Save the Goddess System

Chapter 220 is not my fist, it is garbage!

Cheng He Li no longer has no longer, some only panic!

These bodyguards have followed him for many years, or they are either retired special forces, or they have been hired abroad, and there is no ten eight in general adults that cannot be close.

Especially in Aun, Ashi, that is his sister from Wang's martial arts master.

These people are adding together, they can be horing, but they are easily defeated in a short time in a short time.

Now the problem is coming, what strength is Li Feng, it is difficult to do ... Master?

Thinking of this possibility, Cheng Yili's face is pale!

"Zheng Shaogang, I didn't expect you to find a strong aid, I want to turn over? Dream!"

"Fan Xian, Liangliang Choose Wood, is true, but you are a little bit of this good poultry."

"Jiangbei is the rich? Wang Jia outside? Sorry, no fist is hard."

Li Feng's words are like a remembering, squatting in Cheng He Li and others face!

Zheng Ze is now very regretted. He thought that the Cheng He Li helped the way. Li Feng will refuse, and he didn't think that Li Feng was so fierce!

As soon as I know, he should directly bring money to redemption talent. Now stealing chicken does not erode rice, and the consequences are more serious than before, cry without tears!

Fan Xian is more regretful, and he has already climbed with Li Feng. The result is a time to judge the mistake, and stand at Li Feng's opposite.

Not only the previous efforts are in the forefoot, but he can not be unknown in Jiangbei in the Jiangbei!

Zheng Shaogang did not know what to say, he felt that Li Feng was his own hit star, every time he thought that the victory was held, he would be faced by Li Feng, and once compared once!

"Li Feng, you don't deceive it too much, here is Jiangbei, you can still fight again, dare to kill us?"

Cheng He Lizhen is set down and shouts.

They are not Wu Zhenglong. If Li Feng killed them, it will cause huge turning in Jiangbei.

At that time, Li Feng will suffer from all aspects. He doesn't believe that Li Feng can't give this consequence.

At this time, Zheng Ze and others also come to the spirit.

Yes, Li Feng definitely not dare to kill them. In this case, what else is they afraid?

"If you ask for death, then I don't mind being all of you, I don't want to take a flying far away."

Li Feng smiled.

At this time, I still want to threaten him, Cheng Gi Li is used to Jiangbei overbearing?

Zheng Shaogang: "..."

Zheng Ze: "..."

Fan Xian: "..."

Not ... Is the young man now so fierce, and the murderer is like playing online games!

Just, they didn't dare to fight, in case Li Fengzhen is the kind of heart that is kind to pull the emperor to pull the horse, they cry and cry!

"What do you want?"

Cheng Yili did not expect Li Feng so embarrassed, and the heart of the original calvested and had a few more people.

"It is very simple, you will take 100 million kimono, remember, cash, equivalent antiques or checks, reject bank transfer."

"Immediately ... as a person who is aunt, you have to pay more than they."

Li Feng finally looked at the direction of the way, and smiled and smiled.

Zheng Ze three: "???"

Not ... they still see the right people who want to ransom!

One person is 100 million, do not accept bank transfer, I don't know what business is you doing!

However, they understand why Li Feng does not accept bank transfer, isn't it afraid to leave a handle?

It's just that the check and transfer are not big. Li Feng always gives a check to the bank to honor it? Is it difficult to eat ash at home?

What they don't know is that Li Feng has a system such as a system, even gold, antiques, and real estate licenses can be exchanged to equivalent cash, and the check is natural.

As for how the system is operating ... that is not Li Feng to care.

Cheng He Li is also a misty water at this moment, and if he pays more costs? Two billions or three hundred million?

Even if it is ten billions, he is also willing to take it out, staying in Qingshan does not have a firewood, as long as people live, these money will always earn back.

Moreover, he is just temporarily forbearance, and he will always find Li Feng doubled.

"Are you a small scorpion of Jiangnan Wang's house?"

Just then, Li Feng asked.

Cheng He Li is nodded.

"Then let the Wang family have called me for you, if he is sincere, I can put you a horse, but the money is still to give."

"You are tens of billions, then take one billion to redemption."

Li Feng's words like a deep water bomb, fried in the private room!

Let the Wang family call to ask? He knows what is Wang Bo South, even if the provincial senior official does not dare to say this!

"Li Feng, don't be too much."

Cheng He said in his teeth.

If you only pay the money, he will not hesitate to agree to Li Feng, but let his brother-in-law call Li Feng's feelings? He can't do it!


Li Feng also does not waste, directly grasping Cheng He Li's wrist said, and the ossence is coming!


Cheng He He has been suffering from this pain, and it is screaming.

"This is my bottom line. If you don't agree in three seconds, I will reverse your ankle."

"If you still have your mouth in ten seconds, then I am sorry, I will ... kill you!"

The voice is falling, and Li Feng has begun counting.

"1, 2, 3!"


The three seconds of intra Cheng Li did not give a reply, and Li Feng was twisted his right ankle.


Cheng Yuli once again issued a scream, and the horror is even more!

"4, 5, ... 8, 9 ..."

"I promise you!"

Cheng He Li is afraid, Li Feng is a madman, completely free of public public rules, and completely crazy!

He believes that if the time does not agree, Li Feng will definitely kill him, there is no hesitation.

"Very good, the time of mind is Junjie."

Li Feng smiled slightly, and the retreat is standing.

Until this, the Cheng He Li understood that Li Feng screwed him with a wrist, Li Feng was confirmed that he couldn't help but call Wang Boan, so he deliberately left him!

This young man's heart is terrible!

Jiangnan, Wangjia.

At this point, Wang Bo Nan often practiced calligraphy in the study, next to him, Cheng Yashe is standing with a tea smile.

In this way, Wang Bo Nan is tired, she can keep Wang Boan to take a break in time.

At this time, the phone on the desk Wang Bo South suddenly sounded.

Wang Bo Nan looked up and continued to practice calligraphy.

Cheng Yas shook his head smiled and walked over to pick up the mobile phone. He went to see the color: "The younger brother came over at this time, it is difficult to have any urgents?"

"Don't you know?" Wang Bo Nan did not lift.

Cheng Ya Shu nodded, and asked when he was on the phone: "The younger brother, what is there ..., what are you kidnapped by Li Feng ?!"

After listening to the word "Li Feng", Wang Bo Nan took the brush's hand, and the strong ink was soaked in good rice paper, just like the sky outside the window!

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