Save the Goddess System

Chapter 222 Wangcheng Breakthrough

Li Feng? Wu Dao Zong Master?

No way!

Wang Bonan suddenly became shaken to the previous guess, maybe ... The two are just renowned, is not his never planned Suner?

Although Wang Bonan did not pay attention to Li Feng again in the past three years, Li Yuan was in the world, Wang Boan's information on Li Feng can be said.

There is no information about the military cultivation of the military in the school, and the school has conflicted with people. Li Feng also went to find someone to help solve it.

Then, after three years, Li Feng became a martial artist from an ordinary person.

Absolutely impossible!

On the one side, Cheng Ya Shu reminded: "Su Jia was destroyed, Leizhou is also a martial artist."

Wang Bo Nan's face change again!

Recently, there have been rumors that Li Feng returned to the Shu family. After hearing this news, Wang Bo South did not believe that the saying that Li Feng was really likely to be a martial artist!

In this way, what did their Wang family have two martial artists?

However, when he was handed out of the Wang family personally, Li Shan would admit that he is a Wang family?

For a time, Wang Boan is happy again, I can't say a word for a long time.

"Sister, what do we do next?"

In the phone, Cheng He Lijiu did not hear the response from Wang Bo South, and he couldn't help but ask.

"That's it." Wang Bo sighed and said slowly.

"The old man, think twice!" Cheng Yas shouted, then said: "The younger brother, I will say a few words to your brother, will give you back."

After saying, she hangs up the phone, this said: "The old man, Li Feng is the purpose of these things, you should be more clear than me, he is to retaliate."

"If you put it in us, how do we do it with him? But now there is another month of Wang Sun's family to send people!"

Wang Bonan pupils, and the faces have become dignified.

In another month, Wang Sunjia will send people to check the cultivation of Wangcheng. If the city successfully breaks through the late post, he can return to Wang Sunjiaculent.

This is his biggest dream behind Wang Sun's family, no one can stop! His respect of her relatives ... can't!

At this time, a burst of knocking sounded, then Lu Qilan's voice came from the outside: "Dad, are you inside?"

After the two, Wang Bo Nan said: "When, come in."

Soon, Lu Qilan pushed into the door, said with joy: "Dad, Mom, tell you a good news, the city breaks through!"

Wang Bo South is the first shock, then the face is a mad color: "What do you say? The city breaks through the late post?"

"Yeah, the city just gave me a call, the city is now the strong man in the late post!" Lu Qiao Lan is full of red light, excited.

This breakthrough from Wangcheng arrived in the late post, he told Wang Bo Nan to return to Wang Sunjiacheng to become a nail!

That is the top ancient Wu Shi, only four of the whole Huaxia!

At the same time, she will be more stable in the Wang family, even if they send people to kill Li Feng, it is estimated that Wang Boan does not say what she!

"Okay, okay! Too good!"

Wang Bo Nan said three good words, so that he can see how excited his mood.

"The old man, this is determined."

At this time, Cheng Ya Shu went to alert.

Wang Bo Nan's face, finally nodded: "Okay, Qiao Lan, thank you to inform us this good news, time is not too early, you go back first."

Lu Qiao: "???"

No ... Do you have anything to have me?

Just now, I'm happy, suddenly, my face is dignified, it is impossible to say that it is nothing!

Only Lu Qilan has doubts in his heart, but it is in the majesty of Wang Boan, and he didn't dare to ask. After Wanfu Jin, he will refer to it.

"In this case, let the dragon soul, let him catch him."

When Lu Qilan walked, Wang Boan spit out a touch of turbidity and decided.

Even if Li Feng is the martial artist? His bodily has no Wangcheng just as a real world, it is impossible to reach the height of the post-late period like Wangcheng.

In addition, he and Li Feng have never met, and the feelings will dim.

In order to avoid the existence of Li Feng, Wang Boan can only make this decision!

Cheng Ya Shuochao said: "Old man, don't be too sad, at least we have not hurt his life, right?"

"Yes, let us have a righteousness to him."

Wang Bo Nan offers a smile and re-dials Cheng Yili's phone.

An extended version of the Rollslet in the vicinity of Jiangbei and the smell.

"Cheng Bo, what do you say?"

"Is it so much?"

Zheng Ze, Fan Xian, Zheng Shaogang, the three people, the end of the hand, the company, the call, and then forced to ask.

"Of course, it will not be so much, and the person who has a national special department will arrest the case!"

Cheng He Li smiled and said.

"National Special Sector, Country AN?"

Zheng Ze three people misty water, and they can guess from the country in the country.

"No, it is a special department that is more special - Dragon Soul." Cheng He Li smiled and said: "When you catch Li Feng, you will need to have a good opportunity to revenge, you want together Follow? "

The voice falls, Zheng Shaoang can't wait to say: "I will go!"

Zheng Ze: "???"

I am going to your sister. Can you move your brain, can't see the danger of this contained?

"Xiao Zheng is young and is." Cheng He Li shouted Zheng Shaogang's shoulder, then said: "Reassure, this special department is countless, Li Feng will die this time!"

Cheng He Li is praised, Zheng Shaoang is floating in an instant.

Zheng Ze has an insufficiency, but Cheng Gi Li said that this is said, and he is not good.

What's more, I will no longer have three, this is the third front, just Li Feng, there will always be unexpected?

Soon, the four members of the Jiangbei Dragon Soul rushed to the entrance of the taste, accompanied by Zheng Shaogang, directly came to the door of the second floor 2888.


One of the middle-aged men opened the door and walked into the private room.

After sweatting, Li Feng, who was calm, Song Yujun, the middle-aged man said: "I am the head of the Dragon Soul in the Ministry of Dragon, I will report you, kidnapped, I will kidnapped. Let's go back to accept the investigation. "

"Haha, Li Feng, did not expect that we will call the people of the dragon soul?"

"You are not very cow, let's take 100 billion redemption, now you will force one to see it."

Zheng Shaoang hidged in the old body, laughing.

Li Feng put down the chopsticks and wiped the mouth of the napkin, and smiled: "Yourself."

The voice falls, Li Feng took the white card of the Dragon Soul from his arms.

"God is your own person, you are a mixed underground world, I want to give my face on my face?"

Zheng Shaogang smiled and smiled. He didn't heard the dragon soul before this.

What international jokes!

At this moment, Niu Xiang saw the white card, and the face suddenly changed: "It's really a person ?!"

Zheng Shaogang: "???"

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