Save the Goddess System

Chapter 229, a man who is booked by this

I don't know how long it took, the two slowly separated, and there were some reluctance on each other.

"Don't let Su Yi know."

Wei Shiqing finished, and his face was shine.

She can't let Li Feng leave Sui, and I can't think of other solutions, I can only temporarily hit Su Wei, and then a day is one day.

"I will always know, and ... more than Su Wei one."

Li Feng's face is weird.


Wei Yingqing is a bit awkward, what is the meaning of Su Wei, and Li Feng still has other women?

"Yes, you guess it is right."

Li Feng didn't want to conceal Wei Yingqing. When he took him with the relationship between Song Yujun.

"I can't recover it before."

Wei Bingqing was ashamed, she thought that Su Wei was the palace. I didn't expect to have a Song Yujun before Su.

Then she is not a small three, but a small four?

God, how can it be like this!

Li Fengbei picks up, and it should be said: "You can't, why do you want to give up with the man who is booked?"

Wei Yixi took a little bit, I think this sentence is very reasonable ...

But immediately she will be light: ", !"

"What is odd, isn't I am not your man with this book?"

Li Fengle, I want to run when he is finished? no kidding!

Since he is moving, it will stay around him forever!

"I ... who bubbles you, obviously you ..."

Wei Yige wanted to refute a few words, but it was really that she took the initiative to hook.

I am so shy and angry, and I finally raised the powder and start "beat" Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled, and took Wei Yingqing to pick up, and hurried to the bed.

"You ... do you want to do?"

Wei Bingqing hit a small deer, and the sound was a little trembling.

"Since you have to recover, then I will give you hey, see which man wants you."

Li Feng deliberately put out a fierce expression.

"Don't, I am a big aunt."

Wei Siqing said that his face was red.

She didn't worry, I came to a big aunt!

"I haven't come yet last night, is it coming today?"

Li Feng pretended to be self-proliferation.

Wei Bingqing blinked his big eyes: "How do you know that I didn't come last night?"

"I saw it, there was no blood." Li Feng said.

Time is in this moment as still ...


"Ah, Li Feng, you this big bad guy!"

Wei Shiqing made a scream and once again raised the powder.

On the occasion of the two people, the fixed line on the bedside table suddenly sounded a rushing ringtone.

"Let me go."

Wei Shuangqing watched Li Feng at a glance.

When the chief executive, Li Feng must do it!

However, when I put down Wei Shuangqing, Li Feng took the opportunity to touch it on her butt, provoke the cold and president screamed.

"You are waiting for me!"

Wei Yingqing glanced at Li Feng at a glance, which twist the waist and lifted the phone.

"Grandpa ... Ok, I have passed."

Wei Yingqing, I went down to the phone, said to Li Feng: "Grandpa called me and said that there is an important thing to tell me, let me go to the old house, it seems that you are right, Grandpa is hard."

At Wei Sibi, Grandpa let her have to explain yesterday.

Li Fengbei picks up, I always feel that things are not so simple, I said: "I will go with you, just check the body for the old man."

"Well, then you go out first, I have to change clothes."

After saying Wei Yingqing went to the wardrobe to pick clothes.

However, Li Feng did not leave it in: "No, I have seen it anyway."

"Bad people!" Wei Yige's pretty face was red and walked in the past.

After the door is closed, Wei Yingqing has a long breath on the door, secretly whisper: "Wei Bingqing, Wei Yingqing, you must hold it, don't let Li Feng, this bad man is too fast!"

After half an hour, Wei Yingqing dress up and dressed up, this walked out of the boudoir.

And Li Feng has already done breakfast this time, very simple, is fried egg, bread, milk.

After the two had breakfast, Li Feng opened the car to Wei Yixi to the Old House.

"This car seems to be Feng Rui years?"

Come to the old house parking lot, Wei Siqing pointed to a Rolls-Royce pharaoh, and weird her face.


Li Feng knows that Feng Rui years is Feng Jun's grandfather, and I have doubts deeper a time.

"I suddenly had a bad sense."

Wei Yingqing faces could not win.

"Nothing, I am, the Knife is not afraid."

The voice falls, Li Feng gets off, holding Wei Yingqing to the living room.

At this moment, in the living room, Wei Fu took the master position, and Feng Rui was sitting, and the two were drinking tea chat.

Opposite the two, Feng Jun, who is wearing a white slim suit, has a mobile phone, and flashing from time to time.

At this time, Li Feng took Wei Siqing to come in.


When I saw Feng Jun's moment, Li Feng couldn't help but fill the pupil, and the face was surprised.

Feng Junming was abolished by him, and it should be lying on the bed at this moment. Why is it here?

At the same time, Feng Jun also saw Li Feng and Wei Yingqing hand in hand, suddenly his face became difficult to look!

"The death, really is still the first time by Li Fengjie, !, Wei Bingqing this broken shoes, Laozi wants you!"

Feng Junxin hared gathered, hate Li Feng now, then put Wei Bingqing on the ground!

"Ice Qing, Grandpa teaches you from a little, men and women are not pro, you still don't hurry away from him?"

Wei Fu took a table, and it was very old.

Feng Rui is also sinking, and it is not there.

"Grandpa, I ..."

Wei Bingqing, I want to tell the grandfather now with Li Feng, hesitate to ask the grandfather to ask her to say anything, and do what is going on.

Thinking of this, Wei Yingqing asked: "Grandpa, what do they come to do?"

Wei Fu snorted to sit down, this laughed: "Ice Qing, Feng Jun has always been interested in you, today, today, come over to give you a relative, I have agreed."

"I saw a long-term calendar. After two days, I was a yellow Daji. You went back to prepare, and after three days, I held a wedding with Feng Jun."

At this time, Wei Yingqing suddenly became a lightning!

Grandpa actually agreed to Feng family's presence, to marry her Feng Jun, and then rush?

Why is my grandfather like a person, indifferent to her?

"Ice Qing, Wei Grandpa has received our hiring ceremony, this is a gift order, you look at it, if you are unsatisfactory, we append."

Feng Jun took out a red gift in the bag, and he went to the past and handed Wei Sibiuqing.

Li Feng smiled in front of Wei Bingqing, looked at Wei Fu, looking at the distance: "Mr. Wei, forget to tell you, Wei Siqing has promised to be my woman, so she will only marry me."

"You promise Feng family's marriage ... Waste!"

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