Save the Goddess System

Chapter 218 is garbage! (Fourth more)

In the room of the 2888, Song Yujun won the West Lake vinegar fish and sent it to Li Feng's mouth. After watching him, I laughed: "You are tired of one night, you must add some protein to you."

Li Feng: "..."

No ... Song Yujun is hinting that he does not have physical strength?

Wipe, her love is not enough last night, she is not enough, I dare to know him!

"That fish, I will eat it yourself, waiting for the evening, I will let you drink more protein."

Li Feng smiled and pulled the fish pan to his body.

"You a little bad guy, I want to be bad!"

Song Yujun is a charming, this petite blame, but also a little bit of peace.

Under the big way, Li Feng's index finger, directly put Song Yujun into his arms, and the left hand of the light car is on her smooth thigh.

"Hey ... The sister's thigh is good, if you can touch it every day."

Li Feng has a delicious food while enjoying a wonderful feeling, such a life is not changed!

Song Yujun is pretty red, let Li Feng eat tofu, saying: "I want you to touch every day, but you are so busy, which may accompany me every day."

Li Feng hysterested, and the color of the face is embarrassed.

From the first time I won the Song Yujun, he didn't have a few days from Song Yujun, and this boyfriend was really unhappy.

"Okay, my sister is joking with you, my sister knows that you have a lot of things to do, as long as you have time, you can spend more with your sister, my sister is very happy."

Song Yujun said.

Li Feng's heart is warm, it is necessary to say a few words with Song Yanjun, suddenly he has a slight change: "Someone is coming."

Song Yujun got up and sorted out the next clothes, making a look of serious vegetables, and Li Feng smiled.

"" sounded, the door was pushed away by Sanxia.

Zheng Shaoang took the first to go, and the two sides of Fan Xian, respectfully greeted the way.

Then, Zheng Ze also had Cheng He Li's bodyguard, and the room was given a sense of suffering from a sense of suffering.

When I saw Cheng Li's moment, while Li Feng's face changed, she stood up!

"It's he!"

In the seven days of Wang Chuan, Li Feng and mother worship from the king family, and the result was tough to the door.

Not only don't let their mother and son go in to worship Wang Chuan, but also in the evil words and insult their mother and son, Cheng He Li is one of them!

Although Li Feng is 13 years old, he will never forget the ugly face of those people!


Cheng He Liji's micro-crumpled stared at Li Feng.

Prior to this, he didn't spend this little role at all, even if he sang Li Yuan mother ten years ago, but a small thing, it is not being placed in his heart.

After ten years, it is only a 13-year-old boy, and the memory has already been blurred. So after Li Feng, Cheng He Li is not sure that he is not a kind.

"Hey, host, you have a new task, do you look now."


"Task: The first step in revenge."

"Task Objective: Control the Hills, let Wang Boan let go of the host, release it. If there is no successful control of Cheng Yili, or Wang Bo South does not fight the phone, the mission failed, the host Ding Ding is shortened by 1 cm."

"Task Reward: 500 Experience, 5000 System Integral."

After reading the task, Li Feng smiled.

He must bring him a ten-year war with his mother's humiliation and return to his mother. I didn't expect the system to send a pillow and released a task directly.

However, the system actually requested that Cheng Chengli, is there any utilization value?

"Why are you laughing?"

Cheng He Liji wrinkled and asked coldly.

"Zheng Shaogang, what do you mean?"

Li Feng directly did not videolue He Li, and he saw Zheng Shao just asked.

"Hey, Cheng Bo Bo is asking you, do you dare not answer? It's greatery!"

Zheng Shaogang can be very cool.

What is the mountain's poor water repeated, Liu Dark Ming and another village? This is!

He was pressed by Li Feng, and I thought that I had to humilize the annoyance of the money, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Dad actually took Cheng Li.

Now, he wants Li Feng to give him a humiliation, hundreds of times a hundred times will return!

"Hey ... It seems that it is to help hands, I feel that I can defeat."

Li Peak is ridiculed, shook his head.

"Hey, do you know who Cheng Bo is?"

Zheng Shaoang was boked.

"Unclear, or do you help me introduce?"

Li Feng took the ear and his face didn't care.

"Hey, Cheng Bo Bo is the river of Jiangbei, with billions of assets, and is a small scorpion of Jiangnan Wangjia's master."

Zheng Shaoang's arrogance is almost very thin, it seems to be that he is general.

"Jiangnan Wang family? Unknown little role, haven't heard of it."

Li Feng laughed and faced a contempt.

Zheng Shaogang: "..."

No ... Why don't you have a trip to usually, Laozi is talking about a very hanging forces, you have never heard of it, it feels very uncomfortable!

This is like Zheng Shaoang hit an extremely rare epic weapon in a online game, and then brags with friends.

As a result, my friend has been listening to the sentence. "Is this weapon hanging?"

The same place!

Cheng He Yisi's wrinkled, it is hard to be Li Feng and that kind of high name? Otherwise, how can he not know Jiangnan Wangjia?

"It doesn't matter if you are young, but you have to eat big loss."

Zheng Ze, on the side, can't see it, and speaking.

"Oh." Li Feng smiled: "Before you scare the turtle grandson, I will apologize to me, now I feel that I will be awarded, I can ignore my threat?"

Zheng Ze father is first glimpse, then smirking, laughing is arrogant and contemptuous.

"And you." Li Feng also looked at Fan Xian, mocked: "You gamble I gamble than Zheng Jiaqiang, so take the initiative to make me, now you see the help of Zheng Jia's surname, gambling me to define, is ?"

Fan salty faces, then laughter and shook his head: "Lifena chooses wood, since knowing that you are the situation, why don't I take a long time, sit on the boss this big ship?"

At this time, Zheng Ze father smiled more crazy.

"Li Feng, do you still don't understand now? The boss is a person you can't sin!"

"If you are reasonable, you should immediately apologize to us, and then send one billion yuan, otherwise ..."

Zheng Ze said that he closed his mouth.

"I will not see the sun in tomorrow, hahahaha!"

Zheng Shaoang had a threat to his words before the words, and only felt that it was very cool, and smiled again.

Li Feng swept one by one from them or crazy or a contemptuous face, and finally shook his head: "Sorry, I am not targeting who, I am talking about it ... it is garbage!"

"Like your kind of garbage, I can crush all your hands!"

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