Save the Goddess System

Chapter 228, you have to be responsible for me!

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Wei Shuangqing personally cook a table with a table.

It is very surprised by Li Feng.

I am going, the glamorous president also has the skills of cooking? I can't see it!

This is not enough to have a hall, enacted the kitchen, outside the lady, is lying at home ... Hey, this is still to be verified.

"Try my craft."

Wei Shi Qing took the end of the last fried shrimp, and took a bottle of red wine for many years, opened and woke up, and then the dress was opposite Li Feng.

It can be seen that Wei Siqing is now very happy, and it can be said to be two people.

Li Feng picked up the chopsticks and put a shrimp and put it in his mouth. Suddenly, his taste buds were conquered.

"Don't say, really delicious."

Li Feng also tried to taste another few dishes, and the face was surprised more.

Although it is unable to compare with the chef of the star hotel, the cold-proclaimed craftsmanship is far from the chef in the home.

But this is wrong, according to the reason, Wei Yingqing is busy with work, there should be no time to learn the kitchen culture.

Wei Shiqing saw Li Feng's doubts. At the moment, I said: "This is called talent. In fact, I have been a gourmet, so I often watch the food show, learn to make a crape."

"If you have time, I will practice at home, and I will ask the chef to come to the house to teach me to cook."

"Now I haven't worked, I can finally chase the dream of the gourmet."

Li Feng suddenly suddenly.

Indeed, talent is very important.

Just like going to school, there is always one or two boys in the class. When you go to class, you don't listen carefully. After you go out, you will go out, you didn't see him to pick up the night reading at night.

Available for everyone to rank the forefront, you can't afford it.

Learn this, practice the martial arts, as well as it is.

"Wow, delicious, really delicious."

Wei Bingqing folded the dishes and enjoyed it.

Li Feng: "..."

No ... What is the gourmet? Is it a scorpion? Your educational essence is the biggest movement of learning to be a vegetable skill!

If you let others know that Li Feng is in contacting Wei Yingqing with the eating goods, I don't know if Li Sum will be killed by people ...

"Come, accompany me to drink."

Wei Shiqing put down the chopsticks, poured into the rear of the high cup, and he was going to drove with Li Feng.

"Lonely male widow people live together, do you have to drink with me?"

Li Feng did not move, and we won the weird.

"Nothing, I believe in your character."

Wei Shuangqing said nothing care.

Li Feng: "..."

I am going, this is related to the character, but it is good to see strength!

Not all men can sit in trouble like Liu Xianhui!

"Well, I thank you for your praise."

Li Feng helplessly smiled, and he drank it with Wei Yingqing.

Opposite, Wei Yingqing looked up!

Li Feng is a face!

He suddenly had a kind of parents, I am afraid I have to happen tonight!

The next time, Wei Yishi did not stop the wine, and Li Feng naturally could not break the man's prestige. The two could change the cup and changed a bottle of red wine.

Li Fenggang is going to pick up a breath, and a bottle of red wine has been taken again.

Waiting until the two have finished drinking this bottle of wine, Li Feng thought that Wei Yinqing always drunk enough? Who knows that she has brought a bottle of man XO ...

Ah, the red wine is not driving, and it is made to make Branda.

When this bottle of the Horse XO, Wei Yingqing suddenly fell on the table!

Li Feng: "..."

No ... What does it mean by the cold and full of president?

I know that I will use my heart!

"Get, finally understand what her character is meant."

Li Feng smiled, went to Wei Bing, and wanted to hold her into the bedroom.

Who knows that he just grabbed Wei Shui's slim waist, the glamorous president will take the wine glass, and said: "Come ... Drink ... Drink."

"The wine is not, you will drink it."

Li Feng helplessly smiled, and took a little bit of power, and lifted his feet and went to the second floor.

Just in Li Feng into the boudoir, put her down her bed ...


The cold and president of his mouth!

Because she is flat in Li Feng, so this vomit spits themselves!

Li Feng suddenly squatted!

No ... you can go to bed comfortable to sleep, how can you spit it, still spit yourself? How do you sleep!

"Hey, host, you have a new task, do you look now."

At this time, Zhiling's sister suddenly sounded.

Li Feng: "..."

According to the urine of the system, this time I publish the task. Which will help him take a shower?

Gray is often possible!


"Task: Cleaning before going to bed"

When I saw the title title, Li Feng knew that I guess it!

"Task Objective: Helping the goddess Wei Yingqing to clean the body, this task is limited to 1 hour, if it is not completed after an hour, the host Ding Ding is shortened by 1 cm."

"Task Reward: 100 Experience, 1000 System Integral."

"Note: If there is appropriate reason, help you have a good sense of woman, not only will goddess to hate you, but will enhance your relationship between you with the goddess - bubble 36."

"I am special ... system, can you not be so much, it is easy to be hit!"

Li Feng secretly spitted, and fell into the system after exiting the system.

Do this ... I really increase the relationship between him with Wei Shuangqing? Wake a cold and confident that will wake up?

"Batting a fight, bicycle change motorcycle, dry!"

Li Feng was just tangled for a while and decided to complete this task.

Soon, Li Feng hugged Wei Yingqing into the bathroom, put it on the water, and Li Feng began to help the chief of the chop.

Fortunately, Wei Sibi wearing is loose home clothes, it is very convenient to wear, and Li Feng doesn't have much effort to take her coat.

Now the problem is coming, the underwear is also contaminated with some dirt, should he not solve the underwear?

"I'm going to this, don't hit it?"

Li Feng self comforted a sentence, behind the right hand went around Wei Shuangqing, two fingers gently ...

Underwear slipped, beautiful scenery ...

"Non-evident, indecent assault."

Li Feng forced himself to turn his head, not to look at the tempting scenery in front of him, and put the glamorous president into the bathtub in front of him.

After half an hour, Li Feng finally washed the cold and chistler, and the process could not speak. In short ... It's very cool.

When Li Feng helped Wei Yingqing to wipe the body, when she was ready to hold her bed, I suddenly thought of a problem.

The underwear is also wet, so sleeping will have problems?

"Soul system, what ghosts you released to Xiaoyan!"

Li Feng makes a sound, put Wei Yixi to bed, take the blanket to help her, then take the eyes, grab the edge of the underwear one by hand ...

After several pulling, the red lace underwear was finally pulled down by Li Feng.

After finishing these, Li Feng turned around to run out the bedroom ...

Early the next morning, Wei Bingqing woke up from sleeping.

When she opened the blanket, she found the same, then ...


A scream screams in the bedroom echo ...

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