Save the Goddess System

Chapter 232 Mother Snake

"Ice Qing, some things I have to tell you clearly."

If you want to do it, Li Feng exits the system.

See Li Feng's expression, Wei Bingqing is not sinking in his heart: "What?"

"You can solve it with the poison on his father."

Li Feng said here, Wei Yingqing's face revealed the surprise look.

But immediately, Li Feng said: "But I have only two antiodians."

Wei Yingqing suddenly paired, smile faded.

"Of course, I can formulate the rest of the dehydration, but I need a week."

Li Feng said again.

Wei Bingqing: "..."

No ... Can you talk so much? Let people feel at a while, follow the mountain cars, vlare!

"That is nothing, you can give Grandfather, Xiaoxis them first, I can wait."

Wei Yingqing worried that Li Feng was in a hurry, and it was softly and comforted.

"No, you must take medicine first. If you don't eat, then no one is saved."

Li Feng attitude is very determined. He is most afraid of Wei Yingqing's heart, so he said that he only had two antipsysides, the purpose is to deceive her to eat.

After she asked Wei Fu, she suddenly violently violently violently, and he naturally did not have to give her medicine.

As for when Wei Yingqing and Wei Fu will think about him ... not within his consideration.

Li Feng's intention to let Wei Yishi are very touched. She didn't adhere to her down.

"In order to let Master Master believe that I hope you can eat it in his face."

Li Feng naturally does not say that the two need to eat in 30 seconds, otherwise it will be stuffed.

Wei Yingqing didn't think much: "Well, when do we go to Grandpa?"


Li Feng worried that there would be changes in the dragging, and the S600 will return to the Weijia Old House.

For example, Wei Fu said that the entire pearls society knows that he promised Feng Jia's premises, Wei Bingqing will marry Feng Jun to be a wife.

A stone aroused a thousand waves!

"I heard that Feng Jun was cured, but also married Wei Shuangqing!"

"Feng, Wei's two strong hands and big events!"

"Strange, Wei Fu is not the most pet to Wei Bingqing, what is the granddaughter, how to recover Wei Shuangqing's president position, and promise Feng Jia's presence?"

"You don't understand this, Hamen family, everything is in the first, the family is not so important."

People in the upper flow of the society have made a sense of watching a lively attitude.

Weijia Old House, living room.

"Ice Qing, you come back soon, but change your idea?"

Wei Fou is cold, and the heart is suffering.

If it is not the life and death of the whole family, he is controlled by Feng Rui. How can he bear to push the most loved granddaughter to the fire pit?

The key is installed by the bug, and the living room has also put a monitor. When he has been controlled by Feng Rui years, once he has any inappropriate performance, he will bring a top-level disaster to Wei Jia!

So he can only force indifference!

"I haven't considered it yet, but I just did the chocolate beans that Grande's favorite, I deliberately sent it to Grandpa."

After that, Wei Yingqing took out a dark and dark brown.

This is what Li Feng is handed over to her.

Wei Fu: "???"

No ... When did he like to eat chocolate beans? In order to prevent diabetes, he has not eaten dessert many years, this point Wei Sibi can't know!

Thinking of this, Wei Fu has read Li Feng at a glance.

Li Feng's mouth hook, nodded by his point.

"Grandpa, you taste, really delicious."

During the speech, Wei Shuangqing swallowed another hundred grass Dan.

"Hey, I want to buy me with a chocolate? It is impossible, you have to marry Feng Jun."

"But I see you on your filial piety, I will accept this chocolate beans."

After that, Wei Fu received his hand, then swallowed it.

Seeing that Li Feng suddenly tone.

He was still worried about Wei Fu did not eat, but he said, even Wei Fu did not know that his body was the son snake in the mother snake. What reasons did he refuse to eat medicine?

Unless I know everything like him, I will refuse to add medicine because I am worried about the safety of Wei Changye and others!

After two people swallowed the medicine, Li Feng immediately opened the perspective, in his sight, the entrance of Herbs Dan was instant, and the pharmacokinetics quickly played.

After just a few seconds, the son snake in the two bodies were wrapped in the drug, attached, the two son snakes began to spray the venom!

It's just a hundred grass Dan to solve a poison. The venom of the son snake has not been equal, and it is chemically evolved by the pharmacodynamic effect!

Then, the two subcles were dissolved and disappeared by the medicinal effect of Herbs Dan.

Wei Fu is the crisis of Wei Yingqing, lifting!

At the same time, in a garage of Fengjia Villa, suddenly issued a huge disappointment of "" "" "", like an animal that has a huge force in it.

In the joint, the whole villa has begun to shook!

"what happened?"

Feng Rui years who are drinking tea in the living room, Feng Junzhi has changed.

Just when the two should go out, Qiuda really rushed out from the second floor bedroom, after him, a hot and beautiful body, only one bath towel covered the body.

"Mr. Qiudian, what happened?"

Feng Rui years is full.

"The death, the eight-sirarns suddenly furious, maybe the son snake has a problem."

Qiuda really rushed out of the villa, and the words echoed in the living room.

Feng Rui years, grandson, grandson!

"Feng Shao, this is nothing to do, Mr. Qiudian is suddenly pulling out."

The beautiful woman came to Feng Jun, the explanation of the look of the look.

She was shouted by Feng Jun to serve Qiuda, if she didn't serve it, picked Feng Shang's angry, it was miserable.

Feng Jun, how do you have a thought to take care of her? After that, he ran out the living room with Feng Rui years.

"What happened, how do everyone look horrified?"

In curious, the beauty also ran out the living room, then she saw a memorable scene of eternal life.

A length of about ten meters, a red big saucer than the water bucket, such as a mad red cattle, the top of the car, the trend is more than far away!


More meters long scarlet snake letter is sprayed out, the air is suddenly filled with a sweet smell!


The beautiful woman screamed, and the eyelids were scared and faint!


Akita is really a pair of foot, and it is like a swift, and it is shot to the mother's snake.

Next moment, Qiuda really stabilized behind the mother of the mother!

Then, Qiuda real pair of hands were printed, and a dark gas rose from the right palm and arrived at the mother's forehead.

After a few seconds, violent mother snakes finally!

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