or five hundred thousand people like some sons.

"Yes, there is there! Please take me with me!"

Fan Xiancai took the way to the front, and he took Li Feng to the second floor.

Zheng Shaogang, one side, is pushed!

No ... You "know" is a few meanings, so give a letter, you must not be in the heart of the heart!

Although Zheng Shaogang is in his heart, he is in the majesty of Li Feng, he does not dare to ask, and he will stand up after Li Feng takes the second floor.

"Hey, have you got up? Give it to Laozi!"

Qi Li took directly to Zheng Shaogang's shoulder and called.

Zheng Shaoang's face suddenly became blue!

Hey, the tiger is lined by the dog, and a small mix is ​​also dare to drink six!

Although it is wronged in his heart, Zheng Shaogang knows that he has only patted, even Wu Zhenglong is killed by Li Feng, he will also know the grandson at this time,

"That ... this boss, what is Li Shao?"

At this time, there is a big customer can't help but curious, the small voice ask.

Other customers have looked together, and they want to know the answer.

Qi Li used to be the small man of Chen Jin, why was there been so many people, and why was it looking forward to the opening?

Cool, is cool than playing the head of the name last night!

"Cough, this ..."

Qili dragged the tone.

"Come, this boss snacked."

A customer took out a small panda and handed it to Qi Li.

Qi Li's proudly took the smoke, and so he helped him he didn't say the smoke, he slowly said: "I didn't say it just now? Li Shao is now the boss of the underground world of Jiangbei."

"What about Wu Big?"

Some people ask.

"Wu Lao Da?"

Qi Li smiled and then referred to the ground under the finger.


Suddenly, a burst of cooling sounds!

Although I don't know how to say, I can guess the online people can guess that he is the meaning of Wu Laowa has already under hell!

In other words, Li Feng gives Wu Zhenglong, replaced?

Lying in the trough, super fierce, this is, no wonder Zheng Jia is so happy!

On the side, Zheng Shaogang faces the color of the regret.

He didn't think of yourself, how can he play such a hard iron board!

I blame, or if he looks away, Laozi will not be so bad!

For a time, Zheng Shaogang passed all the hates to the body, and the look of the goddened died.

Yu Shun suddenly made a spirit, knowing that he was born by Zheng Shaoang, and he would do not say that he continued to follow Zheng Shaogang, he could not be in Jiangbei Bizi!

"Hey, I know that there will be this result, I've been pretending to see Li Feng!"

I want to use the Li Feng girlfriend to be on the top, and the result of stealing the chicken does not erode rice, the emotions of remorse will be shocked!

After another half an hour, Zheng Ze came into the smell behind a middle-aged man.

After two people, more than a dozen black bodyguards followed, and the power was full.

"That ... That is the boss?"

"God, it is really a boss, how did he come?"

"This is also guessed, definitely being sent to be done by Zheng Bo!"

When I saw the middle-aged man, I was quiet in the smell, and then a buzzing sound.

Cheng He Li is the first rich in Jiangbei, with hundreds of billions of people, and it is not Zheng Ze. This kind of little boss can match.

Not only that, Cheng He Lili is also the brother of Wang Bo South, Wang Bo, Jiangnan!

Relationship with this layer, the whole Jiangbei is unattended to kill He Li!

I am afraid that Wu Zhenglong here, see Cheng Chengli also wants to respect the boss, and Cheng Gi Li takes care of him to see his mood!

Zheng Ze took Cheng Cheng Li, obviously dealing with Li Feng, can be the problem that Zheng Ze is in the face, please Division? I don't want to go!

Zheng Shaoang first licked his eyes, and determined that the person was really Cheng Li, and suddenly face the color of the madness.

He thought that this time I had to eat a big loss, who knew that Dad actually took Cheng He Li to give it, this can be thrown!

In the excitement, Zheng Shaoang got up and forth: "Dad, Cheng Bo Bo!"

On the one side, Qi Li face slightly, I didn't dare to stop Zheng Shaogang from getting up.

Please, this is a Cheng Li, and even Wu Big, we must respect the big people. How can he shake the wind in front of Cheng Heilong?

"Less just, let you be wronged."

Zheng Ze took the shoulder of Zheng Shaogang, then the stroke He Li's hand said: "Cheng Boss is here to give you a fair, you still don't hurry to Cheng Bo,"

"Thank you Cheng Bo, Cheng Bo, you must give me a job."

Zheng Shaoang took a tears, it is really that heard is sad, it is so unpleasant!

"Well, rest assured, the whole Jiangbei still has no matter what I put." Cheng He Li, nod: "Where is Li Feng, take me to see him."

"Just in the second floor!"

The voice is falling, Zheng Shaoang is headed to the second floor.

Cheng He Li's back, just to keep up and keep up, who knows that he suddenly refers to the meaningful and other people: "Give me a while, without my order, no one will leave here!"

"Yes, the boss!"

Two black bodyguards will walk around.

The completion of the complexion, directly throw away the sticks in the hand, give up the plan of resistance.

Customers in the distance are not awkward.

The shadow of the human name, Cheng He Li is shot, Li Feng is estimated to be cold!

Soon, Cheng He Li took the second floor, and San Xian, who was a message, smiled.

"Which bag is Li Feng?"

Cheng Yili also did not waste, and asked directly into the theme.

"This one……"

Fan salty colors change several times, and finally decided to tell: "At 2888 room, the boss came with me."

If you choose between Zheng Ze and Li Feng, San Xian definitely chooses Li Feng, but if it is done between Li Feng's Heili, then he will not say the selection of Selection!

After the Fan Sam, Cheng He Li is flashing, secretly whisper: "Li Feng ... will it be the kind?"

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