Save the Goddess System

Chapter 219 Rolling

On the first floor of the smell, a customer has long been there to eat, all guess what is going on the second floor.

"If I say, the boss is in person with her horses, and can there be an unequal thing? Win must be the boss!"

"Yeah, the boss is in Jiangbei, where is a person who mixed the underground world can compare?"

"Li Feng is too young, too arrogant, this fear is to eat bitter."

People have a psychology, especially Li Feng, which is so height, and it is impossible to recruit people.

Listening to these people's discussion, Qi Li and others can't help but laugh.

Do you think Li Shao is deserved? Oh, that is, they have not seen Li Shao, how horror!

Any scene that I have seen that Siro Hell is never saying that this brain is coming!

On the second floor, in the rooms in the 2888.

Smile is solidified on the face of Zheng Ze and others, and it will be able to hear the needle when he suddenly turns!

Li Feng said, what they are garbage? Can you crush them?

Mad, too mad!

"Cheng Boss, you saw it, this young man is arrogant!"

Cheng Ze is angry.

Cheng He Li's face is still light.

The reason why he promised Cheng Ze, the most important reason is "Li Feng" name caused his interest.

Once again, Cheng He Lili also wants to see what people who can defeat Wu Zhenglong, and now give him some disappointment.

There are few years, generous, do not understand what the strengths have the power of the other, such people can't live too long.

and also……

"It seems that I think more, how can the species grow to this point ..."

Cheng He Li shook his head, then she said: "I give you two options. First, you give Zheng Jia's father and son, and pay more than one billion compensation." I can be treated today. "

"I chose the third." Li Feng did not wait for the passage to finish the words.

"Well?" Cheng He Yisiyi pick: "Do you know what the second choice is?"

"It's nothing more than threats me, but I am really curious, how do you think about me."

Li Feng laughed and said.

"Haha, you are really mad."

Cheng He Li shook his head smiles, then he said: "The second choice is that you can not apologize, but I have to abolish your hands and feet, throw you into Weijiang feeding Wang eight, of course ... your woman wants to stay under."

When I said, Cheng He Li's eyes flashed a slutty, then said: "There is no third choice."

"No, yes." Li Feng's right hand held his boxing to his eyes and slowly said: "This is my third choice."

"That is not to talk about it?"

Cheng He Li pupires, and asked in vocal.

"I don't want to continue to listen to you nonsense."

Li Feng shook his head and refused any discussion.

"Good!" Cheng He Li took a step back, and the cold voice said: "Aun, Ashi, I won him!"

The voice falls, two black bodyguards come out of the queue and slowly approach Li Feng.

"No wonder I see they have some eyes, it turned out to be the left right arm of Cheng Bo."

Fan Xianwei lit up and shocked.

Zheng Ze also took a variety of light and lined up.

"What is the right arm?"

Zheng Shaogang did not understand, it was obvious that he did not know what the existence of Ahnasa.

Zheng Zaimi smiled: "There are two big battles under the hands of the boss.

"Wu Zhenglong rely on a pair of iron boxing, the earth, the underground world, became a recognized big man, this force is powerful enough?"

Zheng Shaogang nodded again, if Wu Zhenglong's mighty value is not forced, then he doesn't know who's arms can be called.

"Can Wu Zhenglong is not the enemy of the north and south, do you say how strong?"

Speaking of this, Zheng Ze's eyes will expose hot color.

If he can draw a strong person in the north and south doubles to do things, why should he ask for a congratulatory team? I can solve Li Feng himself.

Unfortunately, in his identity, you can't accept the characters such as north and south.

"Then Li Feng is dead!"

Zheng Shaoang was holding hands and excited.

At the same time, the north-south double squat gradually approached Li Feng.

They have not been shot together in many years. Nowadays, the power is superimposed. If you don't have the face that is scared by them, it is shaking.

However, Li Feng is still standing in the same place, as if they don't exist.

"Does he be not afraid at all?"

A Nanni ridiculous color.

"That's because he doesn't know our strength."

A nai was laughing, then suddenly raised to Li Peak, a punch!

A Nan smiled, pulling, kicking to Li Feng's heartwell!

Upper and lower fans!


"kill him!"

Zheng Ze father is like playing a chicken blood, excited to face red.

Although Fan Xian did not excite the Son of Zheng Ze, but also paired in his face, his face was red.

Cheng He Li is still indifferent, a mixed underground world, if it is not the name of the king, it is not worthy of his attention.

Let Nasa, Ahn, is also the arrogance of his unhappy Li Feng, and wants a quick battle.

They seem to have seen that Li Feng is hit by the face of the north and south, and is hitting the picture!

At the time of the ranking of Li Feng in Auna, Agua, Li Feng raised his hand to wavily waving: "Where is the two flies."

Just seems to be a wave of waves, but it has been played on ankle wrist in Nasi, Ah!

"" ""

Two brittle sounds came!


Aun fell from the air, hugged back and fell back and fell back, and it was unbearable!

"Ah, my wrist is broken!"

Ashi immediately recovered the right hand, and his face was painful.


Zheng Ze three people collectively!

As soon as the Lian Li also faces the color!

There is a South, Aka, which is known as the north and south, is actually held by Li Feng, and interrupted his wrist's foot.

How will Li Feng be so strong? !

Li Feng laughed: "I just said, you are all garbage, deal with your garbage, I can put all you all!"

"Protect the boss!"

The remaining black bodyguards are not wonderful, and they will be protected from Cheng to the way.

Just their reaction is fast, Li Feng's speed is faster!


The remaining shadow flashed, Li Feng rushed to the black bodyguard, fax!

"" "" "" ......

After a series of sullen sounds, those black bodyguards no longer stand on the spot.


Li Feng took a slap in Zheng Shaogang's face and pulled it out.

Then two feet kicked out, and he was above Zheng Ze and San Xian's lower abdomen.

Wherever I have suffered such a beating, I can't get up on the ground.

After finishing these, Li Feng slowly went to Cheng Cheng and said: "This is my third choice, you ... letter?"

Cheng He Yisheng is pale!

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