Save the Goddess System

Chapter 223, paying money

No ... The white card is also too perfunctory, just like buying the toy card sent by the bubble, the difference is that the big is a lap.

Moreover, Li Peak is so far away, and the Niu Xiang dares to conclude that Li Feng is his own person?

You both say that the sound is coming!

"Church of the cow, you determine that the card is no problem? Now the fake technology is too powerful, the ID card, bank card can fake, maybe Li Feng is the fake certificate?"

Zheng Shaoang urged him.

Niu Xiang nodded: "Well, you said something a little, or check it out."

If the voice falls, he slows down to Li Feng.

Li Feng: "..."

Dragon Soul Other Members: "..."

Zheng Shaogang: "..."

No ... feelings, you are not sure that the truth of the card is? Then you have just sure you!

For a time, Zheng Shaogang once again burned the hopes of hope, the double boxing, kept whispered: "Fake, it must be fake! Li Feng can't be a member of the dragon soul!"

Under the eyes of everyone, Niu Xiang went to Li Peak, and then gently passed the electronic watch in the wrist.

"Drip, authentication."

An electronic synthetic sound rang from the electronic table.

"Hey, are you still a member of the dragon soul?"

Niu Xiang is surprised.

Zheng Shaoang only felt that a old blood was in the eyes!

So, the perfunctory card is actually certified? Your dragon soul is coming to fun!

Zheng Shaogang wanted not to understand, why every time he is going to face Li Feng, will he be rebounded by Li Feng, but also the numerical value of the hurt by N?

"Yes, the Dragon Soul just added before," Li Feng took the card, and his hand was holding his hand: "Do you have dinner, do you want to sit down?"

"Not very good ..." Niu Xiang faces the color, then the arms took a turn: "Let's sit down together?"

Li Feng: "..."

No ... Xiaoye is a cold, how do you really really?

Song Yanjun, Song Yun, had already been stayed, first of all, she didn't know what the dragon soul is, after she doesn't know that Li Feng is a member of the dragon soul, once again ...

This is her dating with Li Feng. What is the meaning of the middle-aged uncle that surnamed Niu? !

"Don't stand in that, come over and sit down, let's take a while."

Niu Xiang didn't see the resentment on the face of Song Yujun, and he went back.

The three dragon souls have looked at each other, and finally, I still walk down.

far away……


Zheng Shaogang finally couldn't bear this stimulus, and Zhang Wei spit out of his old blood, then looked at the ground.

What happened tonight, like a distant ancient parties, from the distance, hit him on the ground, hit his seven episodes.

When he was not easy to stand up, he found the aid to find this ancient beast revenge, and he was frightened by the other side, but also pulled it on his face.

When he wanted to give up the revenge, the four-headed beautiful Malgi beache said to this , we can help you clean up the ancient beast.

So he hoped to follow the old ancient beast after these four-headed mud horses, ready to revenge again.


That old ancient beast directly put the sleeve on the body, said, "Not installed, I am also a horses, I am showing."

Then, the four-headed mud horse beasts that he revenge had ran over, and after they commit relatives, they sat in a piece to prepare for the wine ...


If Li Feng knows that he was as " " as " ", I don't know why I think, it is estimated that he will wake up and then play a meal.

"Hey, this psychological quality is too bad."

Li Feng shook his head and taohua.

"The psychological quality is a bit, he certainly didn't expect that even if you are a member of the dragon soul, it is necessary to accept the wrong thing."

Niu Xiang's eyes flash, slowly said.

Joining the dragon soul does not mean that you can do what you want, if you have illegal things, or to accept the internal investigation of the organization.

At this point, the remaining three dragon souls become nervous, listen to the boss means that this is to do it!

Song Yujun is a shock, and the face is nervous.

At this time, Li Feng took the small hand of Song Yujun, sighed: "You may not believe in you, in fact, I am the victim."


Niu Xiang and others face a face of speechless.

Can you take out a victim of 13 billion ransoms?

"This is not as good as the length, it is better to let the waiter will come to add some dishes, let's talk about it."

Li Feng proposes.

Niu Xiang stared at Li Feng for a long time, and nodded and smiled and said: "This proposal is good."

He is the person in charge of the Jiangbei Dragon Soul Department, which has already stepped into a +-level for many years, and there is confidence control situation.

He has to look at it, this new joined dragon soul can play what kind of pattern.

After the waiter added a few dishes, Li Feng said slowly: "Zheng Shaogang got a girlfriend, after being stopped, he found someone to pack me ..."

After listening to Li Feng's story, Niu Xiang understands that the responsibility of this matter is indeed on this side of Zheng Shaogang.


"Then you shouldn't threaten it to pay 1.3 billion ransom. Would you like to return money to them? So I have to cross."

Niu Xiang sighed, helpless.

"Why do you want to retreat with this matter?"

Li Feng refused directly.

Niu Xiang: "..."

Not ... Is it so relieved? If it is not a member of Li Feng's dragon soul, he has to think that Li Feng is a bandits that are hosted!

"Then I have to give you the leadership of your leaders."

Niu Xiang put on the Bluetooth headset and operated on the electronic watch, and one call is allocated.

When you use an electronic watch to check Li Feng identity, some related information is stored by the electronic table, including the contact information of Li Feng's direct boss.

Of course, this contact information is stored in a confidential manner, but can be dial directly, but the number cannot be read.

After the phone is connected, Niu Xiang just wants to talk, a slightly smart voice is ringing next to his ear: "Hey, I am Mo I."

Niu Xiang, a mobile phone, quickly stood up from the seat: "Dragon, Hello, I ... I am a nobei Dragon Soul."

Niu Xiang now wants to cry without tears, not, he is calling Li Feng's boss, how can you play Qinglong to make it!

At the same time, the three subordinates of Niu Xiang also stood up and the face was shocked.

Dragon? One of the five giants of the Dragon Soul?

Lying in the trough, Li Feng's direct boss is actually a dragon, which is struggling here!

Li Feng also faced a surprised look, his boss is not Jiang Yunzhu, how to become a dragon, is there any misunderstanding?

"This is such a dragon, I want to report a thing to you."

After the Niu Xiangzhen settled, the things happened to the smell will report it over again.

"Oh, since it is wrong to each other, then this $ 13 billion is to let them buy a lesson."

Mo as he said that he was indifferent, and the call was directly over.

Niu Xiang: "..."

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