Save the Goddess System

Chapter 224 New Task: Destroying Trial

On the ground, an antique study.

Wearing the Tang Die, I asked the sky, the left hand played with a smear wooden bracelet, and the right hand touched the chair armrest, and the face was revealed.

"There is another month, Wang Jia's kid will accept Wang Sun's trial, Li Feng also used to use."

Thinking of this, I asked the day to dialed the phone of Jiang Yunzhu.

When I arrived at this level, 1.3 billion is also 13 billion, it is a small thing.

As long as Li Feng can help him get the king city, even if this amount is ten times higher, he can put things down.

On the second floor of the taste, there are rooms in the 2888.

"How do I lead to?"

Li Feng saw the end of the cattle and fellow, couldn't help but ask.

"Qinglong said ... this 1.3 billion is when you let them buy a lesson."

Niu Xiang spit out a turbidity and said it is helpless.

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks: "Do I still need to accept penalties?"

He still heard the three words "Qinglong", it sounded very much.


Niu Xiang has a speechless.

Special ... Laozi wants to be able to enforce the public, you can say that you don't pursue it, give him ten courages, do not dare to put Li Feng!

Unless he gave his head on the palm of the river, it can be said that it is to do with Qinglong.

He is just a person in charge of a second-tier city, and you can give him a unhappy backhand, why did he continue to be difficult Li Feng?

"Oh ... that is not needed."

Li Fengbei picks up, finally confirmed ... Qinglong makes it not only to sound, but it is indeed very cattle.

It seems that I have to find a chance to ask Jiang Yun bamboo, and Qinglong makes any character.

"Yes, no need, I am full, I will withdraw."

Niu Xiang is afraid that it will be killed by Li Feng again, and now it is to withdraw.

"Don't worry, the dishes have not finished eating."

Li Feng smiled and persuaded.

In fact, his impression of Niu Xiang is a good impression, and it is very much a man.

The Niu Xiang's eyebrow talked, guess Li Feng's intentions, and did not refuse again.

Li Feng is generous is a master of masters. The leadership of the leadership or Qinglong, the future of the future is not limited, and if they make it, it is also beneficial to his future development.

Outside, the extended version of the Rollsles.

Over time, but still didn't see Niu Xiang and others, Cheng Zhu's Zheng Zen three began to get rid of.

"Don't you have something?"

Zheng Ze is ugly.

"Shouldn't you ..."

Fan Xian has some hesitation.

"Oh, you will have this idea is normal, that's because you don't know how terrible of the dragon soul, but if you know the dragon soul, you will never produce a good ability to do things ... I Nima? ! "

Cheng He Lizheng is in the boast of the dragon soul, and suddenly he saw Li Feng from the taste of Niu Xiang t / t / hook.

And look at the appearance of the two ... I have a good time!

Zheng Shaogang, who followed by Niu Xiang in, but is like a suspect, and is clipped in the middle of two dragon souls.

In an instant, Cheng Yili was shocked by lightning!

" !"

Fan Xian is also a face!

No ... Is Niu Xiang not going in to catch Li Feng, a few meanings?

"Is this a horrible dragon soul?"

Zheng Ze's mouth smoked, I can't hate He Li.

Ma eggs, the problem of 100 billion to solve it, Cheng Cheng Li's 200 million, now it is good, he even son will take it.


"How can I become like this, this ... this is not scientific."

Cheng He Li's face is awkward and kept whisper.

At the time of the three people's soul, Li Feng came over with the Niu Xiang Trip.


Li Feng knocked on the window.

Cheng He Li hesitate halfway, or dropped the window.

"Cheng Boss, you are not good, how, feel that there are too few, think more?"

Li Feng glanced for three people and ridicule.

"You ..." Cheng Yili Zhang Yiyi, and finally gave up the mouth of Li Feng, turning to see the Niu Xiang: "The Church of the son, this ... What is going on?"

"This ... I will explain to the Wang's master."

Niu Xiangjing sighed, and he said.

Cheng He Li's heart is sinking!

Even the dragon soul has no way to take Li Feng, what is Li Feng?

"Mr. Zheng, your son Zheng Shaogang rudely to the dragon soul, I need to take him back to the investigation."

After that, Niu Xiangtui nodded, and then took someone left here.

One of the old blood flocked to Zheng Zezi!

WQnmlgbd, this reverse child, dare to have a member of the dragon soul, is his brain? !

Obviously, Zheng Ze is mistaken to think that Zheng Shaogang is rude to Niu Xiang and others. It is not to be a member of the Dragon Soul.

"Hey, you will then provoke me again, the result? Limited the lady and folding."

"Look at you from sending me for 1.3 billion, and let me know the chief of the chief, I will first like this."

"If you are too much money, let's play later."

After that, Li Feng put his hand, holding the Song Yujun.


Zheng Ze finally couldn't stand this stimulus. Zhang mouth spurted a blood, it was ingenious, this blood sprayed on Cheng Yisi face.

Cheng He Li: "..."

Jiangnan, Wangjia.

Wang Bo South is coming back and forth in the study, and his face looks anxious.

At this time, the ringtone of the mobile phone ring, Wang Bo Nan quickly turned on the phone: "Hey, Mr. Niu, things ... What? Li Feng is also a member of the dragon soul, do you ask the day personally ask ?!"

On the side, Cheng Ya's face color!

They can contact the Niu Xiang directly, because Wang Cheng is also a member of the dragon soul.

As a family of Wangcheng, there is a right to launch a help to the dragon soul while encountering difficulties, so they know the horror of the dragon soul, especially the horror of the four dragons!

Li Feng actually joined the dragon soul. He also rely on the Tiantian tree. They want to use the Dragon Soul to control Li Feng's intend to fall!

"I suddenly had a kind, and the trial of the city will have variables in the middle of the city."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Bo Nan has no self-proliferation.

At almost at the same time, Li Feng received a call from Jiang Yunzhu.

"Do you have this?"

After listening to the narrative of Jiang Yun bamboo, Li Feng's face suddenly became weird.

At this time, Zhiling's sister suddenly sounded.

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"


"Task: Destroy Trial"

"Task Objective: After a month, return to Jiangnan Wangjia, abolish the king city of Dantian, destroy the trial of Wangcheng re-entry Wang Sunjia family, if the task fails, then the host Ding Ding is shortened by 1 cm."

"Mission Reward: 2000 Experience, 20000 System Integral."

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