Pearl, Fengjia, a dim bedroom.

Feng Jun, who was taken by Li Feng, is lying on the bed.

His body is filled with hoses, various nutrient solutions, and the hydration flows into his body through these hoses, and barely maintains his vitality.

Suddenly, the door opened, Feng Ruoguo, Feng Rui, took a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is height of 170, the body is thin, and the chin is left with a gamper, the suit is quite, the momentum is two meters.

"Junner, Mr. Qiudian took the blood of the eight bodies, you have saved!"

When I entered the door, Feng Rui was exciting.

Feng Junzhi changed, and he suddenly turned a hidden man!

He wants to say anything, but he can only send a "" sound, just like a blink of an old phlegm.

"Mr. Qiudian, please please" "

Feng Rui's year is unbearable, twisted the head and went to see Feng Jun.

Qiuda really faintly "um", picking out a ceramic tank from his arms, walking to Feng Jun standing before.

"Help him take off your clothes."

Qiuda really looked at the sound, and Feng Rui was pulled out the hose of Feng Jun, and took off his clothes for him.

At the same time, Qiuda really opened the ceramic small can, and a sweet breath quickly filled the room.

Then, Qiuda really reached a hand, and then quickly wiped it.

Suddenly, Feng Jun was pale, and the withered skin was stained with dark brown blood. He must be ignorant. These dark brown blood quickly penetrated into Feng Jun.


Feng Jun Zhang's mouth is not angry with people!

"Mr. Qiudian, Zhang Jun did not have something?"

Feng Rui years asked with a concern.

"The blood of the eight bodies can make your grandchildren reconnect, and the process of meridians is naturally painful."

"However, as long as he will restore this pain, he can re-recover the ability."

Qiuda really sneered, and I took it into the ceramic tank and continued to apply blood to Feng Jun.

After Feng Jun, the blood of the walnut size has been seen in the ceramic tank of walnuts.

At first, Feng Jun could only send a whimono of "". After a few minutes, he can already issue a "ah" pain.

After a few minutes, Feng Jun began to roll back in bed!

Seeing this, Feng Rui years did not worry, but we were happy!

Since Feng Jun was killed by the people, he could only lying in bed like a vegetative, and Feng Jia was shrouded by a haze.

This is after a few days, Feng Jun's first self-acting action, how does Feng Rui years not?

After a few minutes, Feng Jun stopped scrolling, slowly sitting from the bed, waiting until he stood on the ground, Feng Rui was very happy!

"Thank you Mr. Qiudian!"

Feng Rui, Dikutian, really a pair of knees, heavy screaming!

If there are anyone else here, we will be scared by Feng Rui years.

It is conceivable that Feng Rui's status can be greeted in Pearl and Wei Jia, don't say that people are squatting down, let him say that there are not many people.

However, Qiuda is really a good value for Feng Jun, this kneel, he is willing!

Feng Jun also wanted to thank himself, but he was seriously injured, and his body was extremely weak, and he fell to one side.

Qiuda really grinned, and took Feng Jun, laughed: "Now I am too early, waiting for you to marry Wei Yishi, I will not be late."

Feng Jun is a glimpse, and then he glared: "Wei Fu promised me to marry with Ice?"

"not yet."

At this time, Feng Rui was standing from the ground, meaning that he said: "I will take you to Wei Jia to Wang, Wei Fu will promise!"

Xinghui Community No. 6 villa, the living room.

Wei Bingqing directly put Li Feng directly.

No ... Xiaoye is gave birth to the chief executive?

Although Li Feng has a relatively intimate contact between Li Feng and Wei Shuangqing, it is still the first time, like a cold-grade president, is still the first time!

Feel the hurt of the chest, Wen Yu is full, Li Feng is only a swing, but there is no evil thinking.

Please, people cry in this big, he wants to have anything about people, too evil?

"Sorry ice, I can't stay with you when you encounter difficulties."

"Now I am back, I will help you get lost as soon as possible."

Li Feng, this comfort, but did not let Wei Bingqing stop crying, and then crying.

"Hey, hey ... Grandpa ... Grandpa has become a strange, I ... I am uncomfortable."

Wei Yingqing cares about the shares, nor the president position, she cares about her grandfather!

The grandfather who was pamped by her, suddenly changed, this is the biggest blow to her.

"Believe me, there must be any misunderstandings this."

"Maybe the father is suffering from others, or other people who can't say exports, give me some time, I will help you investigate."

Li Feng's eyes flashed a cold light and said slowly.

Li Feng's comfort has played a role, gradually Wei Shuangqing stopped crying.

After the emotional calm, Wei Bingqing began to be embarrassed.

"God, I ... I just puff it into Li Feng Hui? What will he will misunderstand?"

During the squad, Wei Yingqing leaving the embrace of Li Feng, pretending to say: "Your personal bodyguard is too unknown, I want ..."

"Well?" Li Fengbei picks up, I don't know what to do with the president.

"I want to ... deduct you!"

I have thought about half a day, Wei Yingqing said that punishment measures were said.

Just after I finished, she found that this punishment didn't seem to use it. Is Li Feng now a person who is gone?

Li Feng was smiled in Gair: "I don't know if I don't know?"

"Know what?" Wei Yifei pretended to be angry, secretly looked at Li Feng.

"Even if you don't give salary, there will be countless men are willing to be your personal bodyguard."

"So ... as long as you can keep it around you, you don't care if you don't give me a salary."

Li Feng said.

Wei Yingqing suddenly pretty red, a heart heart is sweet than eating honey, before the grievance, not happy, all fleeting.

", oil tongue!"

Wei Bingqing's white Li Feng took a glance, and then turned into the living room.

Li Feng shook his head smiled, and quickly followed it ...

The Xinghui Community has a three-kilometer hotel in a three-kilometer hotel, a hot woman puts down the military telescope in his hand, whispering whisper: "Li Feng, you really come back to find Wei Shuiqing ..."

"I will return to Huaxia this time, I have to take the shame you bring to me that night!"

The voice falls, this woman pulls the curtains, turns a beautiful face after turning back.

It was once being uniform by Li Feng - the flowers in the flower!

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