Save the Goddess System

Chapter 225, the world strong ladder (fourth)

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

Jiang Yunzhu did not hear Li Feng for a long time, couldn't help but ask.

"I heard it, Qinglong makes why do you want to tell me?"

Li Feng quits the system and frown asked.

Jiang Yunzhu said in the phone is Qinglong to let her inform Li Feng. After a month, Wang Sunjia will send people to the Wang family and hold a trial for Wang Cheng.

If the trial is passed, Wang Boan can re-enter the Wang Suncheng with Wang Cheng.

This matter is really important for Li Feng, but what is this Qinglong?

"This is not convenient in the phone."

"I can only say that Wang Cheng is also a member of the dragon soul, and it is valued by another dragon."

Jiang Yun bamboo said again.


Li Fengbei picks up, probably guessed the reason.

"I can't think of the inside of the dragon soul, and there is a rivers and lakes in the place where someone is."

Li Feng secretly smiled, then asked: "What is the dragon doing, is it very powerful?"


Jiang Yunzhu, remembered that she did not introduce Li Feng in this regard.

"This ... has the opportunity to say, you only need to know that the dragon soul has five leaders, respectively, the faucet and black and white blue violet four dragons."

"The five big men are in the top 20th of the world's strong ladder list, and the leader is a super power that has grown in the top three."

Jiang Yun bamboo is slightly smiling and said slowly.

"The world strong ladder? What is this list, who created?"

Li Feng is interested.

"Hey ... You don't even know this?"

Jiang Yunzhu is somewhat surprised, Li Feng is also a strong A-level, how can the world strong ladder list?

"Should I know?"

Li Feng asked.

"..." Jiang Yunzhu: "Well, the world strong ladder list is the list of orders set up from ten years ago, and it is a strong S-class."

"As for the list of who created, it is a lot of people, but it has not contained, but this list is very gold, and all the monks are on the list, they have proved their own power on the world stage."

Listening to this words, Li Feng immediately told a cold.

Lying in the trough, the S-class can enter this list, isn't that he doesn't even enter this list?

"What is the strength of the faucet? What is the level of four dragons?"

Li Feng was shocked and asked.

"The faucet is the SSS level, and the four dragons are SS + level, and the four dragons can enter the SSS level at any time."

"Dragon Soul is because of these five big men, he can shock his country, but also do not dare to set foot on the Chinese territory."

Jiang Yun bamboo is full of pride.

For Li Feng, Jiang Yun bamboo is like a thunder in his ear.

SSS level? SS + level? Such a strong person wants to kill him, he is afraid that there is no chance to escape!

"Fortunately, did not refuse to join the dragon soul ..."

Li Feng is afraid of self-proliferation.

After chatting with Jiang Yunzhu, Li Feng ended the call and fell into a meditation.

Trial in Wangcheng after a month?

Oh, Xiaoye didn't know that it was, since Xiaoye knew it, Wang Cheng still wants to try successful? Do a bride's spring and autumn dream!

He must not only abolish the Dantian of Wangcheng, but also kill Lu Qianshi, let the people who have a muckly mother Li Yuan pay a heavy price!


After the slowness of the turbidity, Li Feng has to take Song Yujun to take the car in the nearby shopping mall, then go to the hotel.

"Do you have anything to explain to me?"

Song Yujun thought that he had been very understanding Li Feng, but she found that Li Feng was still shrouded in a layer of fog after tonight.

"Well, I'm going to walk."

Li Feng also didn't hide. When he met Yang Xu, the income of the Dragon Soul said it.

At the same time, he also lied to Song Yujun: "I have let the dragon soul colleagues take away, this is my trophy, and the dragon soul will hit the money to my account after the statistics. "

Wu Zhenglong's cash, gold, and antiques have all disappeared. He must find a reasonable reason to cover up, and the mysterious dragon soul is a best backbox.

Song Yanjun really didn't doubt, and we admire Li Feng's supermarket.

One hour later, a deluxe suites in the four seasons.

"Do you wash it first?"

Song Yujun turned his high heels in the back of Li Feng, and replaced the one-time slippers of the hotel.

She is wearing a cheongsam. After this bending, the peach is generally in the cheongsam, and the cheongs are put out.

Li Feng suddenly hot, he said: "Hey ... The bathtub in the four seasons is quite big."

Song Yujun: "???"

Not ... The younger brother is this implies what she is?

"Cough, the separation is too wasteful, it is better to wash it."

Li Feng blinked and said straight into it.

"Hey, you must do bad things again, my sister can't get on your!"

After the Song Yunjun turned the waist and walked into the bathroom.

"I guessed, can you escape my palm?"

Li Feng smiled, from the back, hugged Song Yujun, moved into the bathroom.

After the Song Yujun took off her clothes, Li Feng threw her into the bathtub putting it on the water.

Suddenly, splash a lot of water!

Song Yunjun is excited, and the routine routine has tried it with Li Feng many times, and suddenly the feeling of turning the style seems to be good?

Just when Song Yujun is secretly expected, Li Feng also stepped into the bathtub.

Suddenly, the two frankly, and the pink atmosphere was getting stronger.

When Li Feng leaned against the bathtub, after holding Song Yujun into his arms, a small bathroom was filled with spring.

It is impossible to take a shower. It can only be rinsed with the body and water while wearing the body.

In the next two days, Li Feng accompanied Song Yujun to visit the Jiangbei.

At the same time, He Yuan et al. Gradually took over the industries of Wu Zhenglong in Jiangbei, and Cheng He Li, Zheng Ze, Fan Xian, like the sales of the sales, and no longer appeared in front of Li Feng.

Two days later, Pearl, Weijia Old House.

In the early morning, Wei Fu convened a child and said that there is an important thing to announce.

After people arrive, Wei Fu said: "From now on, all the shares on my hand will be handed over to the long industry, and the long-term business is the chairman of future groups."

"At the same time, the long industry will replace the ice Qing, become a new president of the future group, Ice Qing, you will not work, I will find a man to marry early."

After hearing this news, the Wei Jia people collectively!

Immediately, Wei Longye is excited to jump from the original place!

The old man actually passed the family to him. He didn't dream?

His wife, children are also excited to be self.

As for Fang Wei, Wei Zi's mother and child, is a face of unlikeness and anger.

Wei Yingqing, the whole person is like losing the soul!

Soon, this news was coming in the top of the pearl, everyone knows, from today, Wei Jia ... changed!

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