Save the Goddess System

Chapter 221, 13 billion

This name this is the taboo of the Wang family, and anyone can not mention in front of Wang Bo.

Even if Osville has recently been spread across the country, Li Feng has become a hot word, and Wang Jia people only dare to talk in private, and they don't dare to be in front of Wang Boan.

Today, Wang Bo South heard this name from his wife Cheng Ya Shukou. It is like electric shock, and the whole person is stiff.

Cheng Ya Shu's face is more ugly, Li Feng kids her younger brother, she didn't listen to it?

I don't know how long it took, Wang Bo South went to Cheng Ya Shu, and the lips were slightly treated: "Open hands free."

Cheng Ya Shu is in the hands of the Safety, Cheng He Li's grievances came immediately: "He made me more than 1 billion ransom, but also let my brother-in-law help me in the phone, or kill me."

I heard this, Wang Bo South, Cheng Ya Saffle drama!

"Little brother, should you be joking with me?"

Cheng Ya Shu felt very incredible, I would like to say that Cheng Yili has the north-south double-south protection of her to him, and he will be the name of Jiangbei, and no one dares to kidnte him.

Ok, even if there is anything that doesn't open your eyes, Cheng Cheng Li, it should also be sneaked quietly after gotting the ransom, how can he give the opportunity to call the phone?


Maybe it's too excited, Cheng Yili accidentally encountered a broken hand, suddenly hurting a breath, then said: "Sister, I really have joking with you, you will make your brother-in-law."

Wang Bo Nan took a mobile phone, and he said: "Let Li Feng pick up the phone."

"Hey, Wang Hao, I am famous for a long time."

After a few seconds, a playful voice came from the phone.

"You are ... Li Feng?"

Wang Bo Nan deeply sucking, pressed the complex emotions of the heart and asked.

"Yes, don't be more famous, I don't change my name, I am Li Feng."

"Just now, you hear it? You just need to ask me to ask me, I will give him life, I will give you 10 seconds."

Li Feng is cold to the voice that does not bring a touch of emotion.

"Li Yuan is you?"

Wang Bo Nan, I want to judge from the voice, Li Feng is not Li Feng, and finally gave up.

He has never seen Li Feng, why talk to judgment? It is just that I don't know that the other party is my own grandson Li Feng.

The phone has a short silence, which has determined the judgment of Wang Boan.

"You still have 5 seconds."

Then Li Feng did not bring a voice of a feeling.

"You are Li Feng, right?"

Wang Bo Nan asked.

"4, 3, 2 ..."

Li Feng continued to count down, and did not answer Wang Bonan.

Cheng Yahu suddenly nervous: "Old man, you promise him."

Cheng He Li is her only brother. She can't look at "the little brother is dead!

"Stop! Ask you to put the process of He Li."

Wang Bonan has told this sentence with great effort.

If others here, it will be scared.

This is the master of the Wang family, and the feet of Jiangnan or even near several cities will shake the big people.

Usually, others seek him, why has you seen Wang Bo Nan to ask for people?

However, Wang Bo South did not dare to gamble. He can hear the killing from Li Feng.

"Very good, you will thank you."

After that, Li Feng hangs up the phone.

The taste, During the 2388 private room, Li Feng also gave the mobile phone to the mobile phone: "You should be fortunate, there is a brother-in-law that hurts you."

Cheng He Li's face has risen back to the mobile phone: "I will give you a check now, I hope you can talk about it."

"Reassured, I am still tall with honesty."

Li Feng shrugged and walked back to Song Yujun.

After a long time, Cheng He Li and others wrote a check. After torn, then went to Li Peak, respectfully.

Li Feng glanced at it, secretly letting the system checked the true pseudo, and then put it in the pocket.

"I have a meal, I have earned it for 1.3 billion, oh, this luck is really ahead."

Li Feng shook his head smiled and said.

Suddenly, Cheng He Li and others have difficulty face a bit.

Especially Zheng Ze, the original one can solve, and the result is a tiger, and the anti-reverse is 200 million.

He has just passed by 1 billion, and this 200 million will be equivalent to him half a life!

They all blame this reverse child. If he is not a born outside, he will have this robbery? After going back, you must have a good harmony!

After determining that Li Feng really put them left, Cheng He Li walked out of the private room under the help of his hand.

"Hey, congratulations to the host, the task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 500 experience value, 5000 system points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: A +

Experience: 38008000

System Points: 134700

Conquer point: 64

Skills: "Zhenwu", "no picture", " ", "rushing" ......

Waiting to completed the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me

Look at the personal property, Li Feng exits the system.

"Brother, you shouldn't accept their check, once they alarm, you just ... Hey."

Song Yujun is concerned about the color of concern, and the words will stop.

Kidnapping, black, also received a check, this kind of thing will be awarded.

Unless Li Feng takes her to fly away, otherwise, China has no bigger to have their own.

"Don't worry, I have some intended." Li Feng took the little hand of Song Yujun, soft and comfortable: "Take the vegetables and heat, eat more, go stay up late after going back."

Looking at Li Feng's smiling expression, Song Yujun is very helpless.

When all this, Li Feng still has a thought? However, Li Feng seems to have never let her down, let him go ...

On the first floor, the melon people waiting for the results, the people who saw He Li, who was helped to go down the stairs, a big mouth, a big mouth, almost a piece of egg!

Lying in the trough, Cheng He Li is injured? what's the situation!

One side, Qi Li and others are proud of the color.

They have already guess this result, but Li Shao is really enough to be fierce, Duo Li is dare to fight, I don't know what to retaliate next to Cheng Lihui.

Jiangnan, Wangjia, study room.

After Wang Boan put down the mobile phone, the face was cloudy and clear: "He is Li Feng."

Cheng Yashu face color change: "Are you sure?"

"Will n't be wrong, he is Li Feng." Wang Bo south is getting more affirmation.

Although Li Feng did not answer that question, no answer is equivalent to the default, otherwise Li Feng is at least asking for "who Li Yuan is".

"This ..." Cheng Ya Shu faces several times: "Old man, what do you plan?"

"I ... I don't know." Wang Bonan is smirk.

In fact, on the issue of Li Feng, their husband and wife have been talking many times.

In any case, Li Feng is their respect of grandson, even if the birth is not legitimate, it will not change the link between them.

They can let Li Feng who have been self-destruction outside, but they can't make things that have been harmed Li Feng.

So Lu Qilan referred to when Su Jiannan gave the Osville, Wang Bonan will release it, and do not hurt Li Feng.

As for Li Yuan ... There is no blood relationship with them, her life and death are naturally not in the eyes of Wang Boan.

So even if Li Feng kidnapped Cheng Zi Li, Wang Boan, I don't know what kind of way Li Feng.

Just then, Cheng He Li also called.

Wang Bo Nan directly connected: "Hey, He Li, you will talk more about tonight ..."

After a long time, Zeng Li said that Li Feng may be a martial artist, Wang Bonan face!

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